The Changing Community Management Industry

The Changing Community Management Industry | Sachs Marketing Group

Community management positions are routinely extended to recent graduates and “social media natives,” meaning those who routinely use various social media tools for personal or professional use. Christie Fidura poses an intriguing question..If community managers are recent graduates (and therefore new to the company or brand), do they understand how the business runs? What the community goals and … Read more

What Does The Mobile-Friendly Algorithm Mean For My Site?

What Does The Mobile-Friendly Algorithm Mean For My Site? | Sachs Marketing Group

You may have heard by now that Google is rolling out a new update to its algorithm on April 21st – one that will place more emphasis on what Google defines as “mobile-friendly” websites. A report released last year attributed up to 60% of overall search to mobile devices, and Google’s change will reflect this … Read more

SEO and SEM: What’s the Difference?

SEO and SEM: What's the Difference? | Sachs Marketing Group

You might be familiar with search engine optimization or search engine marketing, but are they one in the same? While SEO and SEM are often lumped together or referred to interchangeably, they are in fact different. Both methods work to improve online traffic and leverage brand awareness, but it is important to be able to differentiate … Read more

Are search engines being fair to e-commerce websites?

Curated content There is a very unique consideration specific to e-commerce websites that could dramatically impact their ability to rank well in search engine result pages:  Curated Content. Lets say you have an e-commerce website and you sell a particular line of clothing as an authorized re-seller.  The clothing manufacturer will almost always provide you … Read more

Ranking Reports Dead?

Are ranking reports the “gold standard” for tracking the progress of an SEO campaign? We think NOT. There are a TON of outside influences that impact rankings when you (or someone else) searches for your website on Google: If you have been to your website before, your website will show higher in the search engine … Read more

Keyword Research for SEO

The first step in any comprehensive SEO campaign is good, thorough keyword research.  You need to identify specific keywords for your industry.  At Sachs Marketing Group we evaluate keywords using several different metrics: How many times is that keyword searched locally and globally? Of the number of times that keyword was searched, how many people … Read more

High PR Paid Links

Recently, Google has been on a HUGE push to “level the playing field” in terms of SEO and organic search rankings.  Google wants to rank each webpage/website on it’s merit exclusively.  In keeping with this mission, they have penalized websites that have paid backlinks pointing to them.  The thinking was (is) that they do not want “site A” … Read more

Do Exit Pops Hurt SEO?

The question has come up, more than a few times: Do exit pops hurt SEO efforts? As far as we know, there are basically two different types of exit pops: 1. Javascript exit pops that trigger when a visitor closes a window or tab. The Java traps the window and prevents the visitor from going … Read more

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