How to Design a Website That Converts

how to design a website that converts - sachs marketing group

Designing a website encouraging people to take action is essential for online success. Understanding how users behave, creating interesting content, using effective design elements, implementing strategies focused on conversion, and optimizing for mobile devices can increase the chances of turning visitors into customers.  Key Takeaways Understanding how users behave is crucial for website success. Compelling … Read more

What is A PPC Agency? A Guide for Business Owners

a professional at computer wondering what is a PPC agency?

A PPC agency specializes in managing pay-per-click advertising campaigns. They create, optimize, and monitor ads on platforms like Google Ads and social media to drive targeted traffic to a website. Their expertise ensures efficient ad spending, higher conversion rates, and measurable results, helping businesses achieve their marketing goals through strategic and data-driven approaches. Managing PPC … Read more

Bing Ads vs Google Ads: Which PPC Platform Is Right for You?

professional comparing bing ads vs google ads for ppc advertising for her business

Bing Ads vs Google Ads each offer unique advantages. Google Ads provides extensive reach and advanced features, making it ideal for broad targeting. Being less competitive, Bing Ads can be more cost-effective and reach a different demographic. Choosing the right platform depends on your budget, audience, and goals. Testing both can help maximize your results. … Read more

AI for SEO: 12 Ways to Use AI for Search Engine Optimization

colorful magnifying glass on AI grid representing the use of AI for SEO

There are many ways to use AI for SEO, but the most helpful involve reducing the time required to perform specific tasks relating to research, data analysis, and content development. By streamlining these tasks, SEOs can focus on creative and competitive strategies. AI can supercharge your SEO efforts, but it’s important to remember it’s just … Read more

AI in Digital Marketing: A Guide for Small Business Owners

A human finger touching AI bot finger while using AI in digital marketing as an assistant

AI in digital marketing is like a super-powered marketing assistant. Business owners can use AI for website design inspiration, certain areas of SEO research, content strategy, PPC ad targeting, social media calendar planning, reputation management, and customer service. It may not be able to provide specific data, but it can provide guidance that helps streamline … Read more

Local SEO for Multiple Locations: How to Scale Your Visibility

marketing team brainstorming local SEO for multiple locations

Local SEO for multiple locations boosts a business’s visibility by optimizing each branch for local search results. This targeted approach ensures each location appears prominently in local searches, attracting more local customers. Businesses can reach a broader audience by enhancing their online presence through consistent NAP details, localized content, and Google Business Profiles, driving growth … Read more

How to Get People to Like Your Facebook Page (24 Likable Tips)

facebook notifications floating from phone after business owner learned how to get people to like your Facebook page

To get people to like your Facebook page, post engaging, high-quality content regularly, and use eye-catching images and videos. Optimize your profile, invite friends and contacts, and promote your page on other social media platforms. Utilize Facebook ads, host contests or giveaways, and encourage followers to tag friends. Consistently interact with your audience to build … Read more

How to Set Up Google Local Services Ads

contractor shaking hands with customer after learning how to set up Google Local Services Ads

To set up Google Local Service Ads, sign in to your Google account and go to the Local Services Ads setup page. Enter your business details, select your industry, and complete the background check and license verification. Set your budget and targeting preferences, then create your ad profile with business information and service offerings. Your … Read more

What is Answer Engine Optimization (AEO)?

woman using voice search and answer engine optimization to find information

Answer engine optimization (AEO) is a subset of search engine optimization (SEO) focused on optimizing content so it’s featured by virtual assistants, answer boxes, and featured snippets in search engines. AEO shares many characteristics of traditional SEO but often targets specific questions by providing concise answers upfront.  If you interact with Alexa, Siri, or Google … Read more

10 Mental Health Marketing Tips for Mental Health Awareness Month

mental health professional discussing mental health marketing during mental health awareness month

Mental health professionals must leverage Mental Health Awareness Month in their May marketing strategy. This not only boosts their visibility and combats stigma but also educates the public on crucial mental health issues. This strategic focus allows providers to showcase their empathy and expertise, enhancing their connection with potential clients and emphasizing the importance of … Read more

What Services Do Digital Marketing Agencies Offer?

company exploring services offered by digital marketing agency

Digital marketing agencies offer a wide array of services including SEO, social media marketing, PPC advertising, web design and development, content creation, email marketing, and reputation management. These services help businesses improve their online presence, attract more traffic, and engage with their audience effectively. Many business owners struggle to make their mark in the crowded … Read more

How Web Design Affects SEO: 8 Elements that Impact Rankings

designer researching how web design affects SEO

Web design significantly influences SEO by affecting how easily users interact with a site. A clean, intuitive layout keeps visitors on the site longer and reduces bounce rates, essential for search engine rankings. Additionally, responsive design ensures the site is accessible on all devices, which is crucial for mobile rankings. Proper HTML structure aids search … Read more

How Much Should You Spend on Facebook Ads?

How Much Should You Spend on Facebook Ads

Determining your Facebook ad spend depends on your budget and campaign goals. Start small to test effectiveness, possibly $1 to $5 daily. For more impact, allocate 5-12% of your marketing budget. Regularly review performance metrics to adjust your spending for the best investment return. Tailor your budget to your specific business needs and market conditions. … Read more

What Is A Social Media Marketing Agency?

group of professionals asking what is a social media marketing agency?

A social media marketing agency specializes in creating, managing, and optimizing social media campaigns to boost a brand’s online presence. They handle content creation, ad management, audience engagement, and analytics to drive growth and increase customer engagement on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. They aim to enhance visibility, build brand loyalty, and generate … Read more

How to Select SEO Keywords (3 Simple Steps)

keyboard keys under magnifying glass when searching how to select SEO keywords

Want to know how to select SEO keywords? Selecting SEO keywords is about understanding your audience and their search behavior. Use keyword research tools to discover terms with high search volume but manageable competition. Focus on keywords that closely match your content’s theme and audience intent. Incorporate a mix of broad and long-tail keywords to … Read more

Why is Facebook Good for Marketing?

Facebook app on mobile phone

Facebook is great for marketing due to its vast user base, precise targeting options, and diverse ad formats. It allows businesses to reach specific audiences based on demographics, interests, and behaviors. Additionally, Facebook offers detailed analytics to measure campaign effectiveness, ensuring better ROI and engagement. Businesses often struggle to find efficient, cost-effective ways to reach … Read more

How to Grow Your Social Media Following

How to Grow Your Social Media Following

Growing your social media following requires creativity, consistency, and engagement. Focus on crafting compelling content tailored to your audience’s interests, post regularly to keep your community engaged, use hashtags strategically to reach wider audiences, and interact with your followers to build a loyal community. Remember, authenticity and interaction are your best tools for growth. A … Read more

How to Repurpose Content for Social Media

How to Repurpose Content for Social Media

Understanding how to repurpose content for social media can help your company amplify its reach, enhance engagement, and maximize ROI on every piece of content. It allows for consistent platform presence, caters to varied audience preferences, and reinforces messaging without additional resource expenditure. Understanding this process ensures content longevity, diversifies marketing strategies, and strengthens brand … Read more

10 Benefits of Advertising on Instagram

10 Benefits of Advertising on Instagram - SMG

There are several unique benefits of advertising on Instagram. Instagram advertising opens doors to a world where visual storytelling meets precision targeting, offering businesses a unique opportunity to captivate a global audience. With cost-effective campaigns, detailed performance tracking, and diverse ad formats, small business owners can boost brand awareness, drive traffic, and increase sales, making … Read more

Why SEO Is Important for Small Businesses

Why SEO Is Important for Small Business SMG

SEO is a cornerstone for small businesses aiming to stand out in the vast digital marketplace. It’s not just about being visible; it’s about being found by the right people at the right time. Through strategic optimization, businesses can attract more targeted traffic, enhance user experience, and increase conversion rates, laying the foundation for sustainable … Read more

How to Create Engaging Posts for Social Media

woman looking at phone with social media bubbles popping from phone after learning how to create engaging posts for social media

Creating engaging posts for social media involves a blend of creativity, strategy, and understanding your audience. It’s about presenting compelling content that resonates, encourages interaction, and adds value to your followers’ social media experience. With millions of posts flooding social feeds daily, capturing and maintaining your audience’s attention is challenging. This struggle often leads to … Read more

How is Ranking Different When Comparing PPC vs SEO?

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How is ranking different when comparing PPC vs SEO? Ranking in PPC involves bidding for ad placement, offering immediate visibility, while SEO focuses on organic ranking through content quality and keywords, requiring more time but offering long-term results. Two major players dominate the search engine marketing scene: PPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertising and SEO (Search Engine Optimization). … Read more

10 Benefits of Ongoing SEO Services

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Ongoing SEO services are crucial in today’s dynamic digital landscape. They ensure your website stays relevant, competitive, and visible in search engine results, adapting to ever-changing algorithms and market trends. Navigating the ever-changing digital marketing landscape can be daunting, especially when your website’s visibility and traffic are at stake due to constantly evolving search engine … Read more

Online vs. Offline Marketing Strategies for Small Business

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There are clear differences between online vs. offline marketing strategies for small businesses. Online marketing offers unparalleled audience targeting and analytics but demands digital savvy and constant adaptation to evolving platforms. Offline marketing strategies provide a tangible, personal touch and local impact but often come with higher costs and challenges in tracking ROI. Are you … Read more

Beware of Scam: Protect Yourself from Fake Sachs Marketing Group Job Offers

screenshot of scam site posing as Sachs Marketing Group

In today’s digital age, scams and fraudulent schemes have become increasingly sophisticated and prevalent. One such scam involves individuals falsely representing themselves as “Marberg Staffing” recruiters, claiming that Sachs Marketing Group is hiring people to post product reviews. They provide a link to a fraudulent Sachs Marketing Group website (, designed to steal personal information … Read more

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