Decoding Search Engine Speak: Friendly vs. Optimized

Search Engine Speak: Friendly vs. Optimized - Sachs Marketing Group

In online marketing, a lot of terms are thrown around. Some are easier to understand than others, and some are used interchangeably when they don’t mean the same thing. In search engine optimization (SEO), two common phrases – search engine friendly and search engine optimized – are often used in place of each other, but … Read more

Local SEO Tactics for Brick and Mortar Businesses

Local SEO

Suppose you’re a brick-and-mortar business that serves one or more local areas. In that case, the traditional search engine optimization (SEO) approach won’t deliver the same impactful results you’d see if you were marketing on a national level. By using geographical keywords, and local SEO, you’re alerting search engines that your business is relevant to … Read more

Google AMP: What It Means For You

Google AMP

  The Accelerated Mobile Pages, or Google AMP, is an open-source project designed to increase the speed at which pages load on mobile devices. Launched in February 2016, studies show websites that implement the AMP technology load anywhere between 15% to 85% faster than the same non-AMP version. Many publishers, including BBC and BuzzFeed are … Read more

SEO In 2016

SEO In 2016 | Sachs Marketing Group

The digital marketing and SEO landscapes are ones that constantly fluctuate, and it is for this reason that marketers and SEOs must keep up-to-date on the current trends and changes within the industry. As SEO has continued to evolve over the past few years, we’ve seen the algorithms move toward “white hat” methods and reward … Read more

Google Launches New Algorithm Hummingbird

Google Hummingbird Algorithm

Supposedly launched about a month ago, Google announced their new Hummingbird algorithm on Sept 26, 2013.  In a nutshell, Hummingbird focuses on the meaning behind a particular search quires as opposed to the individual words themselves.  Called:  “Conversational Search” – Google will attempt to return the most relevant web pages to what people search for … Read more

Organic Search and Social Networking – The Great Crossover

Not long ago, there was a clear separation between organic search results and social media channels. Recently, that has changed dramatically. The line that used to separate these two online elements has become blurred. Google’s very advanced algorithms are picking up on what we call “Social Signals” and those signals are impacting organic search results … Read more

Are search engines being fair to e-commerce websites?

Curated content There is a very unique consideration specific to e-commerce websites that could dramatically impact their ability to rank well in search engine result pages:  Curated Content. Lets say you have an e-commerce website and you sell a particular line of clothing as an authorized re-seller.  The clothing manufacturer will almost always provide you … Read more

seo tip 3

You do not need to submit your website to Google to get it indexed. Google’s bots are continually crawling the web and a new website will typically get indexed within about a week. If you site has been live for many weeks and is not yet indexed by Google, make sure you don’t have any … Read more

SEO Tips 2

Commenting on blogs or forums is not an effective link-building effort. Most blogs will add the nofollow HTML tag which blocks the passage of trustrank. Google likely de-emphasizes comment links because non-moderated comments are not under the direct control of the website owner – they are created by the same people who are hoping to … Read more

Do Exit Pops Hurt SEO?

The question has come up, more than a few times: Do exit pops hurt SEO efforts? As far as we know, there are basically two different types of exit pops: 1. Javascript exit pops that trigger when a visitor closes a window or tab. The Java traps the window and prevents the visitor from going … Read more

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