Is a Job Working in Social Media the Right Fit for You?

Is Working in Social Media the Right Fit for You? - Sachs Marketing Group

According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) social media specialists are grouped in with other types of public relations specialists. In 2015, their median annual wage was $56,770, which is higher than the overall median wage of $36,000 for all workers. Social media specialists are the ones who are posting content on various … Read more

What is Dark Social and How Do You Track It?

What is Dark Social and How Do You Track It? - Sachs Marketing Group

Dark social doesn’t refer to some odd meeting of “chosen” social media professionals. It’s the term used to describe social sharing activity that can’t accurately be tracked, as it isn’t picked up by your web analytics platform. For instance, when someone shares links to your site through private messaging apps, email, or a plain old … Read more

6 Ways to Ensure You Have Transparency in Social Media Marketing

Ensure Transparency in Social Media Marketing - Sachs Marketing Group

Transparency is part of who we are as human beings – that is, unless you’re a pathological liar. I’m willing to bet most, if not all of you reading this, take pride in your honesty in your day to day lives, right? Transparency is necessary to bring the human quality to social media – to … Read more

4 Ways to Increase Your Content Exposure on Social Media

Increase Your Content Exposure on Social Media - Sachs Marketing Group

Social media has done small business owners everywhere a great service, when you stop and think about it. No matter how small your business is, your business can promote itself on social media to people from around the world. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram have given small businesses owners microphones. Which is great, until small … Read more

9 Twitter Profile Tips for Creating a Killer Twitter Profile

Twitter profile tips to create a killer Twitter profile

Looking for some basic Twitter profile tips to help you create a Twitter profile that stands out? We’ve helped create and optimize Twitter profiles for hundreds of social media marketing campaigns, so we thought we’d share a few Twitter profile tips to help you get started. In this article, you will discover the key ingredients … Read more

Humanity in Social Media: Finding a Balance of Personal and Professional

Social Media: Personal and Professional Balance - Sachs Marketing Group

No one is going to sit here and lecture you on how easy it is to develop an engaging social media presence or tell you that implementing a digital media marketing strategy will be easy. Why? Because that would be a bold-faced lie. Digital marketing strategies are tough to create, and even tougher to implement … Read more

The 8 Best Instagram Analytics Tools for Marketing Pros

Instagram Analytics Tools for Marketing Pros - Sachs Marketing Group

Instagram, a photo and video sharing platform owned by Facebook, has more than 500 million monthly active users. As more businesses join the network because of its marketing potential, we’re starting to see tools to help measure marketing efforts and ROI. If you want to dig deeply into your Instagram audience and activity, take a … Read more

3 Steps to Creating Effective Ads With Instagram Stories

Create Effective Ads With Instagram Stories - Sachs Marketing Group

Whether you’ve been advertising on Instagram for a while and you want to explore the option to advertising in the Stories format, or you want to get started with Instagram advertising for the first time, I’ve written this guide for you.   Ads in Stories vs. Standard Instagram Ads Instagram Stories ads display between stories … Read more

6 Tools to Help You Master Pinterest Analytics for Your Brand

Tools to Help You Master Pinterest Analytics - Sachs Marketing Group

Pinterest took the internet by storm when it launched in March 2010. Some would say it was the beginning of the end for predominately text-based content, as many other image-centric platforms have since rose to popularity. Just two years after it hit the scene, it was considered the third most popular social network in the … Read more

What to Look for in a Social Media Manager

social media background

If you’ve decided it’s time to hire a social media manager, not just any person will do. It’s tempting to ask someone who’s already working for you to take over the responsibilities for you, but that isn’t a good idea. You’ll likely overwhelm them with work, especially because social media management is more complex than … Read more

A Timeline of Facebook’s Acquisitions

A Timeline of Facebook's Acquisitions - Sachs Marketing Group

A Timeline of Facebook’s Acquisitions: Facebook’s acquisitions timeline includes notable purchases like Instagram in 2012, enhancing its photo-sharing capabilities, and WhatsApp in 2014, expanding into messaging. Oculus VR in 2014 marked its entry into virtual reality. These acquisitions reflect Facebook’s strategy to diversify services, stay technologically ahead, and maintain dominance in social media and digital … Read more

How to Use Hashtags to Enhance Your Brand

How to Use Hashtags to Enhance Your Brand - Sachs Marketing Group

Hashtags (#hashtags) are an important part of how people communicate online. They are also a critical part of online marketing, as they allow you to organize content and track discussions across social media based on the hashtag or keywords. The hashtag first beginning with Twitter in 2007 as a way to group tweets. it has … Read more

Should You Incorporate a Chatbot in Your Social Media Strategy?

Should a Chatbot Be in a Social Media Strategy?- Sachs Marketing Group

Facebook Messenger is a separate application that allows users, both personal and business, to send messages back and forth without using the original Facebook application. Many businesses are adding it to their marketing strategy simply because more than 1 billion people have adopted the platform as their primary communication channel. It’s not just the people … Read more

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