A Timeline of All of Google’s Acquisitions Since 2001

Timeline of All Google's Acquisitions Since 2001 - Sachs Marketing Group

Google’s acquisition timeline since 2001 features key purchases like Android in 2005, pivotal in mobile OS; YouTube in 2006, expanding into video sharing; and DoubleClick in 2007, enhancing online advertising. The acquisitions demonstrate Google’s strategy to expand its services, invest in new technologies, and strengthen its position as a tech giant. Google got its start … Read more

Does Web Hosting Influence SEO?

Does Web Hosting Influence SEO? - Sachs Marketing Group

Web hosting is an integral piece of the online business and marketing puzzle. Without it, you don’t have a way to get your website online. But, because it gives your website a place to live on the internet, it may have a small impact on your search engine rankings. Does that mean you should choose … Read more

The One-Two Punch That Will Help You Master SEO in 2017

Master SEO in 2017 with the One-Two Punch - Sachs Marketing Group

Let’s get one thing out of the way: despite what trendy social media experts might have you believe, social media marketing is not the new SEO. Search Engine Optimization and social media marketing exist on two different ends of the spectrum, with very little overlap. Social media marketing is all about, well, being social. It’s … Read more

How to Use Hashtags to Enhance Your Brand

How to Use Hashtags to Enhance Your Brand - Sachs Marketing Group

Hashtags (#hashtags) are an important part of how people communicate online. They are also a critical part of online marketing, as they allow you to organize content and track discussions across social media based on the hashtag or keywords. The hashtag first beginning with Twitter in 2007 as a way to group tweets. it has … Read more

How Not Disavowing Links Harms Your SEO Strategy

Not Disavowing Links Harms Your SEO Strategy - Sachs Marketing Group

Not disavowing links harms your SEO strategy. Bad links from spammy or irrelevant sites may lead to penalties from search engines, harming your site’s credibility and rankings. Regularly auditing backlinks and disavowing those that are low-quality or unnatural is crucial to maintaining a healthy and effective SEO profile. Thanks to changes across the SEO industry … Read more

Are Your Ads Killing Your SEO?

Person presses hologram of cloud computing icons

Many online businesses monetize their websites using display ads – either through a network like AdSense, or by selling ads directly. One of the first banner ads online belonged to AT&T, and was first displayed in October 1994. Logically, it makes sense that if you have a decent amount of traffic, you should make it … Read more

14 Types of Evergreen Content to Include in Your Strategy

Evergreen Content to Include in Your Strategy - Sachs Marketing Group

Evergreen content is timeless. This post itself, is an example of evergreen content. Even though it’s originally being posted to the blog in 2017, the information within the post will be relevant and useful to my audience for years to come. And, if changes in the industry mean some of the information becomes outdated, I … Read more

A Beginner’s Guide to Mastering Google Search Console

Google Search Console: Beginner's Guide - Sachs Marketing Group

Once known as Google Webmaster Tools, the product was renamed in May 2015, to better represent its wider audience of users. Originally intended to help webmasters get a better view of what’s going on with a website, the resource provided valuable to other internet professionals, such as SEOs, designers, and marketing pros, thus the rebrand. … Read more

Everything You Need to Know to Start Your Own Podcast

Everything to Know to Start Your Own Podcast - Sachs Marketing Group

Podcasting is a type of online audio broadcasting. You record an audio file, usually MP3, then upload it online for people to stream and listen to. Alternatively, people can download the file and listen at their own convenience. The term “podcast” is a hybrid of iPod and broadcasting, since most people listened to the files … Read more

How to Make User Generated Content Work for You

Make User Generated Content Work for You - Sachs Marketing Group

User generated content, or UGC, refers to any kind of content created by users of a product or service. Most people think of reviews when it comes to UGC, but it encompasses everything from photos, blogs, videos, audio, tweets, forum posts, and more. You can use this content on your social media channels to promote … Read more

16 of the Best Tips and Tricks to Hack Your Business Growth

Tips and Tricks to Hack Your Business Growth - Sachs Marketing Group

Growth hacking is a different approach to marketing. It focuses on scalability. As your marketing efforts are designed to bring in more customers to grow your business, you can continue to put more into marketing while serving the growing customer base. Instead of traditional marketing, it focuses on using a series of shortcuts to drive … Read more

Native Advertising: Why It Works And Why You Should Do it Now

Native Advertising: Why You Should Do it Now - Sachs Marketing Group

Native advertising is paid content that’s made to match the look and feel of the website it’s presented on, so it looks more like organic content. It encompasses many content formats, ranging from articles to infographics and videos. This type of content appears to provide value to the audience, but the end goal to sell … Read more

Should You Incorporate a Chatbot in Your Social Media Strategy?

Should a Chatbot Be in a Social Media Strategy?- Sachs Marketing Group

Facebook Messenger is a separate application that allows users, both personal and business, to send messages back and forth without using the original Facebook application. Many businesses are adding it to their marketing strategy simply because more than 1 billion people have adopted the platform as their primary communication channel. It’s not just the people … Read more

Tips for Creating Cohesive Branding for your business

Creating Cohesive Branding for Your Business - Sachs Marketing Group

Creating a cohesive brand identity is deceptively complex. On the surface, it may appear to be as simple as hiring someone to create an eye-catching logo and engaging content that can then be distributed to consumers. In reality, the process of creating effective branding begins with deep introspection about the core values the brand represents … Read more

Step-by-Step Guide to Launching a New Product or Service

Guide to Launching a New Product or Service - Sachs Marketing Group

This guide assumes you’ve done all your homework in terms of market research. You’ve developed and tested the idea, built the prototype, gone through beta testing, and now you’re ready to launch your new baby into the world. Your strategy can make or break your success, so it’s critical to go into everything with a … Read more

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