
How to Select SEO Keywords (3 Simple Steps)

Want to know how to select SEO keywords? Selecting SEO keywords is about understanding your audience and their search behavior. Use keyword research tools to discover terms with high search volume but manageable competition. Focus on keywords that closely match your content’s theme and audience intent. Incorporate a mix of broad and long-tail keywords to capture a wider range of searches. Regularly review and adjust based on performance data to stay relevant.

Finding the right SEO keywords for your website can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack, with the vast array of options and the pressure to rank well in search engine results.

This struggle is compounded by the need to understand your audience deeply, predict their terms, and align them with your content. This is often too much for busy business owners to tackle while running their businesses, so many opt to work with a digital marketing agency offering professional SEO services.

However, by systematically researching and refining your keyword strategy, you can pinpoint the terms to drive targeted traffic to your site, turning the challenge into a strategic advantage.

This article shares a step-by-step process that will help you understand how to select SEO keywords for your website.

What Are SEO Keywords?

SEO keywords are specific words or phrases that describe the content on your website, which potential customers use in their search queries. They are critical in optimizing your site to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs), making your website more visible to those searching for your products or services.

Related: How Long Does It Take to Rank on Google?

Are Keywords Still Important?

Yes, keywords are still important. Keywords are the linchpin of SEO because they tell search engines what your website is about.

When your site’s content matches what people are searching for (keywords and the intent behind the keyword usage), search engines are more likely to display your site as a top result. This visibility increases your chances of attracting more visitors and converting them into customers.

Keywords also provide insights into market trends and customer behavior, allowing you to effectively tailor your offerings and marketing strategies. In essence, selecting the right keywords is not just about improving search engine rankings; it’s about connecting with your target audience and growing your business.

Keywords remain key for visibility and engagement, essential in a competitive online landscape.

Step-by-Step Guide to Selecting SEO Keywords

Identifying the right SEO keywords can be overwhelming, leaving many businesses needing help to rank on search engines and attract the right audience.

This guide simplifies the process step-by-step, enabling you to efficiently find, refine, and prioritize keywords. By applying these strategies, you’ll overcome the challenge of visibility, connecting with your target customers, and boosting your online presence.

1. Generating Ideas

Generating ideas for SEO keywords starts with a deep understanding of your business, products, services, and target audience.

Tools like Google Keyword Planner offer insights into search trends while analyzing competitors can highlight gaps in the market. Incorporating long-tail, more specific, and less competitive keywords can also attract a more targeted audience, improving your site’s visibility and relevance.

Understand Your Business

Before tackling keyword selection, it’s essential to understand your business, what sets it apart, and who you are trying to reach.

This involves more than just a superficial overview of your products or services; it requires digging deep into their benefits and the problems they solve for your customers. Consider the language and terms your ideal customers might use when searching for solutions online.

This foundational step ensures that the keywords you eventually choose are relevant to your offerings and resonate with your target audience, making your content more discoverable to those most likely to engage with it.

Brainstorm With Tools

Leveraging keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner or premium tools that offer more advanced insights, like Ahrefs or Semrush, can significantly streamline generating keyword ideas.

These tools offer insights beyond mere suggestions, including search volume, competition levels, and even related queries you might have yet to consider. You can discover a wide range of keywords and phrases related to your business by inputting a few initial ideas.

This can help you identify popular terms with high search volumes and niche terms that might offer opportunities to rank higher due to lower competition.

The goal is to create a comprehensive list that captures a broad spectrum of potential customer searches.

Tip: If you’re just getting started, you can use this free keyword generator by Ahrefs to discover a limited list of keywords based on your ideas. Pay close attention to the KD metric, as this reveals how difficult it is estimated to rank for any given keyword.

Analyze Competitors

Analyzing your competitors’ websites is a strategic move in keyword selection. You can gain valuable insights into the terms driving traffic within your industry by identifying which keywords they are targeting.

This analysis can reveal gaps in their strategies that you can exploit or highlight highly contested keywords that might be difficult to rank for. Tools like SEMrush or Ahrefs can provide a detailed breakdown of your competitors’ keyword strategies, including the volume and rank of the keywords they’re targeting.

Understanding the competitive landscape can help you refine your keyword list, focusing on opportunities to differentiate your content and improve your search engine rankings.

Consider Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords are specific, often longer phrases that closely match the search queries of users looking for particular information, products, or services.

These keywords typically have lower search volumes but are less competitive and more targeted, increasing the likelihood of attracting qualified traffic to your website. For example, a term like “artisan gluten-free bakery New York” targets users with specific needs and intentions, making it easier for businesses to connect with their ideal customers.

Incorporating long-tail keywords into your strategy can improve your visibility in search results for niche searches, leading to higher conversion rates as you reach users with a defined interest in your offerings.

2. Refining Your List

After generating a broad list of potential SEO keywords, the next crucial step is refining your list to ensure it’s targeted and effective.

This involves considering the intent behind searches, ensuring relevance and context, and evaluating key metrics like search volume, competition, and difficulty. By meticulously refining your keywords, you align your strategy with user behavior and search engine algorithms, setting the foundation for improved rankings and more qualified traffic.

Search Intent

Understanding the intent behind a search query is pivotal in refining your keyword list.

Keywords can generally be categorized based on the user’s intent: informational (looking to learn), navigational (seeking a specific website), or transactional (ready to buy). Aligning your keywords with the correct search intent ensures that your content meets the searcher’s needs, increasing the likelihood of engagement and conversion.

For instance, if your goal is to increase product sales, prioritizing keywords with a transactional intent can drive more qualified leads to your product pages, aligning with your business objectives more effectively.

Relevance and Context

Choosing highly relevant keywords for your content and offerings is critical for search engine rankings and user experience.

Keywords should accurately reflect the content on your page and the services or products you offer. Using irrelevant keywords can mislead users, leading to a poor experience and potentially damaging your site’s credibility and rankings. To ensure relevance, consider the context in which your target audience might search for your content.

This helps attract visitors who are genuinely interested in what you have to offer, enhancing the chances of conversion.

Keyword Metrics

Evaluating your keywords based on search volume, competition, and keyword difficulty is essential for refining your list.

Search volume indicates how many people search for a particular term, providing insight into potential traffic. However, high search volume can also mean high competition, making ranking harder. Keyword difficulty indicates how challenging achieving a high ranking for a term will be.

Balancing these metrics is critical; ideally, you want to target keywords with enough search volume to drive traffic but with manageable competition and difficulty, optimizing your chances of ranking well.

3. Organizing Keywords by Priority

Organizing keywords by priority is a crucial step in SEO strategy. It ensures that your efforts align with your business goals and the needs of your target audience.

By categorizing keywords based on their relevance to your products or services, their search volume and competition level, and the customer journey stage, you can create a targeted approach that maximizes your website’s visibility and attractiveness to potential customers.

Align With Business Objectives

Your keyword strategy should directly support your broader business objectives, whether driving sales in a particular category, breaking into a new market, or establishing thought leadership in your industry.

You ensure that your SEO efforts contribute to tangible outcomes by aligning keywords with these goals. For instance, if increasing online sales is a goal, focus on keywords related to your best-selling products or services.

This alignment helps concentrate your SEO resources on areas with the highest potential ROI, making your marketing efforts more effective and strategic.

Customer Journey Stage

Recognizing that different keywords resonate with users at various customer journey stages is key to a successful SEO strategy.

Early-stage keywords might include informational queries as users research their problems, while later-stage keywords could be more transactional, indicating readiness to purchase.

You can guide potential customers through their journey more effectively by tailoring your keyword strategy to address each stage—from awareness to consideration to decision. This approach ensures that your content meets users’ needs at the right time, improving engagement and conversion rates.

Balance Between Volume and Competition

While high search volume keywords can be attractive due to their potential for significant traffic, they often come with high competition, making it challenging to rank well.

Conversely, niche keywords with lower search volume may offer less traffic but are more likely to rank and attract highly targeted visitors. The balance involves selecting a mix of both, aiming for keywords that offer a feasible challenge with a worthwhile traffic reward.

This balanced approach helps build a diversified SEO strategy that captures broad audience interests and niche market opportunities.

Create a Keyword Map

Assigning keywords to specific pages on your website is an organizational tactic that ensures comprehensive content coverage without overusing specific terms, a practice known as keyword stuffing.

This keyword map acts as a blueprint, guiding the creation and optimization of content so that each page targets a distinct set of keywords. This helps improve your site’s SEO performance by making it easier for search engines to understand and rank your content and enhances the user experience by providing relevant and focused information.

Creating a keyword map is a strategic step in organizing your site’s content architecture and improving your SEO efforts.

Related: The On-page SEO Checklist Every Business Owner Needs

Need Help Identifying SEO Keywords?

Attracting the right audience starts with selecting the perfect SEO keywords, and that’s where we excel.

Sachs Marketing Group is a digital marketing agency that identifies high-impact keywords that drive traffic and engagement, setting the foundation for your digital success. Our SEO services strongly emphasize competitive research and using data-driven insights during the keyword selection and implementation processes.

Related: What Are SEO Services & What’s Included?

Contact us today to learn how we navigate the complexity of SEO for you, transforming your online presence and connecting you with your ideal customers.


Selecting the right SEO keywords is crucial for enhancing online visibility and connecting with your target audience.

You can strategically improve your website’s search engine rankings by understanding what SEO keywords are and leveraging expert help from agencies like Sachs Marketing Group.

Mastering how to select SEO keywords effectively will boost your site’s traffic and significantly enhance your digital marketing efforts.

Have questions? Let us know in the comments section below!


Why SEO Is Important for Small Businesses

SEO is a cornerstone for small businesses aiming to stand out in the vast digital marketplace. It’s not just about being visible; it’s about being found by the right people at the right time. Through strategic optimization, businesses can attract more targeted traffic, enhance user experience, and increase conversion rates, laying the foundation for sustainable growth and competitiveness.

The battle for visibility online has never been more challenging for small businesses.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the secret weapon that levels the playing field, allowing these businesses to compete with larger counterparts effectively.

It’s the art and science of making your website more attractive to search engines, thereby improving your chances of being found by potential customers.

In this article, we explore why SEO is important for small businesses.

What is SEO in Digital Marketing?

SEO in digital marketing refers to optimizing a website to improve its visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs).

This involves a variety of strategies, techniques, and tactics aimed at increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to a site through organic search results. Effective SEO includes keyword research, content optimization, improving site usability, and building backlinks.

The goal is to rank higher for relevant searches, making it easier for potential customers to find your business online among the vast competition.

Why SEO Is Important for Small Business

SEO is crucial for small businesses for several reasons. It helps improve online visibility, making it easier for potential customers to find your products or services.

By targeting specific keywords, SEO enables you to attract more qualified traffic, leading to higher conversion rates. It also enhances the user experience, making your site more navigable and engaging for visitors.

SEO is cost-effective, offering a higher ROI than traditional advertising methods, and helps build credibility and trust.

Here’s why SEO is important for small businesses today.

Related: Why Local SEO is Important for Your Business

SEO Increases Online Visibility

SEO increases visibility across search engines by strategically optimizing website content, structure, and on-site elements to align with search engines’ algorithms to rank pages.

By incorporating targeted keywords, enhancing site speed, ensuring mobile-friendliness, and improving overall user experience, SEO makes it easier for search engines to understand and index a site.

This optimization leads to higher rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs), making the website more visible to potential customers.

When a site appears higher in search results, it’s more likely to be clicked on by users searching for information, products, or services related to what the business offers.

This increased visibility attracts more visitors and enhances the brand’s credibility and authority in its industry, leading to higher engagement rates, more leads, and increased sales and revenue.

Related: 10 SEO Tips for Local Business Visibility

SEO Attracts the Right Traffic

SEO is not just about driving traffic to your website – it’s about attracting the right traffic.

By optimizing your website for search engines, you significantly increase the chances of appearing at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs). This visibility is not just about being seen – it’s about being seen by the right people at the right time.

High rankings in search results signal to potential customers that your business is a crucial player in your industry.

For example, a mental health professional who optimizes their website with relevant keywords like “mental health treatment in New York” has a better chance of appearing in the top results when people search for these keywords. This leads to more of the right traffic and leads.

Related: How Long Does It Take to Rank on Google?

SEO Improves User Experience

A strategic SEO campaign does more than improve search rankings – it significantly enhances the overall user experience on a website.

By focusing on creating a site that’s not only accessible to search engines but also intuitive and user-friendly for visitors, businesses can ensure a positive interaction from the moment users land on their page.

This involves optimizing site speed to reduce load times, ensuring mobile responsiveness for users on any device, and organizing content in a way that’s easy to navigate. A seamless user experience encourages more extended site visits, reduces bounce rates, and increases the likelihood of conversions.

As these factors contribute to higher search rankings, it creates a virtuous cycle where SEO efforts and user satisfaction reinforce each other, leading to sustained online success.

SEO Enhances Brand Credibility

SEO is pivotal in building this credibility by ensuring a business ranks prominently for relevant queries.

Consumers often perceive high search engine rankings as endorsements of a brand’s authority and trustworthiness. This perception is crucial, influencing decision-making and persuading potential customers to choose your business over competitors.

Effective SEO strategies emphasizing quality content, user engagement, and a strong backlink profile can further solidify a brand’s reputation.

By consistently appearing at the top of search results, businesses can establish themselves as leading voices in their industry, earning the trust and loyalty of their audience.

SEO Provides Cost-effective Marketing

SEO offers an exceptionally cost-effective solution for businesses seeking efficient ways to stretch their marketing budgets.

Unlike traditional advertising, which incurs costs every time an ad is run or clicked, SEO focuses on organic growth, reducing the need for paid promotion over time.

This organic approach targets users actively searching for information, products, or services related to your business, ensuring that marketing efforts are highly targeted and efficient. Additionally, the durable nature of SEO means that once a favorable ranking is achieved, it can continue to drive traffic and leads without the ongoing costs associated with many other marketing strategies.

This efficiency maximizes return on investment and allows businesses to allocate resources to other areas, supporting broader growth and development objectives.

SEO Encourages Local Customer Engagement

Optimizing for local search significantly elevates a small business’s ability to engage with its community.

By targeting local keywords and listing on local directories, businesses ensure they appear to customers in their immediate area. This proximity to the consumer increases the likelihood of in-store visits and enhances online interactions through reviews and social media engagement.

As businesses become more visible in local search results, they foster a deeper connection with their local customer base, promoting loyalty and word-of-mouth referrals, which are invaluable for sustainable growth.

SEO Boosts Conversion Rates

A well-implemented SEO strategy zeroes in on users with intent, directing them to your website at a crucial moment in their decision-making process.

This targeted approach means that the traffic driven by SEO is highly qualified, increasing the likelihood of converting visits into actions, whether a sale, sign-up, or inquiry.

By aligning website content with user search intent, businesses can effectively guide potential customers through the sales funnel, leading to higher conversion rates than more generalized marketing efforts.

SEO Helps Outranks Competitors (And Defend Visibility)

SEO is the slingshot for small businesses in the battle against Goliath-sized competitors.

By leveraging intelligent, niche-focused strategies, smaller entities can achieve superior rankings for specific keywords relevant to their target audience.

This strategic positioning allows them to capture attention in areas where they excel, bypassing the broad reach but sometimes less targeted efforts of more giant corporations.

Consequently, smaller businesses gain visibility where it counts, allowing them to compete effectively in the digital marketplace without exorbitant marketing budgets.

SEO Supports Content Marketing

Content marketing and SEO go hand in hand, each amplifying the effectiveness of the other.

The valuable content businesses create through SEO is optimized for search engines, ensuring it reaches a broader audience. This symbiotic relationship means content provides value, answers questions, and solves problems, enhancing a website’s ranking potential.

Regularly updating a site with fresh, relevant content keeps it dynamic and engaging for users and search engines, creating a cycle of improvement that benefits the business’s online presence and authority.

Related: How Content Marketing Helps SEO

SEO Offers Measurable Results

One of the most compelling aspects of SEO is its accountability through analytics.

Businesses can track nearly every aspect of their SEO efforts, from increases in rankings and traffic to conversions and bounce rates. This data provides invaluable insights into what works and what doesn’t, allowing for continual optimization based on real-world performance.

By understanding user behavior and preferences, businesses can refine their strategies for maximum impact, ensuring resources are invested in tactics that deliver measurable, positive outcomes.

Related: How to Measure Digital Marketing ROI for Your Business

Need Help With Your SEO?

Are you looking to boost your small business’s online presence but unsure where to start?

At Sachs Marketing Group, we specialize in turning SEO challenges into opportunities. Our full-service digital marketing agency is dedicated to providing professional SEO services tailored to your business’s unique needs.

Whether it’s improving your site’s ranking, increasing traffic, or driving conversions, our team of experts is here to help you achieve your goals. Let us help you unlock the full potential of your online presence.

Contact us today and take the first step toward your SEO success.


SEO is not just an option for small businesses — it’s necessary in today’s digital landscape.

It offers a cost-effective way to improve online visibility, attract targeted traffic, and build credibility. By investing in SEO, small businesses can compete more effectively, reach their target audience, and achieve sustainable growth.

If you’re ready to take your small business to the next level, consider partnering with a professional SEO agency like Sachs Marketing Group. With the right strategy and support, the possibilities are endless.


10 Benefits of Ongoing SEO Services

Ongoing SEO services are crucial in today’s dynamic digital landscape. They ensure your website stays relevant, competitive, and visible in search engine results, adapting to ever-changing algorithms and market trends.

Navigating the ever-changing digital marketing landscape can be daunting, especially when your website’s visibility and traffic are at stake due to constantly evolving search engine algorithms.

Without ongoing SEO services, your site risks falling behind, losing its hard-earned search rankings to competitors, and missing out on potential customers.

Ongoing SEO services offer a dynamic approach to continuously adapting your website, keeping it aligned with the latest SEO trends and practices, and ensuring your site maintains and improves its visibility and ranking.

In this article, we’re exploring the benefits of ongoing SEO services.

What Are Ongoing SEO Services?

Ongoing SEO services are like having a personal trainer for your website. They involve continuous efforts to boost and maintain your site’s health and visibility in search engine results.

This includes strategies such as keyword research, on-page optimization, technical SEO enhancements, and keeping up with the latest search engine algorithms.

Think of it as a constant nurturing process – feeding your website everything it needs to grow strong and stay fit.

By regularly analyzing your site’s performance and tweaking strategies accordingly, ongoing SEO services ensure your online presence is not just established but also consistently improved.

Why Are Ongoing SEO Services Important?

Ongoing SEO services are the backbone of maintaining a dynamic and effective online presence.

Trends, algorithms, and consumer behaviors change rapidly in the fast-paced digital world.

Regular SEO ensures your website adapts to these changes, maintaining high visibility and relevance in search engine results. It’s not just about climbing the rankings but staying there. With ongoing SEO, your site consistently meets evolving search engine criteria, keeping you ahead of competitors.

It’s a continuous process of improvement and adaptation, helping your business stay connected with its audience, capture new opportunities, and respond proactively to online market dynamics.

This ongoing process is essential for sustainable online success.

Related: What Are SEO Services & What’s Included? 

The Benefits of Ongoing SEO Services

We’ve seen the transformative benefits of ongoing SEO services and the drawbacks of discontinuing them.

Continuous effort keeps websites in step with the latest search engine algorithms, ensuring solid rankings.

We’ve consistently observed how fresh, engaging content attracts and retains users, enhancing overall website performance. Furthermore, our practical approach to refining the technical aspects of websites leads to better user experiences and higher search engine rankings.

Here are some of the benefits of ongoing SEO services:

1. Mitigate the Impact of Algorithm Updates

In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, one thing remains constant: search engines regularly update their algorithms.

These updates can significantly impact your site’s visibility and ranking. With ongoing SEO services, you’re not just reacting to these changes but staying ahead. Regular SEO audits and updates ensure your site meets the latest search engine criteria.

This proactive approach means that when Google or other search engines roll out new updates, your website is optimized to meet these new standards, minimizing any negative impact. Think of ongoing SEO as your website’s immune system, constantly working to protect and adapt to the digital environment’s changes.

Your site maintains its robustness against algorithm shifts by staying updated and keeping your traffic and rankings secure.

2. Defend Your Top Ranking Positions

Securing a top spot in search engine rankings is an achievement, but defending that position is an ongoing battle. It can take a long time to rank in Google, so you must protect your rankings from slipping to competitors.

Your competitors are constantly optimizing their sites to outrank you. This is where ongoing SEO services play a crucial role.

You can effectively shield your top rankings from competitors’ efforts by continuously monitoring your site’s performance, updating content, and refining strategies. Regular competitor analysis as part of ongoing SEO ensures you’re not just keeping pace but staying ahead in the race. It involves tweaking your strategies to counteract competitors’ moves, ensuring your site remains the preferred choice for search engines.

A top ranking is a coveted spot, and just like any valuable position, it needs to be actively defended.

Ongoing SEO is your strategy for maintaining dominance in your digital territory.

3. Increase Your Search Engine Rankings

Ongoing SEO services are key to climbing the search engine rankings ladder. It’s not just about implementing a set of optimizations and hoping for the best.

Continuous SEO efforts involve regularly updating content, refining keywords, improving site speed, and enhancing overall user experience.

This ongoing process helps signal to search engines that your site is relevant and constantly evolving to meet user needs. Higher rankings are achieved through persistent efforts, including the following:

  • Analyzing performance data
  • Understanding evolving search patterns
  • Adapting your strategy accordingly.

It’s a dynamic process of fine-tuning every aspect of your site to align with what search engines and users seek.

With ongoing SEO, you’re not just aiming for a temporary boost in rankings; you’re building a foundation for sustained visibility and success in the digital space.

Related: How to Improve Local SEO Rankings

4. Continuous Traffic Growth

With ongoing SEO, you’re not just playing the game – you’re staying ahead of it.

Think of your website as a garden. Just like plants need regular care to grow, your website needs continuous SEO to attract more visitors. This means regularly analyzing and optimizing keywords, updating meta tags, and ensuring your website’s structure is search engine friendly.

It’s about evolving with the trends and user preferences, making sure your content resonates with what your audience is searching for. As you refine your SEO strategies, your website becomes more visible, attracting a steady stream of new visitors. Plus, by maintaining high search rankings, you’re ensuring a consistent flow of organic traffic.

It’s a cycle of growth – better SEO leads to more visitors, which, in turn, can lead to higher engagement and conversions.

5. Ensure Your Site Has Fresh Content

Keeping your site stocked with fresh content is like continuously adding new flavors to a menu – it keeps people coming back for more.

This is a crucial part of ongoing SEO. Fresh content doesn’t just mean new blog posts or articles; it’s about updating existing pages, adding new multimedia elements, and ensuring your information is current and relevant.

This constant renewal signals to search engines that your site is a living, active resource, boosting your SEO rankings. It’s also key to engaging your audience. Regular updates keep your site interesting and valuable to visitors, encouraging repeat traffic and higher engagement. Moreover, fresh content opens up opportunities to target new keywords and topics, expanding your reach in search results.

It’s not just about maintaining presence – it’s about dynamic growth and relevance in the ever-changing digital landscape.

Check this out: How Content Marketing Helps SEO

6. Maintain Your Competitive Edge

In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, maintaining your competitive edge is like staying fit – it requires constant effort and adaptation.

Ongoing SEO is your workout regime. It’s not just about keeping up with competitors; it’s about setting the pace.

This involves continuously analyzing market trends, competitor strategies, and evolving SEO practices. Regularly refining your SEO approach ensures your website matches and exceeds industry standards. It’s also about innovation – trying new keywords, experimenting with different content formats, and exploring emerging SEO techniques.

This proactive stance helps you not only react to changes in the digital landscape but also anticipate and leverage them to your advantage.

Regular SEO efforts keep your website agile, responsive, and at the forefront of your industry, ensuring you don’t just survive the competition but thrive in it.

7. Catch & Fix Technical SEO Issues Early

Addressing technical SEO issues early is akin to routine car maintenance – preventing larger problems.

Regularly monitoring and fixing technical SEO aspects of your site is crucial. This includes ensuring fast page load times, mobile responsiveness, secure connections (HTTPS), and proper indexing.

Early detection of broken links, crawl errors, or duplicate content can prevent declining search engine rankings and user experience. Proactive technical SEO maintenance means your site remains accessible and user-friendly, which is essential for retaining and growing your audience. Additionally, search engines favor technically sound websites, leading to better visibility and higher rankings.

Staying on top of these issues will safeguard your current SEO achievements and lay a strong foundation for future optimization efforts.

Related: 10-Point Technical SEO Audit Checklist

8. Gather Insight About Your Visitors

Gathering insights about your visitors through ongoing SEO is like having a roadmap to your audience’s preferences and behaviors.

It’s not just about tracking numbers; it’s about understanding the story behind those numbers. By analyzing data from SEO efforts, you can uncover valuable information about who your visitors are, what they are looking for, and how they interact with your site.

This includes which keywords they use to find you, which pages they visit most, how long they stay on your site, and what content resonates with them.

This knowledge is incredibly powerful. It helps you tailor your content, design, and overall strategy to meet your audience’s needs and preferences better. It’s like fine-tuning your website to the specific tastes of your visitors.

With this data, you can create more targeted and effective SEO strategies, leading to higher engagement, better user experience, and increased conversions.

In digital marketing, understanding your audience is key, and ongoing SEO provides the lens for this crucial insight.

9. Use Analytics to Inform Your Strategy

Diving into analytics is like uncovering a treasure trove of insights. With ongoing SEO, you’re not just guessing – you’re making informed decisions based on hard data.

Analytics offer a clear view of what’s working and what’s not. You can see how users interact with your site, which pages they love, and where they bounce off.

This info is crucial for tweaking your SEO strategy. It’s about understanding user behavior and aligning your content, keywords, and user experience to meet their needs.

For example, if analytics show that certain blog posts are popular, you can create more content on those topics. Or, if you notice that visitors from a specific region are increasing, you might consider local SEO strategies.

Analytics turn your SEO efforts from shots in the dark to targeted, strategic moves. It’s like having a GPS for your digital marketing journey, guiding you towards success.

Get started: 21 Analytics Tools for Digital Marketing

10. Reverse-engineer Your Competitors’ Strategies

Keeping an eye on your competitors is not just smart – it’s essential.

With ongoing SEO, you can reverse-engineer your competitors’ strategies. This doesn’t mean copying them but rather learning from their successes and failures.

Analyze their website structure, content, keyword strategy, backlink profile, and social media approach.

What keywords are they ranking for? What type of content gets them the most engagement?

By understanding their tactics, you can identify gaps in your strategy and opportunities for improvement. Maybe they’re targeting a niche audience you’ve overlooked, or perhaps they have a backlink strategy boosting their authority. Use these insights to refine your approach.

It’s like being a detective in the SEO world, gathering clues and insights to solve the puzzle of ranking higher in search results.

Need Help with Your SEO?

Are you looking for a guide in the complex world of digital marketing? Sachs Marketing Group, a full-service digital marketing agency, is here to help!

We offer comprehensive and ongoing SEO services that help elevate your online presence. Our expertise in navigating the digital landscape ensures your business grows and thrives.

Contact us today and take the first step towards digital excellence.


In the digital age, ongoing SEO services are not just a luxury but a necessity.

By ensuring your website is always optimized, user-friendly, and in line with the latest search engine trends, you’re setting up your online presence for enduring success. Remember, the digital world waits for no one. Stay ahead, stay visible, and watch your business flourish.


How Long Does It Take to Rank on Google?

Ranking on Google can range anywhere from a few minutes to 3-6 months or longer. The timeframe depends on website age, content quality, keyword competition, and SEO strategies. It’s not a one-size-fits-all scenario – each website’s journey to the top of Google’s rankings is unique.

How long does it take to rank on Google? It’s one of the most common questions relating to search engine optimization (SEO), and it’s always followed with a not-so-simple answer.

SEO isn’t an overnight success story – it requires patience, strategic planning, and ongoing effort.

This article explores how long it takes to rank on Google.

How Long Does It Take to Rank on Google?

The time it takes to rank on Google varies. It can be as quick as a few minutes for less competitive keywords and certain types of content, like news, or as long as several months for highly competitive keywords.

Studies that set out to reveal how long it takes to rank on Google reveal what we already know – longer content ranks for more keywords, pages with high-quality backlinks rank higher, faster websites perform better than slower websites, and so on. So, the question remains: how long does it take to rank on Google?

Most business owners are looking for a timeframe to set expectations. Unfortunately, this becomes difficult to answer because no two industries, websites, locations, or sets of target keywords are the same. This is why “it depends” is the most responsible answer.

With that said, we’re going to outline a loose approximation of what happens on average during some of the

Here’s a broad overview of how long it can take to rank on Google and see results:

<60 Minutes – Google’s Indexing API

For established websites using Google’s Indexing API, it’s possible to see rankings within the first 60 minutes after publishing an article.

While search engines still refer to sitemaps when crawling a website, using the API can help Google discover your new content less than a minute after publication. Once discovered, Google will evaluate the content and determine how to rank it against competing content in the index.

Using this process does not always result in the indexation of your content. Sometimes, indexing and ranking your content can take several days or weeks.

While Google recommends only using the API for certain types of content with a short shelf-life, like job postings or livestream videos, it’s possible to use this feature for other types of content.

This rapid indexing is more efficient than requesting a crawl via Google Search Console, offering a swift start in the SEO journey.

3 Hours – Enhanced Visibility

In just a few hours post-publication, a well-optimized article on an established website can achieve impressive early results, such as securing a featured snippet for the target keyword.

While not guaranteed, this quick win showcases the potential of well-researched and effectively optimized content to gain early visibility on Google.

Google uses featured snippets for certain queries, so expecting this for every page is unrealistic. The main takeaway is that achieving enhanced visibility in the search results within the first few hours of publishing your content is possible.

30 Days

In the first 30 days, business owners should anticipate minimal visibility for a new website on Google.

Early stages focus on indexing, where the goal is to ensure Google can find and understand the site. Rankings are typically unstable and low if they appear, especially for competitive keywords. Early success might be possible with niche, low-competition keywords, but substantial traffic from these is not expected.

This period is crucial for establishing solid SEO foundations: optimizing site structure, producing quality content, and basic on-page SEO. It’s also the time to start building domain authority through initial content and link-building efforts. Patience and strategic SEO are key.

Get started:

3-6 Months (New Website)

In the initial 3-6 months, a new website working with an SEO company may still be in the “Google Sandbox,” a phase where Google cautiously assesses new sites, potentially limiting visibility.

Despite professional SEO strategies, significant ranking improvements might be modest.

The focus is on building a robust foundation:

  • Optimizing on-page elements
  • Developing quality content
  • Initiating internal and external link strategies.

Progress is gradual, as establishing domain authority and trust with search engines takes time. Incremental improvements in rankings, particularly for niche keywords, can be expected, but top rankings for competitive terms are unlikely during this early phase.

3-6 Months (Established Website)

An established website engaging an SEO company for the first time in the same period can expect a different trajectory.

Without the constraints of the Google Sandbox, improvements in rankings could be more apparent and quicker. The website already possesses some level of domain authority and credibility with Google.

The SEO efforts will enhance existing content, refine SEO tactics, and expand the site’s backlink profile.

Given the site’s established history, there’s potential for noticeable growth in search visibility, including for more competitive keywords, reflecting the advantage of having an already recognized presence on Google.

1 Year

Reaching the one-year mark, websites diligently practicing SEO can anticipate substantial advancements.

We’ve successfully helped websites achieve position 1 rankings for target keywords within the first year, but it’s not guaranteed, so it’s not something we promise. Again, it all depends on the industry, keyword, competition, and scope of the SEO campaign.

For example, we were able to help a client climb from position 10 to position 1 within the first year by increasing the resources available to the campaign. These resources allowed us to double the assets designed to support the website and achieve what would have normally taken two years in one year.

This period is particularly transformative for sites targeting competitive keywords in dense markets. Continuously updating content and refining SEO strategies throughout the year is crucial in cementing their position in search rankings.

By now, these websites have likely established domain authority and trust with search engines, making them more favorable in search results. A consistent focus on optimizing user experience, enhancing site speed, and building quality backlinks would have contributed to this growth.

This milestone is a testament to the effectiveness of persistent, well-planned SEO tactics in achieving long-term visibility and success online.

Related: 10 Benefits of Ongoing SEO Services

2 Years

After two years of dedicated SEO efforts, websites are expected to have secured solid keyword rankings.

This phase is crucial for reinforcing the site’s authority and widening its reach. With increased credibility, the focus shifts to targeting broader and more competitive keywords, leveraging the site’s established reputation in the digital space. This period often marks the transition from simply ranking to actively competing for top spots in search results, especially for high-value keywords.

Websites that have made it to the first page now face the challenge of climbing higher within those top results. Continuous optimization, advanced link-building strategies, and a deep understanding of user intent and behavior become key drivers for maintaining and improving these positions.

This stage signifies a move from foundational SEO towards more nuanced and competitive tactics, aiming for dominance in their respective niches.

3 Years

Three years into SEO, businesses can expect significant, stable results.

By this stage, a website should have established authority on Google, ranking well for various keywords, including the more competitive keywords that generate high levels of search volume every month.

This results in increased organic traffic and higher engagement. The SEO strategy will be refined and data-driven, effectively adapting to Google’s algorithm changes. There’s a likely increase in content quality and quantity, enhancing the site’s role as a niche authority. Additionally, the brand gains recognition and trust.

Overall, the website transitions from striving for visibility to maintaining and improving its established rankings, showcasing the long-term impact of dedicated SEO efforts.

3-5 Years and Beyond

Why “It Depends” Really is the Best Answer

The phrase “it depends” accurately captures the complexity of SEO and ranking on Google.

Each website’s path to ranking success is unique and influenced by numerous factors.

The competitiveness of keywords is a significant determinant – high-demand keywords take longer to rank for due to increased competition. Additionally, the age of a website matters – newer sites often take longer to establish authority and trust with Google.

Content quality and relevance are also crucial; well-researched, user-focused content tends to rank better. Technical aspects like website speed, mobile optimization, and user experience also play a significant role.

This multifaceted nature of SEO makes “it depends” the most realistic and honest answer.

Understanding Google’s Ranking Process

Google’s ranking process is intricate, revolving around numerous algorithms designed to deliver users the most relevant and quality content.

At its core, the process involves two primary steps: crawling and indexing. Crawling is where Google’s bots scan the web for content and visit web pages. Indexing is the next step, where this content is analyzed and stored in Google’s vast database.

When a user searches, Google’s algorithms sort through this database to present the best matches.

These algorithms consider content relevance, keyword usage, site authority, and user experience. The algorithms are continuously updated, aiming to improve the accuracy and relevance of search results. This means the criteria for ranking can change, requiring websites to stay adaptive and regularly update their SEO strategies.

Understanding this process is critical to mastering SEO and improving your website’s ranking on Google.

Factors Influencing How Long It Takes to Rank

Several key factors play a role in determining how long it takes for a website to rank on Google:

Age of the Website:

  • Older sites with established authority typically rank faster.
  • Newer websites may take longer to gain traction.

Keyword Competition:

  • High-demand keywords with more competition take longer to rank.
  • Niche or long-tail keywords often have quicker ranking possibilities.

Quality and Relevance of Content:

  • Content that addresses user queries effectively is favored.
  • Google prioritizes high-quality, valuable content.

Quality of Backlinks:

  • Backlinks from reputable and relevant sites can enhance ranking speed.
  • The overall backlink profile impacts the site’s trustworthiness.

Technical Aspects:

  • Website speed: Faster sites tend to rank quicker.
  • Mobile optimization: Crucial for ranking in mobile searches.
  • User-friendly design: Enhances user experience and ranking potential.

These factors collectively influence the timeframe for a website’s ranking improvements.

The Ethical Approach to SEO Promises

Adopting an ethical approach to SEO means prioritizing honesty and transparency in all SEO-related promises and strategies.

This approach is crucial in a field rife with unrealistic guarantees, like the promise to help your website rank #1 in 90 days. Ethical SEO professionals avoid exaggerating claims about quick rankings and instead set realistic expectations.

They focus on sustainable, long-term results rather than short-lived successes achieved through dubious means. This ethical stance extends to the methods used – adhering strictly to Google’s guidelines, focusing on creating high-quality, relevant content, and building organic backlinks.

Such practices safeguard a website’s reputation and ensure its resilience against future algorithm updates. Ultimately, the ethical approach is about building trust – with both the search engines and the clients, ensuring a foundation for lasting success in the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing.

Leveraging Insights for Effective SEO

Effective SEO is significantly enhanced by leveraging data and insights. This process involves a deep dive into analytics to understand user behavior, search patterns, and the performance of existing content.

By analyzing this data, SEO professionals can identify what works and what doesn’t, allowing for more targeted and effective strategies.

For instance, user engagement insights can reveal the content types that resonate most with the audience, guiding content creation efforts.

Keyword performance analysis helps refine keyword strategies, ensuring that efforts focus on terms that drive traffic and conversions. Additionally, competitive analysis offers a view into what competitors are doing right, providing opportunities to learn and adapt successful tactics.

Leveraging these insights leads to more informed decisions, helping to optimize websites in a way that aligns with both search engine algorithms and user preferences, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of SEO efforts.

Working with a Professional SEO

The challenge of navigating the ever-changing landscape of search engine optimization can be daunting for many businesses.

This is where the expertise of a professional SEO comes into play, offering a solution to this complex issue. Working with a professional SEO expert is crucial to establishing, increasing, and defending your website’s rankings.

Here are three main benefits:

  • Tailored Strategies for Different Stages: A professional SEO can develop unique strategies that cater to each stage – establishing a new presence, increasing existing rankings, or defending against competitors. This ensures that the approach is always aligned with your website’s current needs and objectives.
  • In-Depth Analysis and Adaptability: SEO experts conduct thorough site audits and market analysis, allowing for a deep understanding of your site’s performance and the competitive landscape. This insight enables them to adapt strategies quickly in response to search engine algorithm changes or shifts in market trends, keeping your site ahead of the curve.
  • Sustainable and Ethical Practices: Professionals in SEO prioritize sustainable, white-hat techniques that build and protect your site’s reputation over time. This approach improves rankings and defends them against potential penalties from search engines, ensuring long-term success.

The result is a significant improvement in search rankings and web traffic, culminating in a stronger online presence. Investing in professional SEO expertise is not just about fixing current challenges –it’s about setting the stage for continued digital success.

Need Help with Your SEO?

Are you struggling to make your website visible on Google? With our expert SEO services, Sachs Marketing Group is here to turn that around.

As a full-service digital marketing agency, we specialize in crafting tailored SEO strategies that drive results.

Imagine seeing your site climb the search rankings, drawing more traffic and converting visitors into customers.

With our comprehensive approach and experienced team, we make this a reality for businesses like yours. Contact Sachs Marketing Group today to learn how we can help you with your SEO.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are a few frequently asked questions relating to how long it takes to rank on Google:

How long does SEO take?

SEO typically takes 3 to 6 months to start showing results. This timeframe can vary based on website age, competition, and content quality. SEO is a long-term strategy that requires ongoing effort and adaptability to the evolving digital landscape.

How long does local SEO take?

Local SEO usually starts showing results within 3 to 6 months. Success depends on factors like the competitiveness of the local market, the quality of local listings, and the effectiveness of your overall local SEO strategy. Check out our 10 SEO tips for local business visibility.

How long does it take to rank on Google?

Ranking on Google can vary widely, generally taking anywhere from a few minutes for low-competition keywords to several months or more for competitive terms. Factors like website authority, content quality, and keyword competition play a significant role.

How long does it take for SEO to work?

SEO generally starts to work within 3 to 6 months. This period is needed for search engines to crawl and index new content and for SEO strategies to impact the site’s visibility and ranking.

How long does SEO take to show results?

SEO typically takes about 3 to 6 months to show tangible results. This timeframe can be influenced by various factors, such as the website’s current state, competition, and the implementation of effective SEO strategies.

How can you rank for a keyword fast?

Focus on less competitive, long-tail keywords to rank quickly for a keyword. Ensure your content is high-quality, relevant, and optimized for these keywords. Also, leverage internal linking and acquire high-quality backlinks. However, it’s important to maintain realistic expectations as SEO results typically take time.


In the dynamic world of SEO, understanding the intricacies of ranking on Google is key to digital success.

While the journey to the top of search results can vary widely, it’s clear that a strategic, ethical approach combined with patience and continuous effort is essential. For those seeking professional guidance, partnering with experienced agencies like Sachs Marketing Group can be a game-changer, providing the expertise and insights needed to navigate the SEO landscape effectively.

Embracing SEO as a long-term strategy paves the way for sustainable growth and a robust online presence, crucial for thriving in today’s digital marketplace.


How to Improve SEO on Amazon and Drive More Sales

Improving SEO on Amazon involves optimizing your product listings to rank higher in Amazon’s search results. It’s about understanding Amazon’s unique algorithm, leveraging relevant keywords, and enhancing product visibility. In this article, I’m sharing how to improve SEO on Amazon, increase the visibility of your products, and drive more sales.

Amazon, the giant of e-commerce, is a competitive battlefield for sellers.

Standing out in this crowded marketplace requires more than a fantastic product – it demands comprehensive keyword research, aggressive optimization, and an overall intelligent search engine optimization (SEO) strategy for Amazon.

If your products fail to stand out, it won’t take long for you to feel the effects of missing sales.

Fortunately, improving the SEO of your products on Amazon can help. In this article, we dive into the nuances of Amazon SEO so you understand how to improve SEO on Amazon so you can effectively drive more sales.

What is Amazon SEO?

Amazon SEO is the process of optimizing product listings to rank higher in Amazon’s search results.

Unlike Google, which factors in numerous website aspects for ranking, Amazon SEO is product-centric, focusing mainly on relevance and performance metrics of the product listings.

The goal is to align with Amazon’s A9 algorithm, prioritizing customer experience and purchase likelihood. Understanding Amazon’s unique approach is vital for effective optimization.

How to Improve SEO on Amazon

Improving SEO for Amazon products is crucial for any e-commerce business.

High visibility on Amazon leads to more clicks, sales, and higher revenue. The key is understanding and adapting to Amazon’s algorithm, focusing on keyword optimization, pricing, and customer reviews.

Amazon SEO differs slightly from SEO for e-commerce sites, but the benefits are the same – increased organic visibility and sales.

Here’s how to improve SEO on Amazon:

Keyword Research

Keyword research is the cornerstone of effective Amazon SEO. It’s about understanding what your potential customers are typing into the search bar when looking for products like yours.

Start by brainstorming the basic terms related to your product, and then use tools like Amazon’s keyword tool or third-party tools like Semrush or Ahrefs.

Look for high-volume keywords with lower competition to stand out. Remember, it’s not just about the most popular keywords – relevance is key. Incorporate long-tail keywords, which are more specific and less competitive.

These often lead to higher conversion rates as they closely match the user’s search intent. Analyzing competitors’ listings can also offer insights into effective keywords. Regularly updating and refining your keyword strategy is crucial, as market trends and search behaviors constantly evolve.

With meticulous research and ongoing optimization, your products can consistently rank higher and attract more customers.

Optimize Product Titles

Your product title is the first thing a customer sees and is crucial to your Amazon SEO and click-through rates.

A well-optimized title should be a balance of informative and SEO-friendly. Start with your primary keyword for maximum visibility. Ensure the title is concise yet descriptive enough to inform the customer about the product. The title should include brand, product type, specific features (size, color, quantity), and unique selling points.

Avoid keyword stuffing as it can make the title unreadable and negatively impact user experience. Keep in mind Amazon’s character limit, prioritizing the most essential information. Also, consider readability and how the title appears on different devices, as many users shop on mobile.

Regularly reviewing and tweaking your titles in response to performance data and keyword trends can further enhance your product’s visibility and attractiveness to potential buyers.

Check this out: 10 Profitable Benefits of Ecommerce SEO

Enhance Your Product Descriptions

Product descriptions on Amazon are your opportunity to sell your product to potential customers.

This section should be rich in details and keywords while being easy to read and engaging.

Start with a compelling introduction highlighting the product’s main benefits and features. Try to use bullet points to break down the features, making the description skimmable and easy to digest.

Include relevant keywords throughout the text, but avoid overuse, which can make the description feel forced and reduce effectiveness.

Tailor the language to your target audience, using terms and phrases they might use. Detailed descriptions can also answer potential questions, reducing customer hesitation and the likelihood of returns.

Your description is not just a list of features – it’s a tool to build an emotional connection with the buyer, illustrating how the product can improve their life. Regular updates to reflect customer feedback, feature changes, or improvements can keep your listings fresh and relevant.

Use High-Quality Images

Images are a powerful tool in your Amazon listing arsenal. High-quality images attract attention, build trust, and influence buying decisions.

Per Amazon’s guidelines, your main image should be clear and showcase your product against a white background.

Include multiple images from different angles to give customers a comprehensive view. Zoomable images allow customers to see finer details, enhancing their shopping experience. Lifestyle images showing the product in use can help customers visualize it in their lives, increasing emotional engagement.

Ensure that your images are high-resolution and professionally shot. Images directly reflect your brand and product quality – poor-quality images can deter potential buyers. Regularly reviewing and updating your images based on customer feedback and competitor analysis can help maintain a competitive edge.

Gather Customer Reviews

This is super important! Customer reviews are vital on Amazon and play a significant role in increasing your organic visibility.

They provide social proof, influencing the purchase decisions of potential buyers. Encourage customers to leave reviews by following up with post-purchase emails. Be genuine in your request and express how valuable their feedback is.

Responding to positive and negative reviews demonstrates your commitment to customer satisfaction. Implementing customer feedback into your product or service improves your offering and can lead to more positive reviews.

Amazon’s algorithm considers the number and quality of reviews when ranking products, so a higher number of positive reviews can improve your product visibility. Avoid the temptation to solicit fake reviews – not only is this against Amazon’s policies, but it can also damage your brand’s credibility.

A strategy to organically grow your reviews, such as through excellent customer service and high-quality products, is a sustainable way to enhance your Amazon presence.

Price Competitively

Competitive pricing is a pivotal element in Amazon SEO strategy. Your product’s price significantly influences its visibility and attractiveness to buyers.

Start by conducting thorough market research to understand the pricing landscape of similar products. Use Amazon’s pricing tools to stay updated on real-time market changes and adjust your prices accordingly.

Remember, it’s not just about being the cheapest – it’s about offering the best value. Factor in your costs and profit margins to find a price point that is competitive yet sustainable for your business.

Consider dynamic pricing strategies where your prices adjust in response to market demands and competitor pricing. Seasonal pricing adjustments can also be effective, especially during high-demand periods like holidays.

Regularly reviewing and tweaking your pricing strategy can help maintain a competitive edge in the marketplace, increasing visibility, sales, and customer satisfaction.

Optimize Backend Keywords

Backend keywords are a crucial yet often overlooked component of Amazon SEO.

These are the keywords that are not visible to customers but are essential for Amazon’s search algorithm. Use this section to include additional keywords that you couldn’t fit into your product titles or descriptions.

This can include synonyms, alternate names, common misspellings, and related search terms. Remember that Amazon limits the character count for backend keywords, so it’s essential to be strategic and selective. Avoid repetition of words already used in your title and descriptions. Regularly updating your backend keywords to reflect changes in search trends and customer behavior can help keep your products relevant and visible.

This hidden gem of Amazon SEO can significantly boost your product’s discoverability without cluttering your visible listing content.

Monitor Performance Metrics

Monitoring performance metrics is critical to understanding the effectiveness of your Amazon SEO strategies.

Amazon provides a wealth of data through its Seller Central dashboard. Key metrics to track include sales, conversion rates, click-through rates, and search ranking for your targeted keywords. Analyze these metrics to identify trends, successes, and areas for improvement.

Pay attention to customer feedback and reviews as well, as they can provide insights into product perception and areas for enhancement. Use A/B testing for different listing elements (like titles, descriptions, and images) to see what resonates best with your audience.

Regularly reviewing these metrics and making data-driven decisions can lead to continuous improvement of your Amazon SEO strategy, ultimately driving more traffic and sales.

Stay Updated on Amazon’s Algorithms

Staying updated on Amazon’s algorithms is crucial for maintaining and improving your product’s visibility.

Amazon frequently updates its algorithm to enhance customer experience, which can directly impact how products are ranked and displayed. Keep informed about these changes by subscribing to Amazon seller forums, attending webinars, and following industry blogs and news. Understanding these updates can help you adapt your SEO strategies effectively.

For example, if Amazon starts prioritizing faster shipping times, you might focus on optimizing your logistics. Being proactive about algorithm changes allows you to anticipate and respond to market shifts, keeping your listings optimized and competitive.

Work with A Professional SEO

Working with a professional SEO service can significantly elevate your Amazon strategy. Professional SEOs bring expertise, experience, and advanced tools to the table.

They can comprehensively analyze your current listings, identify areas for improvement, and develop a tailored strategy to boost your rankings. They stay abreast of the latest Amazon algorithm updates and SEO best practices, ensuring your strategies are always cutting-edge.

Professional SEOs can also offer insights into broader digital marketing strategies, such as social media marketing and pay-per-click advertising, to further enhance your online presence.

While there’s a cost involved, the potential return on investment in increased visibility, higher sales, and improved customer engagement can be substantial.

For sellers looking to seriously compete on Amazon, partnering with an SEO professional can be game-changing.

Need Help with Your Amazon SEO?

Are you struggling to increase the visibility of your products on Amazon?

Sachs Marketing Group offers innovative SEO services that can help increase your rankings in search engines and visibility across ecommerce platforms.

Imagine your website dominating search results, driving traffic, and converting visitors into loyal customers.

Join the ranks of successful businesses thriving online. Contact Sachs Marketing Group today and take the first step towards unparalleled online success. Your audience is waiting.


Mastering Amazon SEO is a vital step towards e-commerce success.

Implementing these strategies can significantly improve your product visibility, outshine competitors, and drive more sales. Amazon SEO is a dynamic field – staying updated and adapting to changes is key.

For those who seek expert guidance, professional SEO services can provide the edge needed to dominate the Amazon marketplace. Start optimizing today and unlock the full potential of your Amazon store.


16 Questions to Ask An SEO Agency [And Our Answers]

Before partnering with an SEO agency, asking pertinent questions is pivotal. It helps assess their expertise, understand their strategic approach, and ensure they align with your business goals. This proactive inquiry sets the foundation for transparent communication, mutual expectations, and a partnership to achieve measurable, successful results in your digital marketing efforts.

Choosing the right SEO agency is crucial and can significantly impact your business’s online presence.

Without asking the right questions, you risk having mismatched expectations, potentially leading to underwhelming results and wasted resources. You can confidently navigate the selection process by preparing yourself with essential and well-thought-out questions.

This approach helps identify an agency that aligns with your needs, ensures you feel confident about investing in SEO services, and sets the stage for a transparent and effective partnership.

In this article, I’m sharing a list of questions to ask an SEO agency you’re considering hiring (as well as our answers).

Questions to Ask An SEO Agency

Before diving into a partnership with an SEO agency, it’s crucial to thoroughly understand their methods, experience, and approach to reporting.

This understanding is critical to ensuring transparency in their processes, aligning your business goals with their strategies, and setting a solid foundation for a successful collaboration. Asking targeted questions can reveal insights into their expertise and compatibility with your needs.

Here are 16 essential questions to ask an SEO agency to guide you in making an informed decision:

1. What is your approach to SEO?

This is one of the most important questions to ask an SEO agency. Understanding an agency’s approach to SEO is crucial in determining whether their strategy aligns with your business objectives.

Different agencies may focus on various aspects of SEO, such as technical, content, or link building, and prioritize short-term gains over long-term sustainability. By asking this question, you gain insight into their methodology – whether they lean toward aggressive tactics for quick results or adopt a more holistic, gradual approach.
This also reveals their adaptability to your industry needs and the potential for a tailored strategy.

An agency’s approach to SEO should not only comply with best practices but also integrate seamlessly with your overall marketing strategy, ensuring that all efforts are synergistic and drive toward your business goals.

Our Answer: Our approach to SEO is holistic and data-driven, focusing on long-term results. We blend in-depth keyword research, quality content creation, and technical optimization with a keen understanding of current search engine algorithms. Our strategy emphasizes improving user experience and building organic visibility, ensuring your website ranks well and effectively resonates with your target audience.

2. Do you handle on-page and off-page SEO?

Inquiring about an agency’s capabilities in managing both on-page and off-page SEO is vital.

On-page SEO involves optimizing elements within your website, like content and HTML source code, for better search visibility and user experience.

Off-page SEO focuses on external factors like building backlinks and social media marketing.

A well-rounded SEO strategy requires a balanced focus on both. This question helps you understand if the agency can provide a comprehensive SEO solution.

Agencies adept in both areas can ensure that your site not only ranks well but also maintains a robust and reputable presence online, significantly impacting your site’s authority and search engine rankings.

Our Answer: Yes, we handle both on-page and off-page SEO. Our on-page strategy focuses on optimizing the content and structure of your website for better search engine visibility and user experience. Off-page SEO involves building your site’s authority through backlinks and other external factors. Integrating both ensures a comprehensive approach to boosting your overall online presence.

3. Do you offer ongoing technical SEO support?

Technical SEO is the backbone of any effective SEO strategy. It involves optimizing your website’s infrastructure to ensure search engines can easily crawl and index your content.

Asking about ongoing technical SEO support is essential because the digital landscape is continuously evolving, and your website needs to adapt to these changes. This support includes regular technical audits, addressing crawl errors, optimizing site speed, and ensuring mobile-friendliness.

Ongoing technical SEO ensures that your website remains compliant with the latest search engine algorithms and user experience standards, which is crucial for maintaining and improving search engine rankings over time.

Our Answer: Yes, we provide ongoing technical SEO support. Our team continuously monitors and optimizes your website’s technical health to ensure it’s search-engine friendly. This includes regular audits, speed optimization, mobile responsiveness, and fixing crawl errors, ensuring your site maintains peak performance and complies with the latest SEO best practices.

4. Do you handle local SEO?

Local SEO is critical for businesses targeting specific geographic areas. Asking this question helps you determine if the agency has the expertise to optimize your online presence for a local audience.

Effective local SEO strategies include optimizing your Google Business Profile listing, local citations, and localized content, which are vital for attracting a local customer base. It also involves managing online reviews and local backlinks.

An agency skilled in local SEO can significantly enhance your visibility in local search results, drive foot traffic, and increase local online and offline conversions. This aspect of SEO cannot be overlooked for businesses with a physical presence or those targeting specific local markets.

Our Answer: Absolutely, we specialize in local SEO. Our strategy involves optimizing your online presence for local searches, including Google Business Profile optimization, local citations, and tailored content that resonates with your local audience. This approach will increase your visibility in local search results, driving more foot traffic and local customers to your business.

5. How do you monitor rankings?

Monitoring rankings is an integral part of any SEO strategy. By asking how an agency monitors rankings, you can gauge their commitment to tracking progress and adapting strategies as needed.

Effective monitoring involves more than just tracking positions for specific keywords; it includes analyzing search trends, understanding the impact of algorithm updates, and observing competitors’ movements. This information helps in making informed decisions and tweaking strategies for better performance.

Consistent monitoring also offers insights into user behavior and preferences, enabling content and keyword strategy refinement. Knowing how an agency monitors rankings gives you an idea of their thoroughness and ability to stay ahead in a dynamic SEO landscape.

Our Answer: We use advanced tools and techniques to monitor rankings daily. Our approach includes tracking your website’s position for targeted keywords, locations, and competitors. This ongoing analysis helps us refine strategies and respond to changes in search algorithms, ensuring your site consistently ranks well in search results.

6. What kind of content strategy do you implement for SEO?

Content is a cornerstone of SEO, and understanding an agency’s content strategy is key.

This question helps determine if their approach aligns with your brand’s voice and audience’s needs. A robust content strategy should involve thorough keyword research, understanding user intent, and creating high-quality, relevant content that engages and adds value to your audience.

It should also include a plan for content distribution and promotion to maximize reach and impact.

A good SEO agency will tailor its content strategy to improve rankings and enhance user experience, leading to higher engagement and conversion rates.

Our Answer: Our content strategy for SEO focuses on creating high-quality, relevant, and engaging content tailored to your audience’s needs and search behaviors. We conduct thorough keyword research to identify topics that resonate with your audience, ensuring the content ranks well and drives engagement, shares, and conversions. Our strategy includes regular content updates and optimization to keep your site fresh and authoritative.

7. What should I expect during the first month?

Setting expectations for the first month of SEO work is essential for a transparent and trusting relationship.

In the initial phase, a reputable agency would typically conduct a thorough website audit, identify critical areas for improvement, and begin on-page optimizations. This period is more about laying the groundwork than seeing dramatic ranking improvements.

Activities include keyword research, technical fixes, and initial content planning. Understanding what happens in the first month helps set realistic expectations and provides a roadmap for future SEO activities and milestones.

Our Answer: At Sachs Marketing Group, you can expect a friendly kickoff call with the SEO professional handling your campaign at the beginning of the month, a two-week setup phase where we conduct initial audits and research, a follow-up email containing an outline of what’s been completed as well as the plan for the road ahead. By the end of the month, your campaign will be in full swing, you will receive your first monthly report, and your SEO professional will reach out to schedule a time to discuss the report.

8. Do you have experience with my industry?

Asking about an agency’s experience with your specific industry is critical.

Each industry has unique challenges, audience behaviors, and competitive landscapes in SEO. Agencies experienced in your industry will likely have a deeper understanding of your target market, relevant keywords, and practical strategies that have worked for similar businesses.

This can lead to more effective and efficient SEO campaigns, as they won’t need to spend as much time on the learning curve. Moreover, industry experience can also bring insights into industry-specific best practices and trends, enabling the creation of more targeted and impactful SEO strategies.

Our Answer: We have experience in many industries and will happily share case studies related to your industry. Our specialization is primarily in the addiction rehab industry and mental health industry.

9. Can you share any case studies that illustrate the results?

Asking for case studies is a direct way to assess an agency’s effectiveness and reliability.

Case studies provide tangible evidence of their ability to deliver results and handle challenges specific to SEO. They showcase the agency’s strategies in action and the outcomes achieved for other clients.

This insight can help gauge their proficiency in handling scenarios similar to yours. Look for case studies demonstrating a straightforward problem-solution-result narrative, reflecting the agency’s strategic thinking, adaptability, and ability to drive measurable outcomes.

Such real-world examples also provide a clearer picture of what you can expect regarding results and timelines.

Our Answer: We can share multiple case studies that showcase our results. These studies detail our strategies and the outcomes achieved for clients in different sectors. Our case studies provide a transparent view of the selected client’s challenges, our SEO solutions, and the results of our efforts.

10. How often will you provide reports on SEO performance?

Regular reporting is vital to transparency and maintaining a pulse on your SEO campaign’s performance.

Inquiring about the frequency of reports allows you to understand how often you’ll receive updates about your SEO efforts. Frequent and consistent reporting helps track progress, identify areas that need improvement, and make timely adjustments.

It also ensures that both parties are on the same page regarding the performance and expectations of the SEO strategy.

Our Answer: We usually provide monthly SEO performance reports, but we’re happy to customize reporting frequency if you prefer! Your SEO professional may also provide additional reporting via email to ensure you’re in the loop regarding sudden changes in rankings, industry chances that may affect your website, and more.

11. Can the reporting frequency be customized to meet my needs?

Customizable reporting frequency shows the agency’s flexibility and customer-centric approach.

Each business may have different needs and preferences regarding receiving updates. Some prefer detailed monthly reports, while others need brief weekly updates.

A customizable reporting schedule lets you receive information that best suits your management style and business needs, ensuring you’re always informed and in control of your SEO strategy.

Our Answer: Our reporting frequency can be tailored to meet your specific requirements. We understand that different businesses have varying needs for information frequency and detail. Whether you need weekly updates or quarterly and annual reports, we can customize our reporting schedule to align with your business’s rhythm and ensure you’re always informed and in control of your SEO strategy.

12. What key performance indicators (KPIs) do you include in your reports?

Of all the questions to ask an SEO agency, this is one of the most important. Understanding which KPIs are included in the reports gives you insight into the agency’s focus and measurement of success.

Key performance indicators include organic traffic, keyword rankings, conversion, bounce rates, and backlink quality. These SEO metrics offer a comprehensive view of the effectiveness of the SEO strategy.

An agency that tracks a wide range of KPIs demonstrates a thorough understanding of SEO’s multifaceted impact. Additionally, the KPIs should align with your specific business goals, whether increasing brand visibility, boosting sales, or improving customer engagement.

Our Answer: Our reports include a comprehensive range of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to give you a clear picture of your SEO campaign’s success. These typically include keyword rankings, organic traffic, and conversions from organic searches. We focus on KPIs most relevant to your goals, ensuring each report is informative and directly aligned with your business objectives.

13. Do you offer actionable insights or recommendations in your reports?

It is crucial to ask whether an SEO agency offers actionable insights or recommendations in their reports.

This question helps determine if the agency goes beyond data presentation to provide strategic guidance. Actionable insights mean they analyze the data, understand the context of your business, and suggest practical steps to improve performance.

This approach demonstrates their commitment to tracking metrics and actively contributing to your SEO success.

Reports with actionable recommendations are a valuable tool for decision-making, enabling you to understand the ‘why’ behind the data and how to leverage it for better results.

Our Answer: The SEO professional handling your campaign may add notes throughout the report and/or share these insights with you over the phone if you have a standing monthly meeting. We strive to communicate clearly (avoiding jargon) so you’re on the same page and know exactly how we’re interpreting your report and what we’re doing to ensure your SEO campaign drives results for your business.

14. How and when will we communicate?

Establishing clear and defined communication expectations is super-important for a successful partnership. This includes understanding the frequency, channels (e.g., email, phone, meetings), and communication format.

Are you going to set a monthly appointment to meet over the phone or video conference?

Knowing when and how you will communicate ensures that there are no gaps in information sharing and that both parties remain aligned on goals and strategies. Effective communication is key to resolving issues promptly, making timely decisions, and maintaining a transparent and collaborative relationship.

Our Answer: Communication is a crucial aspect of our service. We establish clear and consistent channels for communication right from the start. We typically schedule monthly meetings to discuss progress, strategies, and concerns. Additionally, we’re always available via email or phone during business hours. This ensures you’re always in the loop and can provide input or receive updates as needed, fostering a transparent and collaborative relationship.

14. What is your pricing model?

Understanding an agency’s pricing model is fundamental in evaluating their services against your budget.

SEO agencies might charge based on models like monthly retainers, project-based fees, or performance-based pricing. Each model has its advantages and implications for your business.

A clear understanding of the pricing structure helps assess the value offered and ensure no hidden costs. It also aids in financial planning and evaluating the return on investment you can expect from their services.

Our Answer: Our pricing model is based on the scope and needs of the SEO campaign and is clearly defined before the start of the campaign.

15. What happens if I need to terminate my contract?

Knowing the terms for contract termination safeguards your interests.

This includes understanding any notice periods, fees, or other conditions associated with ending the agreement.

It’s essential to have clear exit terms to avoid unforeseen complications or costs. This question reflects the agency’s flexibility and customer-centric approach, as a reputable agency will have fair and transparent termination policies.

Our Answer: We understand that circumstances can change, and we have a straightforward process for contract termination. If you decide to end our services, we require a notice period as outlined in our agreement. We aim to maintain a professional and amicable relationship, even if our contractual terms come to an end.

16. What makes your SEO services unique or better than other agencies?

This question helps identify the agency’s unique selling propositions (USPs).

Understanding what sets them apart is their innovative strategies, specialized expertise, superior tools, or exceptional customer service. Their answer will give you insights into their strengths and how they leverage these to deliver superior results.

This differentiation is key in choosing an agency that aligns with your needs and can provide the unique value you want in an SEO partnership.

Our Answer: We focus on client retention instead of client acquisition, which ensures we only succeed when you succeed. This approach provides a layer of transparency and trust you won’t find from SEO agencies that depend on clients coming and going quickly. Our team is invested in the success of your SEO campaign, so we push hard to ensure our efforts help your business thrive.

Looking for a Transparent SEO Agency?

Are you searching for an SEO agency that answers all your questions and provides the transparency needed to ensure you’re always aware of what’s working, what’s not working, and what needs to be done to improve your website?

Sachs Marketing Group stands out in the vast sea of SEO agencies. We’re not just about delivering services – we’re about creating partnerships. Our tailored, transparent, and results-driven approach ensures that every aspect of your SEO needs is meticulously addressed.

Imagine having an SEO partner that boosts your online visibility and drives tangible results. With our deep expertise, innovative strategies, and commitment to staying ahead of industry trends, Sachs Marketing Group transforms your digital presence. Our case studies and client testimonials speak volumes about our ability to elevate businesses to new heights.

Contact Sachs Marketing Group today. Let’s discuss your goals and how we can turn them into reality. With us, you’re not just getting an agency – you’re gaining a partner dedicated to your success.


This list of questions to ask an SEO agency can help you find a good fit for your needs. With these questions in hand, you can reach out to SEO agencies with confidence that you’re asking the right questions.

Asking these 16 questions can significantly influence the success of your digital marketing strategy. It ensures you choose a partner that understands your needs, communicates effectively, and drives tangible results.


How SEO Can Help Your Business

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is a powerful tool for increasing your business’s visibility online. By optimizing your website and content for search engines, you can attract more targeted traffic, leading to increased customer engagement and higher conversion rates. Essentially, SEO helps put your business in front of people actively searching for your services or products.

You’ve heard about SEO, but you may still be wondering how SEO can help your business.

Implementing SEO strategies is like turning on a beacon that guides potential customers straight to your doorstep. By enhancing your online presence, SEO helps you stand out in the crowded digital marketplace, making it easier for customers to find and choose you over competitors.

In this article, we’re exploring how SEO can help your business.

How SEO Can Help Your Business

In the digital age, your online presence is your storefront. Search engine optimization is the key to making your storefront more visible and appealing to potential customers. It’s not just about being found – it’s about being found by the right people at the right time.

Website traffic can come from a variety of channels, but 92.96% of global traffic comes from Google Search, Google Images, and Google Maps (SparkToro). To attract that traffic to your website, you’ll need to explore SEO.

Here’s how SEO can help your business attract customers.

1. SEO Can Establish a Foundation for Long-term Success

SEO isn’t just a quick fix – it’s a foundational element for long-term business success. By investing in SEO, businesses build a robust online presence that can withstand market changes and technological advancements.

SEO strategies, when implemented effectively, accumulate benefits over time. Unlike paid advertising which stops the moment funding ceases, SEO continues to deliver results long after the initial effort.

This persistent online visibility ensures that a business remains competitive and relevant in the digital landscape. Moreover, as a business’s website climbs in search rankings, it gains more exposure, leading to increased brand awareness, credibility, and a steady inflow of organic traffic.

These elements are crucial for sustaining and growing a business in the increasingly digital-centric market.

2. Reveals Your Customer’s Needs through Keyword Research

Keyword research, a core component of SEO, is like a window into your customers’ minds. It lets you understand the terms and phrases your potential customers use when searching for products or services related to your business.

This insight is invaluable for tailoring your content, products, and services to meet the specific needs and desires of your target audience.

By analyzing search trends and keyword patterns, businesses can also predict market shifts and customer behavior changes, staying ahead of the curve. Effective keyword research helps in creating relevant and engaging content, thereby attracting and retaining a more targeted audience.

This approach not only boosts website traffic but also enhances user engagement, leading to higher conversion rates and customer loyalty.

3. SEO Can Improve Organic Search Engine Visibility

Enhancing organic search engine visibility is one of the most significant benefits of SEO.

It involves optimizing a website to appear higher in unpaid, organic search results. This visibility is crucial because the higher a website ranks, the more likely it will be visited by users.

Organic visibility means reaching potential customers without needing paid advertising, offering a more cost-effective and credible approach to attracting traffic. It’s not just about ranking for any keywords but the right keywords that your target audience is using.

This improved visibility leads to more website visits, increased brand awareness, and the opportunity to convert visitors into customers.

In a digital world where most consumer journeys begin with a search engine, being prominently visible in organic search results is essential for any business aiming to succeed online.

4. Helps Reach Your Local Customers

For small and local businesses, local SEO plays an important role in your SEO strategy.

It optimizes a business’s online presence to attract more customers from nearby areas. This is especially important in an era where ‘near me’ searches are skyrocketing.

Local SEO involves optimizing for location-specific keywords, managing online business listings, and ensuring consistent NAP (Name, Address, Phone Number) information across the web. This enhances visibility in local search results and on platforms like Google Maps, making it easier for local customers to find your business. Start with your Google Business Profile optimization, and ensure your information is accurate.

Moreover, local SEO can drive foot traffic to physical locations and foster a community around your brand. By appearing prominently in local search results, businesses can effectively compete with larger corporations, tapping into the local market and building a loyal customer base.

Check this out: 10 SEO Tips for Local Business Visibility

5. SEO Can Attract More of the Right Traffic

SEO is a powerful tool for attracting not just more traffic but the right kind of traffic to your website.

By optimizing for specific keywords and phrases that your target audience uses, SEO ensures that the visitors arriving at your site are those who are most likely interested in your products or services.

This targeted approach leads to higher engagement rates as visitors are more inclined to find what they are looking for on your site. Unlike broad and untargeted advertising methods, SEO’s focus on relevance ensures that your marketing efforts attract a more qualified audience, leading to better conversion rates and higher-quality leads.

This precision in attracting the right traffic is key to building a loyal customer base and enhancing your online presence.

6. Targets Your Ideal Customers

SEO enables businesses to fine-tune their online presence to speak directly to their ideal customers.

By understanding and implementing the keywords and search phrases that your ideal customers use, you can tailor your website content, meta descriptions, and even your social media strategies to align with their needs and interests.

This level of customization in your marketing efforts ensures that your messages reach the people who are most likely to respond positively.

By presenting solutions to the problems they are actively searching to solve, you position your business as a relevant and attractive option, increasing the likelihood of converting these targeted visitors into paying customers.

7. SEO Can Reduce Customer Acquisition Costs

SEO can significantly reduce customer acquisition costs.

By improving organic search rankings, businesses gain ‘free’ exposure to potential customers.

Unlike paid advertising campaigns, where costs can accumulate quickly, the costs associated with SEO are generally fixed, regardless of how many people click through to your website. This organic approach not only reduces the direct costs of acquiring new customers but also tends to attract higher-quality leads.

These leads, obtained through targeted keyword searches, are often further along in the buying process, leading to higher conversion rates and a better return on investment.

8. It’s More Cost-effective than Other Channels

Compared to many traditional and digital marketing channels, SEO stands out for its cost-effectiveness.

While channels like pay-per-click (PPC) advertising can yield immediate results, they require continuous funding to maintain visibility.

SEO, on the other hand, requires an upfront investment in terms of time and resources, but its results are often long-lasting. Once a solid SEO foundation is established, it continues to drive traffic and leads over time without the need for continuous significant investment.

This long-term sustainability and efficiency make SEO a particularly attractive option for businesses looking to maximize their marketing budget.

9. SEO Can Help Outperform Your Competition in Search Results

A well-executed SEO strategy can be a key differentiator in outperforming competitors in search results.

By securing higher rankings in SERPs, your business gains increased visibility and credibility over competitors who are lower in the rankings.

This visibility not only attracts more traffic to your site but also establishes your brand as an authority in your industry.

Moreover, by consistently analyzing and adapting to search engine algorithm updates and evolving SEO practices, you can stay ahead of your competition, ensuring that your business remains at the forefront of your industry in the digital space.

10. Offers Measurable Data

One of the significant advantages of SEO is the ability to track and measure almost every aspect of your strategy.

Tools like Google Analytics provide valuable insights into your website’s traffic, user behavior, conversion rates, and how users find your site.

This data allows you to understand the effectiveness of your SEO efforts and make informed decisions to refine and improve your strategy.

By monitoring metrics such as organic traffic, bounce rate, and keyword rankings, you can clearly see what’s working and identify areas for improvement.

This measurable aspect of SEO ensures that your efforts are data-driven and optimized for the best possible results.

Need Help with Your SEO?

Are you ready to harness the power of SEO for your business but not sure where to start? Sachs Marketing Group is here to help!

Our expert team specializes in crafting customized SEO strategies that drive results. Imagine your business climbing to the top of search results, attracting more customers, and experiencing unprecedented growth.

Let’s make it happen. Contact us today to embark on your journey to SEO success!


SEO isn’t just a marketing tactic – it’s a fundamental component of modern business strategy.

From improving search engine rankings to building a strong brand identity, SEO helps businesses attract and retain customers in a digital world. Embrace SEO and watch your business flourish in ways you never imagined.

Remember, in the vast ocean of online content, SEO is your lighthouse guiding customers to your shores.


How to Choose An SEO Agency You Can Trust

Not sure how to choose an SEO agency you can trust? Finding a trustworthy SEO agency involves scrutinizing their credibility, strategies, and track record. Look for transparency, proven results, and a personalized approach that aligns with your business goals. Choosing the right agency can significantly impact your online presence and business growth.

Choosing an SEO agency you can trust is like finding a key business partner – it requires careful consideration and a keen eye for detail. The right agency can propel your online visibility, while a poor choice can set you back significantly.

In this article, we’re exploring how to choose an SEO agency you can trust.

How to Choose An SEO Agency You Can Trust

Choosing an SEO agency you can trust is like finding a key business partner – it requires careful consideration and a keen eye for detail.

The right agency can propel your online visibility, while a poor choice can set you back significantly.

In this article, we’re sharing a few tips to help you understand how to choose an SEO agency you can trust.

Check Out the SEO Agency’s Company Pages

Visiting an SEO agency’s company pages, including the About Page or Team Page, is a great place to learn more about the company, its culture, and the people behind the brand.

These pages often reveal the agency’s mission, values, and the collective expertise of the team. When you browse these sections, look for signs of a seasoned team that’s diverse in skills but unified in its approach to SEO.

The ‘About’ page should articulate their journey, philosophy, and what sets them apart, while the ‘Team’ page introduces you to the individuals behind the strategies. Pay attention to their qualifications, experience, and even their hobbies or interests. This helps you gauge not just their professional prowess but also the cultural and creative dynamics of the agency.

A strong, cohesive team that’s transparent about its members and values is a promising sign of a reliable and effective SEO partner.

Read the SEO Agency’s Case Studies

Case studies are the storytelling chapters of an SEO agency’s journey, showcasing their strategies and successes.

When you read these studies, you’re not just looking at their achievements, but you’re also evaluating their approach to various challenges. Good case studies should detail the client’s initial situation, the specific challenges faced, the strategies implemented by the agency, and the outcomes.

Case studies provide insight into the agency’s problem-solving abilities, adaptability, and the kind of results they deliver. Look for case studies that resonate with your industry or mirror your own business challenges. This can offer a glimpse into how the agency might navigate your unique SEO landscape.

Also, evaluate how recent these case studies are, as this reflects the agency’s current expertise and understanding of the evolving SEO terrain.

Review their Ratings, Reviews, and Overall Reputation

Exploring an agency’s ratings, reviews, and overall reputation is like conducting a background check – it’s essential for trust-building.

Start by checking their Google Business profile, their Clutch highlights, and their Glassdoor reviews from the company’s employees. Ratings give you a quick, aggregated sense of their performance, but the real value lies in the reviews.

Look for detailed client feedback that discusses specific aspects of their experience, such as communication, professionalism, and results achieved.

Be mindful of how the agency responds to reviews, particularly negative ones, as this shows their approach to client satisfaction and conflict resolution. However, don’t just stop at third-party sites. Research their presence on forums, social media, and industry discussions.

A well-reputed agency will have a positive and professional online footprint, with client testimonials and industry recognition adding to its credibility.

While you’re at it, take a look at the SEO agency’s BBB rating & accreditation to see if any customers have filed complaints.

Schedule A Call with the Owner

Scheduling a call with the owner of an SEO agency offers a unique opportunity to understand the agency’s leadership perspective and strategic approach.

This conversation should provide insights into the agency’s vision, values, and how they prioritize client success.

During the call, pay attention to how the owner describes their team’s expertise, approach to challenges, and adaptation to industry changes. It’s also important to gauge their level of enthusiasm and commitment towards your project.

Inquire about their involvement in client projects and how they ensure quality and consistency in their services. This direct interaction can reveal much about the agency’s operational integrity, its dedication to building strong client relationships, and its ability to deliver personalized service.

This is a crucial step in establishing trust and ensuring that the agency’s leadership aligns with your business goals and values.

Ask About Their SEO Process

Understanding an agency’s SEO process is critical in assessing their capability and fit for your business.

A reliable agency should be able to clearly articulate its approach, from initial analysis to strategy implementation and ongoing optimization. Inquire about how they conduct keyword research, their strategies for on-page and off-page SEO, and how they handle technical SEO aspects.

It’s also important to understand how they stay updated with the latest SEO trends and algorithm changes. A thorough SEO process should be comprehensive, flexible, and tailored to your specific industry and business goals.
This conversation will help you gauge the agency’s expertise, its methodological rigor, and its commitment to delivering sustainable, long-term SEO results.

Check this out: 16 Questions to Ask An SEO Agency [And Our Answers]

Ask About Their SEO Reporting and Communication

Effective reporting and communication are the cornerstones of a successful SEO partnership. When discussing this with an agency, ask about the frequency and format of their reports.

A good agency should provide regular, detailed reports that not only track key metrics but also explain what these metrics mean for your business.

These reports should offer insights into the progress of your SEO campaign and areas for improvement. Additionally, inquire about their communication channels and response times. You want an agency that is responsive and proactive in communicating updates, issues, or changes in strategy.

This aspect of their service will tell you a lot about their commitment to transparency and client engagement.

Evaluate Their Transparency

Evaluating an agency’s transparency is vital in establishing trust. Transparency should be evident in their communication, pricing, strategies, and reporting.

Ask how they will keep you informed about the changes they make to your website and the rationale behind them.

A trustworthy SEO agency will be open about the methods and challenges they foresee and realistic about the outcomes. They should also be upfront about their pricing structure, avoiding hidden costs or vague promises. Their willingness to provide clear, detailed information about their strategies and performance metrics is a strong indicator of a transparent and ethical approach to SEO.

This transparency is essential not just for trust but for ensuring that you are in a collaborative and informed partnership.

Compare Pricing and Contract Terms

Comparing pricing and contract terms across different SEO agencies is a crucial step in ensuring you get the best value for your investment.

When examining pricing, it’s important to understand what is included in the package. Does the price cover all the services you need, such as keyword research, on-page optimization, and content creation?

Be wary of prices that seem too good to be true, as they may not cover all the essential services or might involve cutting corners.

In terms of contract terms, pay attention to the length of the contract, cancellation policies, and any guarantees or promises made by the agency.

A reputable agency will have clear, straightforward terms that outline both parties’ responsibilities. It’s also important to consider the flexibility of the contract. For example, can it be adjusted as your business’s SEO needs evolve?

Comparing these aspects will help you find an agency that offers a fair deal and aligns with your business requirements.

Consider Agency’s Industry Experience

The industry experience of an SEO agency can significantly impact the effectiveness of your SEO strategy.

Agencies with experience in your specific industry will have a better understanding of your target audience, competition, and the keywords that are most effective. They are also more likely to know any industry-specific regulations or unique challenges. For example, Sachs Marketing Group has over a decade of experience providing drug rehab SEO and mental health SEO.

When evaluating an agency’s experience, ask for case studies or examples of their work within your industry.

This will not only demonstrate their capability but also provide insight into their approach to solving industry-specific problems.

An agency that has successfully navigated SEO for businesses similar to yours is more likely to replicate that success for your company. However, also consider the agency’s adaptability and how they have evolved their strategies to keep up with changes in both SEO practices and your industry.

Ask About Post-Contract Support Options

After the initial SEO campaign or contract period ends, ongoing support is crucial to maintain and build upon the gains achieved.

When discussing with an agency, inquire about their post-contract support options. This could include ongoing optimization services, periodic audits, or consultations.

Understanding the level of support, you can expect after the contract helps in planning for the long-term maintenance of your SEO efforts. It also indicates the agency’s commitment to building lasting relationships with its clients.

A good agency will not just focus on short-term gains but will be interested in your business’s continuous growth and success. Evaluate the flexibility and scalability of their post-contract services to ensure they can adapt to your evolving business needs.

Looking for an SEO Agency You Can Trust?

Are you seeking an SEO agency that aligns with your business goals, delivers results, and offers transparent communication? Sachs Marketing Group may just be the SEO agency you’re looking for!

As a full-service digital marketing agency, we specialize in crafting tailored SEO strategies that drive traffic and growth. With our expertise, commitment to client success, and comprehensive services, we’re the partner you need for your SEO journey.

Contact us today and schedule a call to discuss your business and discover how we can help.


Choosing the right SEO agency is a critical decision for your business’s online presence.

By following these steps and considering factors like transparency, experience, and client feedback, you can find an agency that not only meets your needs but also drives real results.

Remember, the best SEO partnership is one built on trust, clear communication, and shared goals.


How to Improve Local SEO Rankings

You can improve local SEO rankings by optimizing your Google Business Profile, ensuring consistent NAP (Name, Address, Phone number) across online directories, gathering customer reviews, creating location-specific content, and engaging with the local community on social media. Additionally, developing location pages on their website and attracting local backlinks can significantly enhance their visibility in local search results.

Local businesses often struggle to stand out in crowded digital landscapes, finding it challenging to capture the attention of nearby customers.

Fortunately, improving local SEO rankings can significantly enhance visibility in local search results, bringing your business directly to the audience that matters most. You can effectively boost your online presence by optimizing various elements like your Google Business Profile, leveraging local content, and engaging with the community on social media.

In this article, we’re sharing a few tips that will help you understand how to improve local SEO rankings for your website.

How to Improve Local SEO Rankings

Enhancing your local SEO rankings is essential in a digitally-driven market. It requires a strategic approach that combines several key elements to boost the visibility of your local business in local search results.

Every step plays a pivotal role, from optimizing your online profiles to engaging with your local community. Understanding and implementing these strategies can significantly elevate your local online presence.

Here’s how to improve local SEO rankings:

Optimize Your Google Business Profile for Local Visibility

Optimizing your Google Business Profile is a foundational step in improving local SEO. A well-maintained profile makes your business more visible and appealing in local search results and Google Maps.

Start by claiming your profile and verifying your business information. Ensure every detail is accurate and up-to-date, including your business name, address, phone number, and operating hours. The more information you provide, the better Google will understand your business and be able to provide potential customers with helpful information.

Enhance your profile with high-quality photos of your business, products, or services – preferably all of the above. People like seeing pictures of locations when learning about a company or preparing to visit. The more you provide, the better! Google will allow you to designate a logo, cover, and interior or exterior images, so be sure to have these images ready.

Regular updates with posts and offers keep your profile active and engaging, providing fresh content for potential customers. Posts appear near the bottom of your listing within Search, which can add an extra visual element to your listing, attract more attention, and potentially result in leads.

Encourage customer interaction by promptly responding to questions and reviews. A quick thank you not only lets the reviewer know you appreciate their time and review but also demonstrates that your company is listening, which can demonstrate your customer service.

Lastly, utilize the insights provided by Google to understand customer interactions and optimize your profile accordingly.

Related: 10 Benefits of Ongoing SEO Services

Add Your Company NAP to Local Directories

Having your business listed consistently across various local directories is crucial for local SEO success.

Your company’s Name, Address, and Phone number (NAP) should be uniformly presented across all platforms. This uniformity aids search engines in verifying the legitimacy of your business and improves your local search rankings.

Begin by listing your business in prominent local directories and business listings, including Yelp, Yellow Pages, and local Chamber of Commerce websites. You may also want to add your listing to more industry-specific directories. For example, professionals in the mental health industry might create a listing on Psychology Today.

Ensure that your listings are accurate and consistent across these platforms. Regularly check these listings to update any changes in your business details, as discrepancies can negatively impact your local SEO.

Collect Reviews from Local Customers

This is a big one! Reviews from local customers are a powerful influence on your local SEO and online reputation.

Encourage your customers to leave reviews by creating a simple, straightforward process. This can be achieved by sending follow-up emails after a purchase or service and providing links to your review platforms.

Here’s a quick template:

Respond to all reviews, whether positive or negative, to show that you value customer feedback and are engaged with your audience. Positive reviews not only enhance your local SEO but also build trust and credibility with potential customers.

Monitor your reviews regularly to address any concerns and to understand customer perceptions of your business.

Related: How to Respond to Negative Reviews on Google

Add Location Pages on Your Website

Creating dedicated pages for each location effectively boosts local SEO if your business operates in multiple locations. This should be one of the first steps when performing the initial on-page SEO for your website, as it will help reduce how long it takes to rank on Google for your target areas.

These location pages should provide specific details about each location, including the address, phone number, business hours, and personalized descriptions. Incorporate location-specific keywords, meta tags, and alt text for images in your content.

You can also enrich these pages with local news, events, or promotions relevant to each location.

Ensure that each location page provides a unique user experience, tailored to the specific audience of that area. This not only improves your SEO but also enhances the user experience for your website visitors.

For example, Sachs Marketing Group has a Thousand Oaks location page that speaks directly to local Thousand Oaks business owners who may be searching for our services.

Attract Backlinks that Highlight Local Relevance

Gaining backlinks from local sources is a key strategy in enhancing local SEO. Unlike backlinks from some directories or editorial content, local backlinks provide the local relevance search engines look for when ranking local content. One local backlink can help let search engines know your website is locally relevant.

These backlinks serve as endorsements from other local entities, signaling to search engines that your business is a relevant and integral part of the local community.

To attract these links, start by building relationships with local businesses, newspapers, and community websites.

Here are a few ways to attract local backlinks:

  • Consider sponsoring local events or charities, which can lead to backlinks from event pages or press releases.
  • Collaborate with local influencers or bloggers for features or guest posts. Additionally, creating valuable, shareable local content can naturally attract backlinks.
  • Regularly participating in and contributing to local forums and discussions can also boost your visibility and encourage backlinks.

Over time, backlinks that support your local relevance will help your local visibility improve and extend beyond your immediate area.

Create Location-specific Content

Developing content that is tailored to your local audience is vital for local SEO.

This type of content resonates with your local community and shows search engines that your business is engaged and relevant locally.

Create blog posts, articles, or videos about local events, news, or issues. Share local success stories or case studies that demonstrate your involvement and commitment to the area. Use local keywords and phrases that your local audience is likely to search for.

This strategy not only improves your SEO but also helps in establishing a strong local presence and brand identity.

Optimize Your Images for Local Relevance

Optimizing images on your website for local SEO can significantly impact your local search rankings.

Start by ensuring that all images on your site are of high quality and relevant to your local audience. Use file names that include local keywords or geographical locations.

For example, instead of “storefront.jpg”, use “westlake-village-storefront.jpg”. Include descriptive alt tags that include your location and captions with local keywords, as these are indexed by search engines and can improve your visibility in local image searches.

Also, ensure your images are optimized for web use — they should be the right size and format to load quickly, enhancing user experience.

Related: 10 Benefits of Ongoing SEO Services

Engage Your Local Community with Your Social Media Profiles

Social media is a powerful tool for engaging with your local community and boosting your local SEO.

Use your social media platforms to share local content, participate in local conversations, and promote local events or promotions.

Engage with other local businesses and influencers by sharing their content, commenting on their posts, and collaborating on local initiatives. Utilize local hashtags and geotags to increase your visibility in local searches.

Regularly interacting with your local audience on social media not only strengthens your local presence but also signals to search engines your relevance in the local area.

On November 15th, Google announced an update (dubbed the “Hidden Gems” update), which is focused on surfacing content from social media platforms and around the web that provides firsthand experience. This is part of a recent push to highlight content based on personal experience that people prefer and often find on platforms like Tiktok, Instagram, and Reddit.

Not sure how to use social media for your business? Check out these two guides to get started:

Partner with A Local SEO Company

For businesses looking to fully leverage local SEO but lacking the time or expertise, partnering with a local SEO company can be an invaluable step.

A specialized local SEO company, like Sachs Marketing Group, has the expertise and resources to tailor a strategy specific to your business and local market. They can handle the complexities of local SEO, from optimizing your Google Business Profile and managing local content creation to developing targeted local backlinks and social media strategies.

This partnership allows you to focus on running your business while the SEO experts enhance your local online visibility, drawing more traffic and customers to your business.

Need Help with Your Local SEO Visibility?

Looking to boost your local SEO but not sure where to start? Sachs Marketing Group is here to help.

Our expert team offers a wide range of digital marketing services and specializes in enhancing local SEO for businesses like yours. We provide personalized strategies to improve your local online visibility, drawing in more local customers.

Partner with us to navigate the complexities of local SEO and watch your business thrive in your community.

Reach out to Sachs Marketing Group for a consultation and take the first step towards optimizing your local SEO today.


Improving your local SEO is crucial for businesses looking to gain an edge in their local market.

By following the abovementioned strategies, you can enhance your local online presence, attract more customers, and ultimately grow your business. Local SEO is an ongoing process, and staying updated with the latest trends and practices is key to maintaining your competitive edge.

If you need assistance or guidance, consider partnering with a professional SEO company like Sachs Marketing Group to maximize your local SEO potential.


SEO for Ecommerce Product Pages

To optimize ecommerce product pages, strategically incorporate targeted keywords, ensure user-friendly URLs, craft compelling meta tags, and utilize high-quality media. It’s about creating an informative, intuitive, and engaging user experience that resonates with both search engines and shoppers.

Navigating the competitive realm of ecommerce requires more than just standout products – it demands optimized product pages that attract and convert.

Understanding the intricacies of search engine optimization (SEO) for these pages is not a mere luxury—it’s a necessity for ensuring your products shine in the digital marketplace.

Here, we outline crucial SEO strategies that can catapult your product pages to the top of search engine results—read on to revolutionize your online presence.

SEO for Ecommerce Product Pages

Optimizing ecommerce product pages is an artful balance between serving prospective customers and satisfying search engine algorithms.

A well-optimized page will naturally draw in more traffic, elevate your brand’s visibility, and lead to better conversion rates. According to Google, around half of customers said they research potential purchases using Google before buying online (Google, 2019). If you want to maximize your sales potential, you simply can’t ignore the search engines – or SEO.

Let’s delve into the strategies that can make your product pages both SEO-friendly and compelling to customers.

1. Include Your Target Keywords in the Product Title

Incorporating your target keywords into product titles is one of the basic SEO tips for ecommerce sites, yet it’s often overlooked. It ensures that the most important and search-relevant terms are front and center where they’re most impactful—both for the search engine’s crawlers and the potential customers scanning search results.

It’s essential, however, to maintain a balance: the title must be keyword-rich yet still natural and appealing to the reader.

For example, if you’re selling eco-friendly water bottles, a keyword-optimized product title might be “Eco-Friendly Stainless Steel Water Bottle – BPA Free.” This title conveys the product and is likely to match a variety of search queries related to eco-friendly drinkware.

2. Use Simple and Descriptive Product URLs

Product URLs are a foundational element of SEO for ecommerce product pages. A well-crafted URL should be straightforward and reflective of the product’s content, helping search engines to understand and properly categorize the page.

It’s also beneficial for sharing purposes, as a clean, descriptive URL is more user-friendly and enticing to click on.

For example, instead of a URL filled with numbers and nonsensical characters, use a structure like “/eco-friendly-water-bottle-green.” Such a URL is clear, concise, and includes relevant keywords, improving its potential to rank higher in search engine results.

3. Optimize Your Meta Title and Description

The meta title and description serve as a brief yet powerful synopsis of your product page. They are crucial for engaging users and encouraging clicks from the search engine results page.

The meta title should encapsulate the essence of the product while also incorporating primary keywords near the beginning. Meanwhile, the meta description provides a bit more space to sell the product and encourage clicks, using persuasive language and even a call-to-action if appropriate.

Keywords should be woven seamlessly into both elements. For example, a meta title for an eco-friendly bottle might read, “Buy Eco-Friendly Water Bottles | BPA-Free & Sustainable,” with a meta description like, “Discover our range of eco-friendly water bottles. Sustainable, stylish, and BPA-free—perfect for your active lifestyle. Shop now for free shipping on orders over $50!”

This example demonstrates the inclusion of keywords while also detailing key product features and a shopping incentive.

4. Use Descriptive Headings and Prioritize Benefits Over Features

Crafting headings that are both descriptive and focused on the benefits rather than just the features can significantly enhance user engagement and SEO.

Headers should tell a story about the product that appeals directly to the consumer’s needs and desires.

For instance, a heading like “Stay Hydrated with Sustainable Style” immediately highlights the practical benefit of hydration and the added value of eco-friendliness. It speaks to the customer’s personal and social values, making the product more appealing.

Such headings not only draw in the user but also help search engines understand the context and content, improving the page’s visibility for related queries.

5. Include Product Attributes and Provide Links to Dedicated Pages

Detailing product attributes enhances the user experience and strengthens SEO by giving search engines more content to index.

Attributes might include material, size, color options, or any unique selling points. Additionally, linking these attributes to dedicated pages allows for a broader content network and internal linking structure that boosts SEO.

If you have a page on your site dedicated to “Eco-Friendly Materials,” linking the words “made with recycled plastics” on your water bottle product page to that dedicated page creates a rich interlinking system that enhances the authority of your site on the topic of eco-friendliness.

6. Create Engaging Product Descriptions that Stand Out

An engaging product description does more than inform – it entices and convinces. By using a narrative style, emotional appeals, or storytelling elements, you can differentiate your product from competitors.

Highlight the experience of using the product, not just the object itself. For the eco-friendly water bottle, rather than simply listing dimensions and capacity, you could describe the experience of using the bottle daily, its convenience, and how it contributes to a sustainable lifestyle. This technique makes your product memorable and more likely to resonate with the target audience, while strategically placed keywords help improve search rankings.

7. Include High-Quality Images and Video

Images and videos are not just decorative elements; they are instrumental in SEO and user engagement.

High-resolution images that showcase the product from various angles and videos that demonstrate the product in action can significantly boost time on page and conversions.

They provide an opportunity to include image alt-text and video descriptions rich with keywords, which assist in search engine indexing. For example, an alt-text for a bottle image could be “Eco-Friendly Stainless Steel Water Bottle in Action,” which helps the page to show up in image searches related to eco-friendly products.

Moreover, rich media like this can lead to higher click-through rates and shareability, which indirectly boosts SEO through enhanced user engagement.

8. Provide Consistent Breadcrumb Navigation

Breadcrumbs are a navigational feature that not only aids users in understanding their location within your website but also bolsters your SEO efforts. They provide a clear path back to previous pages, usually in the format of “Home > Category > Subcategory > Product.”

This structure enhances user experience by simplifying navigation, and from an SEO perspective, it allows search engines to understand the hierarchy and structure of your site, improving the indexing of your pages.

For example, a breadcrumb trail for an eco-friendly water bottle might look like “Home > Kitchenware > Drinkware > Eco-friendly Water Bottle,” enabling users and search engines alike to navigate and comprehend the site’s layout with ease.

9. Highlight “You might also like” Products

Including a section on product pages that suggests related products, often labeled as “You might also like” or “Related Products,” serves a dual purpose.

It enhances the user experience by providing them with additional options they may find appealing, and it keeps them engaged and browsing your site longer.

For SEO, this feature can decrease bounce rates and increase the number of pages visited per session. When a customer viewing a water bottle sees recommendations for matching eco-friendly lunchboxes, they’re not only more likely to explore these products but also to perceive your brand as a one-stop shop for sustainable kitchenware.

This interconnectedness signals to search engines that your website is a resourceful hub for related products, which can positively affect your rankings.

10. Apply Product Schema with Reviews

Using structured data, or schema markup, for product listings and reviews is a potent way to enhance your product pages for SEO.

When you apply product schema, you’re providing search engines with detailed product information in a standardized format, making it easier for them to display rich snippets in search results, such as price, availability, and review ratings.

The markup for an eco-friendly water bottle could include ratings from customer reviews, which appear directly in search results, often leading to a higher click-through rate. Positive reviews displayed in search results can also build trust with potential customers before they even visit your site.

11. Include a FAQ Section Supported by Schema

A Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section on product pages can be a valuable SEO asset. It addresses common customer inquiries, which can improve on-page time and user experience.

When paired with FAQ schema markup, it enables search engines to feature your content directly in search results.

This means that when someone searches for something like “How to clean an eco-friendly water bottle,” they might see the answer from your FAQ displayed prominently in search results.

This not only boosts SEO but positions your brand as an authority. Additionally, it can cut down on customer service inquiries by preemptively answering common questions, saving your business time and resources.

Need Help with Your Ecommerce SEO?

Are you looking to maximize your ecommerce site’s visibility and potential to attract customers who purchase your products? Sachs Marketing Group is here to help!

Sachs Marketing Group is a full-service digital marketing agency that provides SEO services, including everything from keyword research and on-page optimization to link building and ecommerce SEO. Our expertise in ecommerce SEO ensures that your products don’t just appear in search results—they captivate and convert.

Contact us to discover a partnership that places your products in the spotlight.


Mastering SEO for ecommerce product pages is a continuous effort that can lead to significant gains in traffic and sales.

By implementing these tactics, you can create product pages that are not only optimized for search engines but also crafted to provide the best user experience. With the right approach, your ecommerce site can thrive in the competitive online marketplace.


What is Topical Authority in SEO (And How Do You Build It)?

Topical authority in SEO refers to the expertise and credibility a website holds in a specific subject area or niche. Establishing this authority positively impacts organic rankings, making it easier for your site to be found by users who are interested in the topics you cover.

If you’re finding it difficult to rank well for a specific set of keywords or subjects, it could be because Google doesn’t view your site as an authority in that area.

This could be causing you to lose valuable traffic and potential customers to competitors. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a way to gain Google’s trust and get that traffic flowing your way? That’s where topical authority comes in.

In this article, we’re exploring a question we keep hearing from business owners: What is topical authority in SEO and how do you build it?

What is Topical Authority in SEO?

Topical authority in SEO refers to the level of expertise and credibility a website or a piece of content holds in a particular subject area or niche.

It’s not just about having one or two well-performing articles – rather, it’s about consistently providing high-quality, informative content across a range of topics within your specific field. Search engines like Google assess this authority to determine how well your website should rank for relevant queries, leading to better visibility and more organic traffic.

Unlike traditional domain authority, which looks at the credibility of an entire website, topical authority delves deeper into how well you cover specific topics within your overall content strategy.

For example, a general health website may have high domain authority but may not have high topical authority in “mental health.” To achieve topical authority, you’ll need a comprehensive and interconnected web of content that fully covers your chosen topic, from basic introductory articles to deep dives.

Why is Topical Authority Important for SEO?

Topical authority is critical for SEO because it directly impacts your website’s visibility on search engines.

When you build topical authority, search engines recognize your expertise and are more likely to rank your website higher in search results for queries related to your topic. This, in turn, drives more organic traffic to your site, increasing the opportunities for user engagement and conversion.

High topical authority is essentially a seal of credibility and trustworthiness, which search engines use to offer the most reliable and relevant results to users.

Furthermore, as search engine algorithms become more sophisticated, topical authority is likely to become increasingly important. Algorithms are getting better at understanding the context and semantic meaning behind queries, and they’re more inclined to rank content that offers comprehensive and authoritative answers.

This makes it essential for websites to not just aim for keyword optimization but to focus on building expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness in their niche topics.

The Competitive Edge of Topical Authority

Building topical authority can give you a significant competitive edge in the crowded online space. With high topical authority, your website becomes the go-to resource for users and other industry professionals, enhancing your brand’s image and credibility.

This not only helps you rank higher in search engine results but also encourages more backlinks and social shares, which further boosts your SEO efforts.

The benefit extends beyond SEO as well. Being an authority in your niche can also lead to other opportunities like partnerships, guest blogging invitations, and even media coverage.

It sets you apart from competitors who are vying for the same audience but don’t offer the same depth of information or expertise. When consumers are looking to make a decision, whether it’s what article to read or what product to buy, they are more likely to choose the option that comes from a recognized authority in the subject matter.

How to Build Topical Authority

Building topical authority isn’t an overnight task. It requires a methodical approach starting with in-depth keyword research, followed by content creation and strategic linking, all while continually measuring your efforts. Let’s delve into the step-by-step process.

Here’s how to build topical authority step-by-step.

Keyword Research

The first step in building topical authority is conducting thorough keyword research. Identify the key phrases that are pertinent to your niche and look for opportunities to create content around them.

Organize Keywords into Topic Clusters

Once you have a list of keywords, it’s time to organize them into topic clusters. A topic cluster is a group of interlinked web pages that are centered around a core topic. Using the “vegan recipes” example, a topic cluster might consist of a core page about vegan recipes and then have sub-pages or blog posts about “vegan breakfast recipes,” “vegan meals for kids,” and so on.

Creating topic clusters helps in two ways. Firstly, it aids SEO by creating a logical, organized structure that search engines favor. Secondly, it helps users find what they need easily, thereby increasing time spent on your website. Think of it as a tree, where the trunk is your main topic, and the branches are related subtopics.

Create A Topical Authority Map

A topical map essentially outlines how all of your content will fit together in a cohesive manner. It’s your roadmap for building topical authority. Using a tool like MindMeister or even a simple spreadsheet, map out how your core topics and subtopics interlink.

For example, you can create a topical map that starts with your core topic “vegan recipes” and then branches out to subtopics like “vegan breakfast,” “vegan lunch,” and so on. Under each subtopic, you can further list specific content ideas, such as “5 Quick Vegan Breakfast Ideas” or “How to Make Vegan Cheese.” This will serve as your content blueprint.

Create Your Content

With your blueprint in hand, begin creating high-quality, authoritative content. Each piece should offer value, be well-researched, and ideally, be long-form. Studies have shown that long-form content tends to rank higher on search engines. Don’t forget to include various types of content, like articles, videos, and infographics.

For example, if one of your topic clusters revolves around “vegan protein sources,” an article titled “10 Best Vegan Protein Sources” could be your main piece, supported by smaller pieces like “Benefits of Lentils” or “How to Cook Quinoa for Maximum Protein.” Each piece should link to the others, creating a comprehensive, interconnected web of authority on the subject.

Build Links (both internal and external)

Link-building is crucial for topical authority. Internal links between your content pieces make it easier for both search engines and users to navigate your website. External links, on the other hand, can significantly boost your site’s authority. Aim to get backlinks from reputable sites in your industry.

For example, if you’ve written an in-depth guide about “Vegan Nutrition,” reach out to dieticians, health bloggers, or even educational institutions to link to it. Meanwhile, don’t forget to interlink this guide with your related articles, like “Vegan Protein Sources” or “Plant-based Diet Myths Debunked.”

Measure Results

It’s important to keep tabs on how your efforts are paying off. Use tools like Google Analytics, SEMrush, or Ahrefs to track key performance indicators (KPIs) such as organic traffic, time spent on the page, and backlinks acquired. For example, if your organic traffic has increased by 20% since you started focusing on the topic cluster for “vegan desserts,” that’s a sign you’re gaining topical authority in that area.

Use these metrics to refine your strategy. If certain keywords or topics are not performing well, it might be time to reassess and pivot.

Hire An SEO Company for Help

If this process seems overwhelming, consider hiring an SEO company specialized in building topical authority. They can manage everything from keyword research to content creation and link building, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your business.

For example, an SEO company can run a comprehensive audit to identify gaps in your current strategy and fill them effectively. They can also regularly monitor your KPIs, providing you with monthly or quarterly reports that offer actionable insights.

Partner with Sachs Marketing Group

Looking to build topical authority in your niche? Sachs Marketing Group is here to help!

Sachs Marketing Group is a full-service digital marketing agency that specializes in both SEO strategy and content marketing services. From keyword research to content creation, we handle it all, ensuring you gain that coveted authority status in your field.

Start your journey to becoming the go-to resource for information in your industry through the development of topical authority today!


Topical authority is becoming increasingly important in SEO. By becoming an authority in a specific niche, you increase your chances of ranking higher in SERPs, receiving more backlinks, and ultimately, getting more organic traffic to your site. It’s a long-term investment, but one that can offer tremendous returns. Start building your topical authority now and set your website up for long-term success.


Technical SEO vs. On-Page SEO: Which is More Important?

While technical SEO focuses on the backend architecture and elements that affect site speed and crawlability, on-page SEO centers around content optimization and user experience. Both are crucial for ranking well on search engines.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an essential component of any digital marketing strategy, yet it can be challenging to navigate its various facets. Two often confused elements are technical SEO and on-page SEO. Understanding the differences and synergies between these two is key to boosting your website’s search engine rankings.

In this article, you will learn everything you need to know about technical SEO vs. on-page SEO.

What is Technical SEO?

Technical SEO refers to the optimization of website and server configurations that help search engines crawl and index your website more efficiently. It’s not about content creation but rather the foundation that makes it possible for your content to be discovered.

Technical SEO plays a crucial role in helping your website rank well by ensuring that search engines can understand it easily.

Here are some important aspects of technical SEO:

  • Site Speed Optimization: A fast-loading website is essential for both user experience and search engine rankings. Compress images, utilize browser caching, and minimize code for better performance.
  • Mobile-Friendliness: Ensuring your website is mobile-friendly is crucial, especially since Google adopts a mobile-first indexing approach.
  • Secure and Accessible Website: Using HTTPS not only secures your website but also helps in improving its rankings.
  • XML Sitemaps: An XML sitemap helps search engines understand the structure of your website and index it more efficiently.
  • Robots.txt File: This file tells search engines what pages or parts of your site they should or shouldn’t crawl and index.
  • Canonical Tags: Using canonical tags prevent duplicate content issues by specifying the “preferred” version of a web page, helping it gain the ranking it deserves.
  • Structured Data Markup: This helps search engines understand the context of your content, enabling better search visibility and enriched search results.
  • Hreflang Tags: For multilingual websites, hreflang tags are essential to ensure that the correct language version of a website is displayed to users.
  • 404 Error Management: Properly managing 404 errors and implementing 301 redirects can help maintain link equity and keep user experience positive.
  • Website Architecture: A well-designed URL structure and layout can significantly help search engines crawl your website more effectively, while also improving user experience.

What is On-page SEO?

On-page SEO involves all the on-site elements that you can optimize to make your website more search-engine friendly. These include content elements, the HTML source code, and various other technical factors. On-page SEO is crucial because it helps search engines understand your website and its content, and whether it is relevant to a searcher’s query.

Here are some specific aspects of on-page SEO:

  • Keyword Optimization: The right use of keywords in titles, headers, and body content helps to make the page more relevant to search queries. This is one of the most basic yet crucial aspects of on-page SEO.
  • Meta Descriptions: A compelling meta description gives a brief summary of your page’s content and can influence click-through rates from search engine results.
  • Header Tags: Using header tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.) organizes your content and makes it easier for search engines to understand the context and importance of different sections.
  • Internal Linking: Well-placed internal links guide visitors to other valuable and related content on your site, thereby improving user experience and boosting the SEO value of other pages.
  • Content Quality: Well-researched and regularly updated content that fulfills user intent is highly likely to be rewarded with better search engine rankings.
  • Image Optimization: Image alt text and file names are important for SEO. They provide context to search engines and can result in better image search visibility.
  • URL Structure: Simple, descriptive URLs that contain keywords are not only user-friendly but are also effective for search engine optimization.
  • Social Sharing Buttons: While not a direct ranking factor, easily accessible social sharing buttons do increase the likelihood of social sharing, which can enhance content reach and visibility.
  • Schema Markup: This is a code that you put on your website to help search engines provide more informative results for users. Schema markup can significantly impact how your snippets are displayed in search results.
  • Page Loading Speed: Although primarily a technical SEO factor, on-page elements like image size, embedded videos, or third-party scripts can impact page loading speed, which in turn affects SEO.

Technical SEO vs. On-page SEO: Which is More Important?

The discussion about the importance of technical SEO versus on-page SEO often tends to create division among SEO professionals. Some argue that the technical aspects of SEO serve as the backbone of any website, ensuring its “crawlability” and indexation by search engines. Others contend that on-page elements like quality content, meta-descriptions, and headers are what truly engage users and therefore hold more weight in rankings. The reality is that both are two sides of the same coin; you can’t expect to succeed in the SEO realm without giving due attention to both. Just like a car needs both a robust engine and an attractive exterior to be deemed valuable, an effective SEO strategy requires the strengths of both technical and on-page SEO.

To illustrate, consider building a house: Technical SEO is akin to the foundation and the structural integrity of the house. You could have the most beautiful interiors (analogous to on-page SEO), but if the foundation is weak, the house will ultimately collapse. Conversely, no matter how strong your foundation is, a house with unappealing aesthetics and poor layout won’t attract many dwellers or visitors. In the digital landscape, Technical SEO makes your site navigable for search engines, while on-page SEO ensures that once visitors arrive, they find what they’re looking for and ideally take some action (like making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter).

The Importance of Both

The argument is not about choosing one over the other but about recognizing that both technical SEO and on-page SEO play unique roles that contribute to your online success. Technical SEO is all about making your website’s structure search-engine friendly. It involves optimizing your robots.txt files, improving site speed, ensuring mobile-friendliness, and structuring data, among other tasks. These are foundational requirements; failing to get these right could mean your website won’t even get indexed by search engines, let alone rank high.

On-page SEO, on the other hand, focuses on the content elements that are actually visible to your visitors. It’s about ensuring that this content is high-quality, relevant, and can effectively meet the needs or solve the problems of your audience. By using relevant keywords in your content, creating compelling meta descriptions, and using headers judiciously, you guide the search engines in understanding the context and relevance of your pages. You also create a better user experience, which search engines reward with higher rankings.

To sum it up, both Technical SEO and on-page SEO are indispensable parts of the SEO puzzle. Overlooking either technical SEO or on-page SEO is akin to having a car with a powerful engine but faulty tires; you won’t get far, and the journey won’t be smooth. Therefore, a balanced, holistic approach to SEO—one that comprehensively incorporates both technical and on-page elements—is the key to a successful SEO strategy.

Need Help with Your SEO?

Are you struggling with your SEO strategy and can’t decide where to focus – technical SEO or on-page SEO?

Sachs Marketing Group offers specialized SEO services that cater to all your needs. Imagine having an optimized website that not only ranks well in search engine results but also provides an excellent user experience.

Contact us today to see how we can make this vision a reality for you.


Both technical SEO and on-page SEO are vital for your website’s success in search engines. While it may seem complicated to juggle both, understanding their unique functionalities can help you utilize them to their fullest potential.

Don’t think of it as technical SEO vs. on-page SEO – think of it as a harmonious blend of efforts that help you reach your target audience effectively.

Whether you’re a DIY marketer or seeking professional help, it’s crucial to give equal attention to both aspects for a well-rounded SEO strategy.


11 Essential SEO Tips for Ecommerce Sites

Some of the most important SEO tips for ecommerce sites include providing a secure shopping environment, optimizing product pages, using structured data, and improving website speed. These strategies not only help to rank higher in search results but also improve the user experience.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the backbone of any ecommerce business that wants to stand out in the crowded online marketplace.

Ignoring it could mean missing out on clicks, conversions, and ultimately sales. This can quickly take a toll on your business if you’re selling products in a competitive market.

Fortunately, incorporating SEO techniques specifically tailored for ecommerce sites can make a world of difference in your online visibility and sales.

In this article, we’ve gathered some of the most important SEO tips for ecommerce sites so you can get started.

SEO Tips for Ecommerce Sites

The battle for ecommerce visibility is fierce, with countless businesses competing for the top spots in search engine rankings.

Often, the struggle lies in not just driving traffic to your website, but in converting that traffic into actual sales. However, the good news is that with the right SEO techniques, your ecommerce site can stand out from the crowd, attract more organic traffic, and increase your sales conversions. Whether you’re a small startup or a well-established online retailer, optimizing your website for SEO is no longer optional – it’s a necessity for business growth.

Here are 11 SEO tips for ecommerce sites to help you enhance your visibility, attract a larger customer base, and drive more sales:

1. Provide A Secure Shopping Environment with HTTPS

Security is paramount in the online world, especially when transactions are involved. Shoppers are becoming increasingly cautious about where they input their personal and financial details.

This is where HTTPS (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure) comes into play. HTTPS encrypts the data transferred between a user and the server, adding an extra layer of security. Not only does this enhance customer trust, but it also positively impacts your site’s SEO.

Google has confirmed that HTTPS is a ranking factor, so an SSL certificate is essential for any ecommerce website. You can purchase an SSL certificate through your web hosting service or a third-party provider.

2. Optimize Product Pages (descriptions, details, images)

Product pages are the heart and soul of any ecommerce website. They’re where the conversion happens. Therefore, it’s crucial to optimize these pages meticulously.

Descriptions: Write compelling and informative product descriptions that tell a story. Use language that resonates with your target audience and focuses on the benefits of the product, not just the features. Make use of relevant keywords but avoid keyword stuffing.

Details: Additional product details like size, color options, material, and warranty should be easily accessible and well-organized. These details can often be the tipping point for consumers who are on the fence.

Images: High-quality images are non-negotiable. According to various studies, more than 75% of online shoppers rely on product images when deciding on a potential purchase. Use multiple images from different angles and include zoom-in functionality. You should also consider incorporating videos that show the product in use, offering a more comprehensive understanding of what you’re selling.

This area of SEO is called on-page SEO, and it’s one of the foundations you can’t ignore. The on-page optimization is one of the first steps to ensure your website is optimized for your target keywords, eligible to rank competitively in search engines, and can help reduce how long it takes to rank on Google for your target keywords.

Depending on the size of your website and how many products you have, this process can be overwhelming. To help you organize your approach, we’ve created an on-page SEO checklist to help you get started.

For a quick head-start, consider using our free SEO analyzer – it will reveal the strengths and weaknesses of your on-page SEO, providing you with direction.

3. Utilize Structured Data

Structured data refers to the organization of information in a manner that makes it easily readable by search engines. When properly implemented, structured data can result in rich snippets, which are enhanced search results featuring extra information such as star ratings, product prices, or customer reviews. These rich snippets make your listing more attractive, leading to higher click-through rates (CTR) and potentially higher sales.

For ecommerce sites, structured data can include a range of details like product name, brand, price, and stock status. JSON-LD (JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data) is the most recommended format for adding structured data to your website. Google’s Structured Data Markup Helper is an excellent tool for generating the necessary code, making the process easier for those who are not as technically inclined.

By investing time in implementing HTTPS, optimizing product pages, and utilizing structured data, you can significantly improve your ecommerce site’s performance in search engines and user experience.

Related: 10 Benefits of Ongoing SEO Services

4. Optimize URL Structure

The URL structure of your ecommerce site plays a pivotal role in SEO as well as user experience. A well-crafted URL is easy to read, describes the content accurately, and includes relevant keywords. Avoid using generic or numerical identifiers, opting instead for descriptive words that give users and search engines an idea of what to expect on the page.

For example, instead of a URL like, use something more descriptive, such as Additionally, keep the URLs as concise as possible. Overly long URLs can appear spammy and may discourage clicks.

Remember also to use hyphens (-) instead of underscores (_) to separate words. This is because search engines like Google treat hyphens as space but underscores can be viewed as a character, affecting search rankings.

5. Create An Enjoyable Shopping Experience

An enjoyable shopping experience is critical in attracting and retaining customers. This means more than just having an attractive web design. The navigation must be intuitive, allowing users to find what they’re looking for with ease. Filter and sorting options should be available to aid in the search for the perfect product.

Moreover, consider adding features like a “Recently Viewed” section or personalized product recommendations based on user behavior. These elements can create a more interactive and tailored experience for the visitor, increasing both engagement and the likelihood of conversion.

Accessibility is also crucial – your ecommerce site should be easy to use for people with disabilities. Make use of alt texts for images and ensure your site is navigable through keyboard-only commands. Doing so not only broadens your customer base but can also improve SEO rankings, as search engines are increasingly considering accessibility in their algorithms.

6. Improve Website Speed

The amount of time it takes for your website to load is a significant factor for both SEO and user experience. Slow websites can be a deal-breaker in the ecommerce world – so much, in fact, even a one-second delay can result in a 7% decrease in conversions according to various studies. This is why it’s important to use tools like x or y when reviewing your technical SEO.

Start by optimizing images – they should be of high quality but also compressed for the web. Lazy loading, where images only load when they appear in the user’s viewport, can also help to speed up the initial page loading time.

Additionally, leverage browser caching and optimize your website’s code by removing unnecessary characters that are not visible to users but take up data. Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights or GTmetrix to identify areas of improvement.

Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) can also be used to distribute the load, saving bandwidth and speeding up access for your potential customers.

Improving website speed not only results in a higher ranking on search engine result pages but also creates a smoother, more enjoyable experience for users, thereby increasing the chance of conversions.

This area of SEO can be overwhelming and rather technical, so be sure to use our helpful 10-Point Technical SEO Audit Checklist.

7. Prioritize Your Mobile Experience

In today’s digital age, a significant portion of ecommerce traffic comes from mobile devices. Prioritizing the mobile experience is not just a nice-to-have – it’s a necessity! Google’s mobile-first indexing is a testament to this, as it ranks your website based on the mobile version of the site. Therefore, ensuring your website is fully responsive and offers a seamless experience on smaller screens is crucial for SEO and user satisfaction.

One effective approach is to implement Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP), which are designed to load quickly on mobile devices. Utilize a mobile-friendly design that features easy navigation, readable text, and a straightforward checkout process. Also, make sure all clickable elements are adequately spaced and easy to tap on a mobile screen to reduce errors and frustrations.

Test your website’s mobile compatibility regularly and pay close attention to page loading speed, visual elements, and functionalities like forms and buttons. Usability should never be compromised regardless of the device being used to access your ecommerce site.

8. Provide Clear Navigation

Clear, intuitive navigation is essential for a successful ecommerce website. The easier it is for customers to find what they’re looking for, the higher your chances of making a sale. Begin by having a well-structured menu that categorizes products logically. Incorporate a search bar at the top of every page, ensuring it’s easily accessible and provides auto-suggestions or corrections.

Breadcrumb navigation can also aid in providing context and allowing for easier navigation. This is especially beneficial in ecommerce sites that have a multitude of product categories and subcategories. For example, a breadcrumb trail for a men’s watch could look something like: Home > Men’s Accessories > Watches > Brand Name.

In addition, employ filters and sorting options that allow users to customize their viewing experience based on variables like price, popularity, and ratings. These options help streamline the search process, making it less overwhelming and more targeted.

Clear navigation not only improves user experience but can also positively impact your SEO. Search engines can better understand the structure and content of your site, potentially leading to higher rankings in search engine results pages.

By prioritizing mobile experiences and providing clear navigation, you’re laying down the foundational elements for an ecommerce site that’s geared for success both in terms of user experience and SEO.

9. Share Product Data with Google

Sharing your product data with Google can significantly amplify your ecommerce store’s visibility and reach. Different Google platforms can showcase your products, each offering distinct advantages. Here’s a breakdown of where your products can appear and the benefits of each:

  • Google Search: Sharing product data with Google Search allows your products to appear in organic search results. The more relevant and optimized your product data, the higher the likelihood your product pages will rank well. This gives you the opportunity to attract free, organic traffic to your website, saving you money in advertising costs.
  • Google Images: Google Images is often overlooked, but it’s an essential channel for ecommerce, especially for products that rely heavily on visual appeal. Optimized product images can appear in Google Images search results, providing another avenue for potential customers to discover your products. Always make sure your images are high quality and utilize alt text for SEO benefit.
  • Google Lens: Google Lens is an image recognition technology that can identify products and offer additional information or purchasing options. By sharing your product data, you can be included in these results. This offers the potential for capturing shoppers who are in the comparison or even intent-to-buy phases of their shopping journey, creating a more direct route from browsing to buying.
  • Google Shopping Tab: The Google Shopping tab is a specialized search function dedicated to products. It offers a more streamlined shopping experience for users, showcasing prices and reviews. If you share product data here, users can compare products and prices at a glance, increasing the chances of attracting cost-conscious consumers.
  • Business Profile: A Google Business Profile lets you manage how your business appears on Google Search and Maps. By sharing product data here, you can provide potential customers with a snapshot of what you offer before they even visit your website. This helps you stand out from competitors and attract more local and relevant traffic. Check out our guide on 10 Google Business Profile Optimization Tips to ensure your profile is optimized.
  • Google Maps: Sharing product data with Google Maps is beneficial primarily for businesses that also have physical locations. Your products can appear in local searches, directing potential customers to both your online store and your brick-and-mortar locations. This is particularly effective when optimizing your website for local search and can be a real boon for driving foot traffic.

By strategically sharing your product data across these Google platforms, you can effectively maximize your online presence, capturing interest and converting it into sales through multiple touchpoints. This integrated approach not only enhances your ecommerce site’s visibility but also creates a more dynamic and user-friendly shopping experience for potential customers.

10. Track Visibility and Sales

Monitoring your ecommerce site’s visibility and sales is crucial for evaluating the success of your SEO efforts.

Use analytics tools like Google Analytics to track key metrics such as organic traffic, conversion rates, and average order value. Additionally, pay close attention to the performance of specific keywords and how they translate into sales.

This data is essential for making informed decisions and adjustments to your SEO strategy, helping you identify what’s working and what needs improvement. Regularly tracking these metrics will provide you with actionable insights and help justify your SEO investments.

11. Hire an Ecommerce SEO Expert

Taking your ecommerce business to the next level often requires the expertise that only a dedicated SEO professional can provide.

An ecommerce SEO expert will have specialized knowledge in keyword research, site optimization, and data analysis specific to ecommerce platforms. They can also help you navigate the intricacies of algorithm changes, making sure that your site doesn’t just attract traffic but also converts visitors into customers.

Partnering with an expert will free you up to focus on other crucial aspects of your business, ensuring that your SEO is in capable hands.

Need Help with Your Ecommerce Site?

Struggling to improve your ecommerce site’s visibility and sales?

Sachs Marketing Group specializes in ecommerce SEO services designed to tackle these challenges head-on.

Imagine doubling your organic traffic, seeing your product pages rank at the top of Google, and watching your conversion rate skyrocket.

Don’t let poor SEO hold you back. Reach out to us today for a free SEO audit and see how we can tailor our services to meet your specific needs.

By leveraging the expertise of our agency, you can rest assured that every aspect of your SEO will be optimized, setting the stage for exponential growth in both visibility and revenue.


SEO is an essential part of running a successful ecommerce business. The tips provided in this article can help you enhance your site’s visibility, user experience, and conversion rates.

Invest the time and resources needed to optimize your ecommerce site for SEO and watch your business grow.


10 Profitable Benefits of Ecommerce SEO

The many benefits of Ecommerce SEO involves enhanced online store visibility in search engines, leading to more targeted traffic. It increases the likelihood of attracting buyers actively seeking products, boosting sales. This strategy also builds brand awareness, fosters customer loyalty, and optimizes marketing spend by reducing reliance on paid advertising. Overall, SEO offers a competitive advantage in the digital marketplace.

In the bustling world of online shopping, standing out amid thousands of ecommerce stores is a challenge. Many businesses invest heavily in their products and websites, only to find themselves lost in the vastness of the Internet.

Without proper strategies in place, the dream of consistent sales and a growing customer base can feel elusive. Your competitors might be stealing your potential customers away, and the cost of paid advertisements keeps soaring.

Enter the world of Ecommerce SEO. With the right techniques, your online store can achieve better rankings, increased traffic, and more sales. Let us dive into the benefits of ecommerce SEO that can help you unlock the true potential of your ecommerce site.

What is Ecommerce SEO

Ecommerce SEO is a specialized form of search engine optimization tailored for online stores. It focuses on improving the visibility of products and the store itself in search engine results to drive targeted traffic and increase sales.

While traditional SEO aims at ranking websites higher for informational or brand-related queries, ecommerce SEO hones in on transactional keywords and product-specific queries. It involves optimizing product listings, descriptions, and images, and ensuring a seamless shopping experience.

Unlike general SEO which might target broader topics, ecommerce SEO specifically targets aspects like product reviews, stock availability, and pricing to ensure online stores meet user intent precisely and boost conversions.

10 Benefits of Ecommerce SEO

Whether you sell products on your own website using one of the many ecommerce platforms or list your products on ecommerce platforms, like Google Shopping or Amazon, investing in ecommerce SEO will unlock an avalanche of benefits that help you sell more products.

Here are 10 benefits of ecommerce SEO …

1. Enhanced product visibility in search engines

In the vast expanse of the internet, where countless ecommerce sites vie for attention, having your products stand out becomes vital. Enhanced product visibility means that when a potential customer types in a specific keyword or product query into a search engine like Google, your products and services rank higher in the search results.

This elevated ranking isn’t coincidental; it’s the result of meticulous optimization of product descriptions, images, meta tags, and other on-page elements.

As your products become more visible, they are more accessible to potential customers, acting almost as a neon sign on a bustling digital street.

2. More clicks from people ready to buy

Ecommerce SEO isn’t just about getting traffic; it’s about attracting the right kind of traffic.

When your SEO strategy targets specific, transactional keywords (those keywords which indicate a user’s intent to purchase), you tend to attract visitors who are further down the sales funnel. These are the individuals who have moved past the browsing phase and are now in the decision-making or purchasing phase.

By optimizing for these keywords, you essentially put your products right in front of those who are not just browsing, but are primed and ready to make a purchase.

3. A boost in sales

The natural progression from increased visibility and attracting ready-to-buy customers is a significant boost in sales. When more eyes are on your products and those eyes belong to motivated buyers, the likelihood of conversions (website visitors turning into paying customers) shoots up.

There’s more to it than just the numbers. As your site begins to rank higher and attract more relevant traffic, it also starts building trust. Search engine users often trust top-ranked sites as authoritative and reliable.

So, an effectively optimized ecommerce website not only garners more traffic but also benefits from increased trust, leading to a higher conversion rate and, consequently, a boost in sales.

4. Increased brand awareness

In today’s digital landscape, a brand’s online visibility is paramount to its success.

When your ecommerce site consistently ranks high on search engines, it’s encountered more frequently by users. Each encounter, even if it doesn’t immediately result in a sale, adds to the collective consciousness of potential customers. Over time, this consistent visibility translates to brand recognition.

With increased brand awareness, consumers start associating certain products or services with your brand. It’s akin to thinking of facial tissue and immediately thinking of “Kleenex.” When your ecommerce site is optimized effectively and consistently appears in search results, it establishes a digital footprint that’s hard to ignore, creating a strong brand recall in the minds of consumers.

5. Customer loyalty

One of the unsung benefits of effective SEO is the role it plays in building customer loyalty.

Consistently providing relevant content and ensuring a seamless user experience starts positioning your brand as reliable and trustworthy. When customers know they can find what they need on your site, and they have a positive experience each time, they’re less likely to venture elsewhere.

Furthermore, advanced SEO techniques can cater to personalized user experiences, remembering past purchases and offering relevant recommendations. Such tailored interactions create a sense of connection and trust. Over time, these consistent and positive interactions build loyalty, ensuring that customers not only come back but also become ambassadors of your brand, recommending it to others.

6. Improved conversion rates

While traffic to a site is valuable, what truly matters for an ecommerce business is how many of those visitors actually make a purchase. That’s where conversion rates come into play and where ecommerce web design can help.

A well-optimized site offers more than just visibility – it provides an intuitive and user-friendly experience. From a clear site structure to fast loading speeds, to mobile optimization – all elements of SEO play a role.

When visitors can navigate your site easily, find the information they seek without hassle, and complete a purchase smoothly, the likelihood of them converting increases manifold. SEO ensures that every touchpoint, from the product description to the checkout process, is optimized for user experience. Such attention to detail reduces cart abandonment and drives up conversion rates, directly impacting the bottom line.

7. Lower marketing costs

Digital marketing encompasses a plethora of strategies, from pay-per-click (PPC) advertising to social media campaigns. While many of these strategies can yield excellent results, they often come with recurring costs that can add up significantly over time.

Ecommerce SEO, on the other hand, involves an initial investment in optimizing your site, followed by more sporadic costs related to maintaining and updating your SEO strategy.

Over the long term, a well-optimized site can maintain high search engine rankings and attract organic traffic without the constant financial outlay required by paid advertising.

The sustainable nature of SEO means that ecommerce businesses can enjoy continuous visibility and traffic without incurring regular marketing expenses. In the end, this translates to a reduced cost per acquisition and a higher overall return on investment.

8. A sharper competitive edge

In the highly competitive world of ecommerce, standing out from the crowd is imperative. While many businesses might focus on short-term gains through paid advertising, an effective SEO strategy offers longer-lasting results. By ranking high organically, your ecommerce site can continuously appear above competitors in search engine results.

Furthermore, achieving top organic rankings sends a strong signal to potential customers. It suggests that your brand is authoritative, trustworthy, and well-established in its niche. In contrast, constantly relying on paid placements might convey a need to “buy” visibility.

With SEO, you’re “earning” your spot, which can significantly enhance your brand’s perceived value and credibility. In the competitive battleground of online retail, this earned credibility can be the deciding factor for a customer choosing between you and a rival.

Related: 10 Benefits of Ongoing SEO Services

9. Gain more insights about your visitors

One of the often-overlooked benefits of SEO is the wealth of data it provides. Through tools like Google Analytics, ecommerce businesses can gain profound insights into their visitors’ behavior, preferences, demographics, and more.

Understanding which keywords bring the most traffic, which products are most often searched for, or even when users typically visit can be invaluable for shaping future marketing strategies. Additionally, insights into metrics like bounce rate, average session duration, and pages per session can help businesses identify areas of their site that might need improvement.

This data doesn’t just aid in refining SEO strategies – it offers a holistic view of the customer journey. With these insights, ecommerce businesses can make data-driven decisions, tailoring their offerings, website design, and marketing campaigns to better align with their audience’s needs and preferences.

10. Increased digital marketing ROI

Investing in digital marketing is essential for any online business, but it’s equally crucial to ensure that this investment yields profitable returns. Ecommerce SEO plays a pivotal role in this.

For starters, Ecommerce SEO optimizes your online store to appear higher in search engine rankings. As you ascend in these rankings, you attract more organic (non-paid) traffic. This means that over time, you spend less on paid advertising campaigns yet still reap the benefits of high traffic.

Organic traffic, cultivated through SEO, also tends to have higher conversion rates as these visitors are often looking for specific products or solutions.

Furthermore, as your SEO efforts mature, their effects compound. The content you optimize today can continue to drive traffic and sales for years to come, without incurring additional costs. This longevity contrasts with strategies like pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, where the benefits cease as soon as you stop funding the ads.

In essence, while there’s an upfront investment in Ecommerce SEO, its long-term benefits, from sustained traffic to higher conversions, ensure an impressive return on investment, amplifying your digital marketing ROI.

Need help with your ecommerce SEO?

Are you struggling to make your ecommerce store stand out? Sachs Marketing Group is here to help!

Imagine a world where your products are easily discoverable by eager buyers. Where every search query brings potential customers straight to your doorstep.

Sachs Marketing Group specializes in crafting tailor-made SEO strategies for ecommerce businesses. Our team provides solutions to ensure your products get the spotlight they deserve.

Don’t let competitors overshadow you. Contact us to schedule a time to chat and let’s embark on a journey to ecommerce success.


Ecommerce SEO provides a sustainable and cost-effective way to not just increase visibility but also drive sales, improve brand loyalty, and gain a competitive edge. By understanding and leveraging these benefits, businesses can create a foundation for long-term success in the online marketplace.


10 Google Business Profile Optimization Tips

Google Business Profile Optimization involves updating and maintaining a business’s profile on Google to ensure that all information is accurate and engaging. This includes verifying the profile, using accurate NAP (Name, Address, Phone Number), adding quality images, including business hours, encouraging customer reviews, selecting relevant categories, and monitoring customer queries. Optimization enhances visibility in local search results, helping attract more customers.

In an era where online presence is vital, Google Business Profile (formerly known as Google My Business) acts as a beacon for local customers. Utilizing this platform effectively can lead to increased foot traffic, online recognition, and an uplift in sales. However, merely listing your business on Google is not enough – optimizing it is crucial to ensure that potential customers find you easily.

Optimizing your Google Business Profile falls into the category of search engine optimization, and may be implemented by some SEO companies as a critical part of their local SEO and/or off-page SEO strategy.

In this article, we’re exploring 10 Google Business Profile Optimization tips to help your business stand out and attract customers.

10 Google Business Profile Optimization Tips

Enhancing your Google Business Profile is not an uphill battle if you know the right strategies. With these 10 optimization tips, you can significantly boost your local visibility and connect with your targeted audience.

Here are 10 Google Business Profile optimization tips to help you get started.

Verify Your Profile

Verifying your Google Business Profile is a crucial step in claiming your business listing. The process involves receiving a verification code from Google, typically via postcard, phone call, or email, depending on your type of business. Once you receive this code, you must enter it into your Google Business Profile to complete the verification.

Verifying your profile proves to Google that your business is legitimate, and it operates from the location provided. Verified profiles gain more visibility in local search results and instill more trust in customers. Verification also unlocks additional features within the platform, allowing you to respond to reviews, add photos, and offer real-time updates.

We help our clients verify their Google Business Profile to ensure Google knows the listing is authentic and in the hands of the business owner. This encourages Google to display its business listing more prominently in search results and maps when local customers search for relevant keywords. This also allows business owners to upload daily special offers, respond to customer queries, and manage their online reputation more effectively. As a result, business owners often see an increase in phone calls, email form submissions, and foot traffic if they have a physical location.

Use Accurate NAP

NAP stands for Name, Address, and Phone Number, and it’s a critical element in local SEO. Ensuring that these details are consistent across all online platforms, including your Google Business Profile, website, social media, and online directories, is vital. Any discrepancies can confuse both Google and your customers.

Accuracy in NAP information helps Google to associate your various online presences, improving your local search ranking. Consistency in these details builds trust and credibility with your audience, making it easy for them to find and contact you.

For example, one of our clients is a local therapist who recently moved her clinic and changed her contact number. By updating her NAP information consistently across his Google Business Profile, website, and other online listings, we helped ensure new and existing patients can find her new location effortlessly. Google recognized the consistency and revised her local search rankings accordingly. Potential patients searching for therapy services nearby find her clinic quickly, leading to more appointments and a thriving practice.

Add Quality Images

Adding quality images to your Google Business Profile is a simple yet highly effective way to enhance your online presence. You can upload images of your products, services, team, or even behind-the-scenes shots to give potential customers a visual insight into your business. The images should be clear, well-lit, and representative of what you offer.

High-quality images can create a strong first impression, allowing customers to visualize the quality of your services or products. This visual representation adds an extra layer of credibility and can differentiate you from competitors who might not provide images.

For instance, a local landscaping company can benefit by showcasing before-and-after photos of their landscaping projects. By providing high-resolution images of a front yard before and after planting new grass, shrubs, and trees, they demonstrate how their services can transform customers’ yards, curb appeal, and home value. Such visual proof can influence potential clients who are comparing different providers and lead them to choose the service that visibly stands out.

Include Business Hours

Including business hours in your Google Business Profile involves clearly listing the days and hours your business is operational. It’s crucial to update this information if there are any changes, such as during holidays or special events. Google allows you to set regular hours and special hours for unique circumstances.

Having accurate and up-to-date business hours ensures transparency and helps avoid any potential confusion or frustration that customers might face if they reach out to you outside your operational hours. It also adds to the overall professionalism of your profile.

A local plumber, for example, can list their regular business hours alongside emergency hours if they offer 24/7 emergency services. A potential customer facing a late-night plumbing crisis can quickly see that the plumber is available for emergency calls, even outside regular business hours. This immediate information can lead to a quick decision and result in a service call that might otherwise have gone to a competitor.

Encourage Customer Reviews

Customer reviews are essential to optimize your Google Business Profile, as they act as a form of social proof. Encouraging customers to leave reviews showcases the experience others have had with your business, which can sway potential clients’ decisions in your favor.

The process of encouraging customer reviews begins with providing excellent service and then kindly asking satisfied customers to share their experiences online. This could be done through a follow-up email, a call to action on a receipt, or even a polite verbal request. Responding to reviews, both positive and negative, also adds an essential personal touch. Engaging with customers online shows that your business values feedback and is willing to improve.

For example, a garage door installation company can ask satisfied clients to leave positive reviews detailing their prompt response, professional conduct, and quality work, people looking for a dependable company that provides garage door installation will see this as an endorsement from fellow consumers and may reach out to schedule a consultation.

Utilize Relevant Categories

Utilizing relevant categories is another vital aspect of Google Business Profile optimization. It involves selecting the most accurate and related categories that describe your business services, which helps Google direct traffic to your profile for those specific searches.

The process requires you to choose primary and secondary categories that match your services. It’s essential to be as specific and accurate as possible, as it helps Google understand precisely what your business offers, resulting in better placement for related search queries.

Take the example of a local home services provider offering landscaping and lawn care. By choosing relevant categories like “Landscaping Service” and “Lawn Care Service,” they ensure that their business appears in the search results when locals are looking for these specific services.

If a homeowner searches for “local lawn care services” on Google, the provider’s optimized categories will make their profile more likely to appear in the search results, thus leading potential customers right to their door.

Provide Clear Description

Providing a clear and engaging description in your Google Business Profile is akin to having a personalized conversation with potential customers.

It’s an opportunity to articulate what your business stands for, the services it offers, and why it stands out from the competition. The description should encapsulate key aspects of your business, including the range of services, unique selling points, and even the ethos or values that drive your business.

For a local home services provider, the description might be the first interaction a homeowner has with the company. A well-crafted description that details services such as plumbing, electrical repairs, landscaping, and why they are the best choice in the area can provide immediate reassurance and connection.

For instance, the description might highlight the company’s commitment to timely service, use of quality materials, trained and certified professionals, and a guarantee on all repairs. By doing so, the home services provider not only offers a clear understanding of what they do but also builds trust and sets expectations with potential customers.

Add Special Offers

Special offers are an invaluable tool to draw attention and interest from potential customers. By featuring discounts, promotions, or exclusive services, businesses can create a compelling reason for customers to choose their services over others.

Adding special offers to the Google Business Profile plays a crucial role in optimization. It signals to customers that there’s something unique waiting for them, a reward or benefit that sets the business apart. These offers can be seasonal, related to specific services, or targeted to specific customer groups.

Taking the example of the local home services provider, let’s say they decide to offer a 10% discount on all first-time services or a bundled offer for customers seeking multiple services. This type of special offer can be particularly appealing to homeowners who are new to the area or are looking for comprehensive home maintenance.

In doing so, the home services provider not only makes their services more attractive financially but also encourages potential customers to explore more of what they have to offer. It might lead to a homeowner who initially only wanted plumbing services to also book a landscaping service, knowing there’s a valuable offer attached.

Monitor Customer Queries

Monitoring customer queries is an essential aspect of optimizing your Google Business Profile. It involves keeping track of the questions, concerns, or comments that customers and prospects leave on your Google Business Profile page. This might include queries about your services, pricing, availability, or anything specific to what you offer.

By actively monitoring and responding to these queries, you provide immediate support and information to the person asking. This not only creates a sense of trust and reliability but also shows that your business is attentive and responsive. It can lead to higher engagement rates, better reviews, and ultimately, more customers walking through your door.

Consider a local pest control company specializing in seasonal pests in California. A potential customer may leave a query on their Google Business Profile, asking, “Do you offer emergency wasp nest removal on weekends?” By promptly responding with, “Yes, we provide 24/7 emergency wasp nest removal, including weekends. Feel free to call us anytime!”, the provider can convert a simple inquiry into an immediate service call. This responsiveness enhances the provider’s reputation and could lead to more inquiries and service bookings.

Update Regularly

Regular updates to your Google Business Profile are vital to ensure that all the information presented is current and accurate. This includes updating your business hours, contact information, services offered, images, special offers, and any other relevant details.

Regular updates reflect a well-maintained and active profile, making your business appear more professional and trustworthy. It also helps in providing the most accurate information to potential customers, reducing the chances of confusion or misinformation.

For example, if a garage door company expands its services to include driveway gate installation, it can update its Google Business Profile to reflect these new services. This helps provide their current and future customers with a full picture of what the company offers.

Related: 10 Benefits of Ongoing SEO Services

Let the Pros Optimize Your Google Business Profile

Entrusting your SEO needs to a specialized company offers multifaceted benefits. An SEO company possesses the expertise to enhance your online visibility and drive organic traffic.

Their experience ensures that your website stays updated with ever-evolving search engine algorithms. More importantly, by delegating this intricate task, you free up substantial time and resources. This means you can channel your energies exclusively on core business operations, ensuring smoother functioning, and uninterrupted growth.

In essence, you gain peace of mind and a competitive edge in the digital realm. Reach out to Sachs Marketing Group to schedule a call with Eric Sachs and discover how we can help optimize your Google Business Profile and beyond.

FAQs About Google Business Profile Optimization

Google Business Profile is a versatile tool, and you may have some questions about how best to use it. Below are some frequently asked questions to help you understand its full potential.

What is Google Business Profile?

Google Business Profile is a free tool that allows business owners to manage how their business information appears across Google, including Search and Maps. It’s essential for local SEO and connects businesses with customers in their area.

How do I get the most out of my Google Business Profile?

To get the most out of your Google Business Profile, ensure all information is accurate and up-to-date, including your NAP (Name, Address, Phone Number). Utilize quality images and respond to reviews to engage with customers. Regular updates, special offers, and monitoring customer queries can further enhance your profile’s effectiveness and visibility in local search results.

How do I rank first on Google Business Profile?

Ranking first on Google Business Profile requires a combination of strategies. Ensure that your profile is fully optimized with accurate NAP (Name, Address, Phone number) information, quality images, and relevant business categories. Encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews, respond to customer queries promptly, and update your profile regularly. These consistent efforts enhance your prominence and relevance, boosting your ranking on local searches.

How do I complete my Google Business Profile 100%?

Completing your Google Business Profile 100% involves verifying your profile, adding accurate Name, Address, Phone (NAP) details, including high-quality images, setting business hours, encouraging customer reviews, and selecting relevant categories. Additionally, providing a clear business description, adding special offers, and regularly updating the information ensures that your profile is fully optimized and aligned with Google’s standards.

Need Help with Your Google Business Profile Optimization?

Are you struggling to navigate the complex world of Google Business Profile? Our local SEO services are designed to help you leverage this powerful tool to its fullest.

We offer comprehensive optimization strategies tailored to your unique business needs.

Imagine your business popping up at the top of local searches, attracting more customers every day.

Contact us now and take the first step towards unlocking the full potential of your Google Business Profile.


Google Business Profile optimization is more than a one-time effort – it’s an ongoing process that can significantly impact your local visibility. This is why many companies opt to hire a digital marketing agency that offers SEO services.

By following these 10 optimization tips, you’ll be on your way to creating a profile that resonates with your audience and reflects your business’s true essence. If you’re interested in increasing your local SEO, check out our article How to Optimize Your Website for Local Search for even more ideas.

Partner with us today and make Google Business Profile a cornerstone of your local marketing strategy.


10-Point Technical SEO Audit Checklist

Technical SEO refers to the process of optimizing the infrastructure of a website to aid search engines in crawling and indexing it efficiently. It involves improving site speed, ensuring mobile-friendliness, creating XML sitemaps, securing your website with HTTPS, and more, thereby enhancing its visibility and ranking on SERPs.

Navigating the complex world of technical SEO – a specific type of search engine optimization – can often be overwhelming. However, employing a well-structured technical SEO audit checklist can significantly ease this process.

This systematic tool guides you through each vital component of your website’s technical health, ensuring you don’t overlook any critical aspects that could impact your search engine performance.

Using a technical SEO audit checklist during your monthly audits can help enhance your site’s visibility, improve user experience, and boost organic traffic, leading to increased conversions and revenue.

In this article, we share a few technical SEO audit checklist points to help you get started.

What is technical SEO?

Technical SEO refers to the process of optimizing the infrastructure of a website to aid search engines in crawling and indexing it efficiently. It involves improving site speed, ensuring mobile-friendliness, creating XML sitemaps, securing your website with HTTPS, and more, thereby enhancing its visibility and ranking on SERPs.

Technical SEO Audit Checklist

Using a technical SEO checklist is critical as it guides the process of optimizing a website’s technical aspects to improve its organic ranking. It ensures all relevant elements are addressed, leading to a seamless user experience and better indexing by search engines.

Not sure how to improve the technical SEO of your website? Use this 10-point technical SEO audit checklist to get started.

1. Install SSL Certificate for HTTPS

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates play a critical role in maintaining the security of a website by establishing encrypted links between the browser and the server.

Search engines, such as Google, prioritize sites that use HTTPS because it ensures user data remains safe. Not only does it protect sensitive information from potential threats, but it also builds trust among users, leading to higher engagement rates.

Installing an SSL certificate can be a simple process involving purchasing the certificate, activating, and installing it on your server, then updating your site to use HTTPS.

2. Make Sure Only One Version of Your Domain is Accessible (www vs non-www)

Ensuring that only one version of your domain is accessible is a crucial aspect of technical SEO. This is because search engines like Google view ‘www’ and ‘non-www’ versions of your website as two separate entities. If both versions are accessible, it may lead to duplicate content issues, diluting your search ranking potential.

To prevent this, you need to select your preferred domain: either ‘www’ or ‘non-www’. You then set up a 301 redirect to this preferred version, directing all traffic to one location. This step not only consolidates your domain authority but also provides a better, more cohesive user experience.

Remember, consistency is key in SEO. Stick to your preferred domain across all your web properties, including social media profiles and online directories. It helps in building a strong, unified brand identity while optimizing your website’s search engine performance.

3. Improve Your Website Speed and Performance

Improving your website speed and performance is critical for user experience and SEO. When a website loads quickly, visitors are more likely to stay, explore, and convert.

Start by evaluating your current speed using tools like Google’s PageSpeed Insights. This will highlight areas for improvement such as image optimization, leveraging browser caching, or eliminating render-blocking JavaScript.

Remember, a sluggish website isn’t just a nuisance to users; it’s a red flag to search engines. Slow sites are likely to be downranked, impacting your visibility.

Invest time in optimizing your website’s speed and performance. This is not just an aesthetic or functional upgrade – it’s an essential step in a successful SEO strategy and can help speed up how long it takes to rank on Google and ensure your content is eligible to climb the index. Keep your site lean, efficient, and user-friendly to score SEO points and enhance user satisfaction.

4. Ensure Your Website Is Mobile-Friendly

Mobile-friendliness is a non-negotiable factor in today’s digital landscape. With over 55% of website traffic coming from mobile devices, ensuring your website is mobile-friendly is crucial for SEO and user experience.

Google uses mobile-first indexing. This means that the mobile version of your site is primarily used for indexing and ranking. Therefore, a website that isn’t mobile-friendly can significantly impact your visibility on search engines.

A mobile-friendly site enhances user experience. The navigation should be seamless, the text easily readable, and the site elements appropriately sized for a smaller screen. This contributes to positive engagement metrics, such as lower bounce rates and longer session durations, which indirectly boost SEO.

It’s about meeting user expectations. Modern internet users demand ease of use and accessibility from their mobile devices. If your website doesn’t deliver, you risk losing potential customers to competitors that do.

To check your site’s mobile-friendliness, use tools like Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test. It’s an essential part of a technical SEO audit, ensuring your website appeals to both search engines and the modern, mobile-centric consumer.

5. Use Canonical URLs

Canonical URLs play a critical role in your website’s SEO. They help prevent issues of duplicate content, which can occur if the same or similar content is accessible through different URLs. Search engines view these duplicates as separate pages, which can lead to your site’s traffic being split, and can consequently dilute your SEO efforts.

To use canonical URLs effectively, identify the ‘master’ version of your page and use the rel=canonical tag to specify it. This tag directs search engines to the version of the content you want to be considered as the primary source. This can be particularly beneficial in an e-commerce context where product information may appear in multiple sections of the website.

By carefully implementing canonical URLs, you provide clear directives to search engines, ensuring your content is properly indexed, preventing duplicate content issues, and consolidating your page ranking power. This enhances your overall SEO strategy.

6. Use Internal Links to Support Website Structure

Internal linking is a key component of an effective SEO strategy. It involves connecting various pages within your website, and guiding users and search engine bots to relevant content. By carefully structuring these links, you can improve user navigation, helping them discover more of your website and spend more time exploring it.

Internal links also help search engines understand the context and relationship between different pages. They help distribute link equity (also known as link juice) throughout your site, which can enhance the authority of lesser-known pages.

When creating an internal link, it’s crucial to use descriptive anchor text. This allows users and search engines to comprehend what the linked page is about before they decide to click on it. Remember, a thoughtful internal linking strategy can significantly improve your website’s SEO, user experience, and overall site performance.

7. Fix Website Errors

Fixing website errors is a pivotal step in technical SEO. These errors range from server issues to 404 errors, and even security problems such as unsecured pages. They can severely affect the user experience, leading to higher bounce rates, and can negatively impact your website’s ranking on search engines.

It’s essential to utilize tools like Semrush or Ahrefs to detect these errors. The immediate rectification of these issues is key, whether it’s redirecting a 404 page to a relevant live page, securing your website with HTTPS, or resolving server issues. This ensures uninterrupted user experience and optimal website health, which search engines reward with better visibility.

In a technical SEO audit, the consistent monitoring and rectification of website errors remain crucial. Fixing these issues promptly helps maintain a website’s health and elevates the user experience, thereby improving overall SEO performance.

Related: 10 Benefits of Ongoing SEO Services

8. Fix Broken Pages and Links

Broken pages and links create roadblocks in the seamless user journey, leading to frustration and ultimately, lower site engagement. Therefore, it’s imperative to fix these for an optimized user experience and improved search engine rankings.

To begin, use SEO tools like Screaming Frog or Sitebulb to identify these broken elements. These tools crawl your website, identifying any pages that return 404 errors or links that lead nowhere.

Once identified, rectify these issues by either reinstating the deleted pages or redirecting the broken links to relevant live pages. For broken internal links, a quick edit in your CMS can direct users to the correct page. For external links, updating the current URL or removing the link entirely is usually the best course of action.

This consistent housekeeping forms a vital part of technical SEO, ensuring a fluid user experience and contributing positively to your site’s SEO performance.

9. Optimize for Core Web Vitals

Use Google Search Console to identify issues negatively impacting Core Web Vitals. Optimizing for Core Web Vitals is a critical component of modern SEO. This Google initiative focuses on three fundamental aspects: Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), First Input Delay (FID), and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS).

LCP measures loading performance. To provide a good user experience, your site should strive to have LCP occur within the first 2.5 seconds of the page starting to load. FID gauges interactivity. Sites should aim for an FID of less than 100 milliseconds to ensure a smooth interactive experience. CLS quantifies visual stability, with a goal of less than 0.1 to prevent irritating layout shifts.

Addressing these elements entails strategies like reducing CSS and JavaScript, enabling lazy loading, and ensuring server efficiency. Regularly checking and optimizing your site for these vitals can vastly improve user experience and boost your SEO rankings.

10. Use Structured Data

Structured data, or schema markup, is a powerful SEO tool that helps search engines understand the context of your content. It’s coded using a specific format, recognized by search engines, which allows them to categorize your content and present it in a more appealing way in the SERPs.

Implementing structured data can aid in obtaining rich snippets, like reviews, recipes, or business information, which can significantly increase your visibility and click-through rates. It’s essential to use the correct schema types relevant to your content and ensure the code is error-free.

There are various tools available, like Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool, to help you validate and troubleshoot your markup. By using structured data, you’re effectively communicating with search engines, improving your chances of better SERP visibility.

Hiring a Technical SEO Professional

Hiring a technical SEO professional can significantly impact your website’s visibility and organic ranking. These experts have the knowledge and tools to analyze your website thoroughly, identify technical issues, and implement effective strategies to resolve them.

Furthermore, they stay up-to-date with the ever-changing SEO guidelines and algorithms, ensuring your website stays compliant and performs at its best.

Technical SEO FAQs

What is technical SEO?

Technical SEO refers to the process of optimizing the infrastructure of a website to aid search engines in crawling and indexing it efficiently. It involves improving site speed, ensuring mobile-friendliness, creating XML sitemaps, securing your website with HTTPS, and more, thereby enhancing its visibility and ranking on SERPs.

What is technical SEO audit checklist?

A technical SEO audit checklist is a tool used to identify and fix issues in the technical aspects of a website’s SEO. It covers areas such as site speed, crawlability, mobile optimization, security, and structured data, ensuring optimal website performance and visibility on search engine results pages.

What is covered in technical SEO?

Technical SEO covers optimization elements that help search engines crawl and index a website more effectively. This includes website speed, mobile-friendliness, crawlability and indexing, sitemaps, HTTPS security, structured data, duplicate content, meta tags, and canonical URLs, among other elements. It forms the foundation for a website’s visibility on search engine result pages.

What is the difference between SEO and technical SEO?

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is a broad term that involves strategies to improve a website’s visibility in search engine results. It includes on-page SEO (content optimization), off-page SEO (link building), and technical SEO. Technical SEO, on the other hand, specifically refers to optimizing the backend structure of a website to help search engines crawl, index, and interpret the site effectively.

Does technical SEO require coding?

Yes, technical SEO often involves aspects of coding. It includes optimizing a website’s structure, improving site speed, implementing structured data, fixing broken links, and ensuring secure connections, among other things. However, many SEO tools and platforms are available to assist with these tasks, even for those with limited coding knowledge.

Need Help with Your Technical SEO?

Are you struggling to improve your website’s organic ranking? Sachs Marketing Group is here to help!

Our SEO services include all aspects of SEO, including on-page SEO, off-page SEO (backlink development) and, yes, technical SEO. Our SEO team works closely with our web development team to ensure your site’s structure, speed, and security are optimized for both users and search engines.

With our help, you can rest assured those unseen issues holding your site back are identified and resolved, allowing your site to grow to its full potential. Contact us today to learn how we can help your site overcome technical SEO challenges.


Technical SEO is a vital component of any successful online strategy. Leveraging the expertise of professionals can simplify the process and lead to more significant results. Whether you’re performing a technical audit or implementing an SEO strategy, remember the value of comprehensive checklists and expert assistance to achieve your digital marketing goals.


The On-page SEO Checklist for Busy Business Owners

Using an on-page SEO checklist provides a structured approach to enhancing your website’s visibility and ranking on search engines. It offers a systematic plan for optimizing individual page elements like keywords, title tags, meta descriptions, and content structure. Implementing this checklist ensures your website meets search engine guidelines and delivers an engaging, high-quality user experience, crucial for increased traffic and conversions.

Do you feel overwhelmed by trying to rank higher on search engines and attract more traffic to your website?

An on-page SEO checklist is a perfect solution to this problem, as it provides a structured and effective approach to optimizing each of your web pages.

By following this checklist, you’ll alleviate the stress of search engine optimization and start seeing improved website visibility and organic traffic.

In this article, we’re sharing an on-page SEO checklist to help you get started.

What is On-page SEO?

On-page SEO refers to the strategies implemented directly on your website to improve its visibility and ranking on search engines. These strategies involve optimizing the content and HTML source code of your website pages to make them more attractive and understandable to search engines and users alike.

Related: 10 Benefits of Ongoing SEO Services

Using an On-page SEO Checklist

An on-page SEO checklist is a strategic guide to optimizing individual web pages to rank higher in search results and attract more traffic. It’s crucial for business owners as it impacts directly on the visibility and user experience of their website, potentially driving more leads and sales.

The on-page SEO checklist includes factors like keywords, meta descriptions, title tags, URL structure, and more, all contributing to the page’s overall SEO strength.

1. Identify Your Target Keywords

The practice of identifying your target keywords is akin to tapping into your audience’s minds, understanding what they’re searching for, and how they express their needs online. Keyword research is fundamental in SEO, not only for driving targeted traffic but also for uncovering your audience’s interests. It helps you focus your content on topics that are valuable to your audience, thereby improving your chances of ranking well on SERPs.

For instance, if you’re an e-commerce store specializing in eco-friendly products, keywords like “sustainable clothing”, “eco-friendly home products”, or “organic personal care” could be on your list. A well-researched list of target keywords should cover a variety of search intents, including informational, navigational, and transactional.

Using keyword research tools can help you find the best keywords for SEO. Try using tools like Google’s free Keyword Planner, Semrush, or Ahrefs to streamline the process of keyword discovery. These tools reveal search volume data, keyword difficulty scores, and other relevant metrics to help identify the best keywords for your business.

2. Optimize the Title Tag

The title tag is a significant SEO element that serves as a concise summary of your webpage’s content. It appears in two crucial places: the SERPs and the web browser tab. An optimized title tag can positively impact click-through rates (CTR) from the search results and influence your page’s overall SEO performance.

Remember to keep your title tag within 60 characters to ensure it’s fully visible in search results. It should be engaging, compelling, and accurately represent the page’s content. Use distinct title tags for each page to avoid duplication.

Note: Google may change your title tag as it appears in their index if it feels it doesn’t accurately reflect your content. If you notice this, take note and revisit your content or title and make adjustments.

3. Use an H1 tag for On-page Title

The H1 tag is the HTML tag used for the main title of a webpage. It’s often the first content element users see upon landing on a page. Similar to how a book title provides the main topic of a book, an H1 tag gives users and search engines an overview of the page’s content.

Consider the H1 tag as the on-page equivalent of the title tag. It should be descriptive, engaging, and incorporate your target keyword. For instance, if you’re writing a blog post about home gardening, an effective H1 tag could be “Ultimate Guide to Successful Home Gardening”.

Although there are no strict length limits for H1 tags, it’s best to keep them concise and to the point. Remember, the H1 is different from the page’s title tag, and it’s okay if they aren’t identical. As a best practice, use only one H1 tag per page to avoid confusing search engines.

4. Write a Meta Description that Attracts Clicks

A meta description is a brief summary of your page that appears under the title tag in SERPs. It’s your chance to convince searchers that your page is exactly what they’re looking for. Make sure to include your target keyword, keep it within 150-160 characters, and write it in a way that incentivizes users to click.

For example, if you’re a photography studio in Los Angeles, your meta description could be: “Capture life’s special moments with [Your Studio’s Name], a top-rated photography studio in Los Angeles. Specializing in portraits, events, and commercial shoots.”

5. Optimize the URL Slug

The URL slug is the part of your URL that follows the domain name and should describe the content of your page. It should be easy to read, include your target keyword, and use hyphens (-) to separate words for readability.

For instance, if you’re a Los Angeles-based real estate agency creating a page about bungalows for sale, an optimized URL could be:

6. Mention Target Keywords Naturally

Using your target keywords in your content helps search engines understand what your page is about. However, it’s crucial to mention them naturally and avoid keyword stuffing, which can lead to penalties. The content should flow well, and the keyword usage shouldn’t feel forced.

For a yoga studio in Los Angeles: “Experience the tranquility and revitalizing effects of yoga at our Los Angeles studio. We offer a variety of yoga classes suitable for all skill levels.”

For a seafood restaurant in Los Angeles: “Visit our restaurant in the heart of Los Angeles for the freshest, most flavorful seafood dishes prepared by top-rated chefs.”

In both cases, the keyword “Los Angeles” is included naturally in the content.

7. Enhance the Quality of Your Content

Quality content is one of the cornerstones of effective on-page SEO. It should provide valuable, in-depth information that meets the needs of your audience. Moreover, it should be well-structured, easy to read, and free from grammatical errors. A good practice is to aim for a mix of content types, like how-to guides, listicles, or industry insights.

For instance, a Los Angeles fashion retailer could create comprehensive style guides, profiles of local fashion influencers, or articles on the latest fashion trends from LA’s fashion week.

8. Use Headings to Provide Clarity

In the early 2000s, headings were used by Google as an actual ranking factor. This sparked the common practice of including keywords within heading tags, like H2s and H3s, as a way to optimize content and increase rankings.

However, according to John Mueller, Google hasn’t used headings as a ranking factor for over a decade. Instead, he suggested Google views headings similar to how people view them – for clarity.

We do use headings when it comes to search. But we use them to better understand the content on the pages.

Using headings properly in your content not only improves readability but also helps search engines understand the structure of your page.

While heading tags may not hold power like they used to in the past, it’s still common to use H2 headings for the main subsections of your content, underlining the primary topics you’ll cover.

Similarly, subsequent H3, H4, etc., are used for nested subtopics within those sections, creating a clear content hierarchy that helps both readers and search engine bots navigate and comprehend your content more effectively.

9. Use Internal Links Strategically

Strategic use of internal links can help guide visitors through your website and enhance SEO by spreading “link juice” around your pages.

Aim to create a network of internal links that funnel users towards high-value pages, including important product or service pages, or cornerstone content.

Always ensure the anchor text used for the link is relevant to the page it points to, this not only aids user navigation but also gives search engines a clear idea of the page’s content.

10. Include Visuals

Incorporating visuals into your content strategy is a powerful way to improve user engagement, enhance comprehension, and increase dwell time.

Visuals can include images, infographics, diagrams, charts, videos, or any other type of visual content that helps illustrate your points. Always remember to optimize your images by compressing them for web use, using descriptive file names, and including relevant alt text for search engines.

For example, a restaurant could include visually appealing photos of their dishes, an infographic on the sourcing of their ingredients, or a video tour of their dining area to draw visitors in and improve their on-page SEO.

11. Add Schema Markup

Schema markup, also known as structured data, is a form of microdata that you can add to your website’s HTML to create enhanced descriptions, or “rich snippets,” which appear in search results.

This additional information helps search engines better understand your content and provides users with more information about your webpage.

There are different types of schema markups including those for articles, products, local businesses, and more. Implementing schema markup can make your pages stand out in SERPs, potentially increasing click-through rates and driving more traffic to your site.

Get a Free On-page SEO Audit

Looking for a free resource that will provide a detailed overview of your on-page SEO along with an easy-to-understand SEO score?

Our free on-page SEO audit dives deep into your website, revealing critical areas that need improvement. It scrutinizes your metadata, keyword usage, content quality, and so much more.

On-page SEO Checklist FAQs

Here are a few frequently asked questions about on-page SEO.

What is on-page SEO in simple words?

On-page SEO refers to the optimization practices applied directly to a webpage with the goal of improving its position in search engine rankings. This includes techniques like keyword optimization in the title, URL, and content, proper usage of header tags, creating quality content, optimizing images, and ensuring a good user experience.

Why does on-page SEO matter?

On-page SEO is crucial because it helps search engines understand your website and its content, as well as identify whether it is relevant to a searcher’s query. It increases your website’s visibility, drives more traffic, and contributes significantly to a website’s ranking on search engine result pages (SERPs).

What are the five most important on-page SEO factors?

The five most important on-page SEO factors include: keyword optimization in the title tag and content, high-quality and engaging content, optimized images with alt tags, internal linking for improved navigation, and a well-crafted meta description to attract clicks from SERPs.

What is on-page SEO vs local SEO?

On-page SEO refers to optimization tactics done on your website to improve its visibility in search engines. It’s applicable to all types of websites. Local SEO, on the other hand, is a subset of on-page SEO that focuses on optimizing a business’s online presence to attract more customers from relevant local searches, usually involving geo-specific keywords and local business listings.

Need Help with Your On-page SEO?

Are you having trouble climbing the search engine rankings and capturing your audience’s attention online?

Imagine the benefits of achieving top rankings – increased visibility, traffic, and customer trust. Sachs Marketing Group, an industry-leading SEO agency, can make this your reality.

Our team, proficient in on-page SEO, is dedicated to optimizing your website and boosting its performance in search engine results. We offer personalized strategies based on your specific business needs and goals. With our expertise, we’ll help you outrank your competition and attract more quality leads. Don’t let your website be a needle in the haystack. Contact Sachs Marketing Group today, and together, we’ll elevate your online presence and drive your business growth.


Following this on-page SEO checklist, you can significantly improve the visibility and ranking of your website on search engines.

This, in turn, will drive more traffic to your site and potentially result in more conversions and revenue for your business. SEO isn’t a one-time task, though, but rather a continuous effort. Regularly monitoring and optimizing your website is key to maintaining and improving your rankings. Remember, a well-optimized website is your ticket to online visibility, audience growth, and business success.


How to Optimize Your Website for Local Search

You can optimize your website for local search by claiming and verifying your Google Business Profile, using local keywords, encouraging customer reviews, creating locally relevant content, maintaining consistent NAP (Name, Address, Phone) information across all platforms, and building local backlinks. Monitoring and adapting these strategies ensures you’re always reaching your local audience effectively.

Local search engine optimization (SEO) is the key to capturing local customer attention and driving them to your business. Whether it’s a nearby store or a local home services provider, people are constantly searching for businesses around them. Missing out on local search optimization means losing potential customers who are already motivated to purchase. This is why local SEO is important for small businesses. Understanding how to optimize your website for local search can be the game-changer your business needs.

In this article, we’re sharing 10 tips that will help you understand how to optimize your website for local search.

How to Optimize Your Website for Local Search

Optimizing your website for local search is a vital strategy for businesses looking to attract nearby customers. Whether you’re a small home services company or an established mental health organization, optimizing your website will ensure you’re not only visible online but prominently ranking and front-and-center when local customers use search engines to find help.

Understanding the core elements of local SEO and implementing them effectively can set you apart from competitors and make your business stand out in local search results.

Here’s how to optimize your website for local search.

Optimize Your Google My Business Profile

Google Business Profile (GMB) is a free tool that allows businesses to manage their online presence across Google, including Google Search and Google Maps. It provides businesses with the opportunity to share essential information, such as their address, hours of operation, and contact details.

Optimizing your GMB profile is vital for improving your visibility in local search results. Here’s a step-by-step guide to get you started:

  • Claim Your Business: Verify your business with Google to gain control over your listing.
  • Complete Your Profile: Add all relevant details such as business name, address, phone number, website, and operating hours.
  • Choose the Right Category: Select the category that best describes your business to help Google determine when to show your listing.
  • Add Quality Photos: Include high-resolution images of your business, products, or services to make your profile visually appealing.
  • Use Keywords: Incorporate relevant local keywords into your business description.
  • Encourage Reviews: Ask satisfied customers to leave positive reviews (more on this below).
  • Post Regularly: Keep customers updated with regular posts about promotions, events, or news.
  • Monitor and Respond to Questions: Engage with potential customers by responding to their questions.

Optimizing your GMB profile is especially vital for small business owners looking to stand out in local searches. It builds trust with consumers, provides them with essential information, and can significantly increase both online and in-person traffic. In local search results, your GMB listing will often be a potential customer’s first impression of your business, so it’s essential to get it right.

Encourage Customer Reviews

Customer reviews are testimonials from clients who have experienced your product or service. These reviews are prominently displayed on your Google Business Profile and other review platforms, providing potential customers with insights into the quality of your offerings.

Encouraging and managing customer reviews is an essential aspect of local SEO. Here’s how you can encourage more customer reviews:

  • Ask for Reviews: Politely request satisfied customers to leave a review on Google or other review platforms.
  • Provide Easy Access: Make it easy for customers to review your business by sharing direct links to your review page.
  • Respond to Reviews: Engage with reviewers by thanking them for positive reviews and addressing any negative feedback constructively.
  • Offer Incentives: Occasionally, you can offer discounts or freebies in exchange for honest reviews.
  • Showcase Reviews on Your Site: Displaying positive reviews on your website can encourage more customers to share their experiences.

For small business owners, customer reviews are a potent tool for building credibility and trust within the local community. Positive reviews can significantly influence potential customers’ purchasing decisions, driving more traffic and sales. Moreover, engaging with reviews (both positive and negative) demonstrates your commitment to customer satisfaction, fostering loyalty, and encouraging repeat business. By actively encouraging and managing reviews, small business owners can enhance their online reputation, crucial for success in the competitive local marketplace.

Not sure how to respond to negative reviews? Check out our article on how to respond to negative reviews on Google.

This process can be time-consuming, which is why some companies opt to hire a digital marketing agency that offers reputation management services.

Use Local Keywords

Local keywords are search terms that include specific geographic locations or terms that people commonly use to search for local businesses, services, or products. They can be vital in helping your business appear in local search results.

  • Research Local Terms: Use tools like Google’s Keyword Planner to find popular local keywords that relate to your business. Or, partner with a local SEO company, like Sachs Marketing Group, and leverage access to the best SEO tools for keyword research.
  • Integrate into Content: Incorporate these local keywords into your website’s content, meta descriptions, and titles.
  • Use in Anchor Text: Utilize local keywords in the anchor text of internal and external links where relevant.
  • Monitor Performance: Regularly track how your local keywords are performing, adjusting as needed.

Using local keywords helps search engines understand where your business is located and what local areas you serve. It makes your business more relevant to local searches, attracting customers in your vicinity, and increasing the chances of physical visits to your store.

Create Local Content

Local content refers to content that is specifically tailored to the interests, needs, events, and happenings in the local area where your business operates.

  • Identify Local Interests: Understand what your local community is interested in or talking about.
  • Write About Local Events: Share insights, information, or opinions on local events, festivals, or happenings.
  • Create Local Guides: If applicable, provide guides to local services, places, or products related to your industry.
  • Collaborate with Local Influencers: Partner with local bloggers or social media influencers for guest posts or collaborations.

Creating local content helps you engage with your community and shows that you are invested and involved locally. This engagement not only builds trust and loyalty but also enhances your local search relevance, making your website more likely to appear in local search results.

Add NAP Information

NAP stands for Name, Address, and Phone number. It’s a critical aspect of local SEO, as consistent NAP information across the web helps search engines verify your business location.

  • Add to Website Footer: Include your NAP information in the footer of every page on your website.
  • Use on Contact Page: Ensure your Contact Us page has clear, accurate NAP information.
  • Check Directories: Verify that your NAP information is consistent across all online directories, like Google My Business, Yelp, and Bing Places.
  • Respond to Changes: If any part of your NAP information changes, update it across all platforms immediately.

Inconsistent NAP information can confuse search engines and customers, leading to a loss of trust and a drop in local search rankings. Keeping this information consistent and accurate ensures that customers can easily contact you and helps search engines confidently display your business in local search results.

This is one of the first aspects of optimizing your website, as it can help reduce how long it takes to rank on Google and other search engines for your business information, establish consistency, and let Google know they have the right information.

Build Local Backlinks

Local backlinks refer to incoming links from other local websites, businesses, blogs, or news outlets in the same geographical area as your business. These backlinks are a crucial aspect of local SEO because they establish your website’s authority and relevance within the community.

Building local backlinks requires a thoughtful and targeted approach. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  • Identify Local Opportunities: Look for local businesses, blogs, news sites, and community pages that align with your business or industry.
  • Create Valuable Content: Offer content that provides value to the local community, such as blog posts, articles, or videos that address local issues or interests.
  • Reach Out: Approach local websites with personalized messages, explaining why linking to your site would benefit their readers.
  • Collaborate: Consider collaborating with local influencers or businesses through guest posts, interviews, or joint marketing campaigns.
  • Monitor and Analyze: Regularly track your local backlinks using SEO tools to understand their impact and adjust your strategy as needed.

Local backlinks can significantly boost a small business’s visibility in local search results. By establishing connections with other local entities, small businesses can increase their local prominence and credibility, drive more local traffic, and ultimately grow their customer base.

Optimize for Mobile

Optimizing for mobile means ensuring that your website is easily accessible and navigable on mobile devices. With the majority of local searches happening on smartphones, having a mobile-friendly site is paramount for local SEO.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to making your site mobile-friendly:

  • Responsive Design: Implement a responsive design that adjusts to different screen sizes, maintaining a seamless user experience across devices.
  • Optimize Images: Compress images to reduce loading times, ensuring that they render properly without slowing down the site.
  • Simplify Navigation: Make navigation straightforward with clear, easily clickable links and a simple menu structure.
  • Test User Experience: Regularly test your site on various mobile devices to ensure it appears and functions as intended.
  • Consider Mobile SEO: Mobile SEO may include considerations like local search optimization, mobile keywords, and voice search optimization.
  • Utilize Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test: Use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test tool to check if your site meets Google’s mobile optimization standards.

Mobile optimization is vital for small businesses targeting local customers. A majority of local searches are conducted on mobile devices, often with immediate purchasing intent. By providing a seamless mobile experience, small businesses can effectively connect with nearby customers, increasing the chances of in-store visits, online purchases, and long-term loyalty. If your site isn’t mobile-friendly, you risk losing out on a significant portion of your local market, as users may leave your site if it doesn’t load or function properly on their devices.

Use Structured Data Markup

Structured Data Markup, also known as schema markup, is a code that you put on your website to help search engines provide more informative results for users. It helps search engines understand the content on your page, enabling them to display additional information like ratings, prices, and more in search results.

  • Identify Important Information: Pinpoint what pieces of information you want to highlight, such as products, services, reviews, or business hours.
  • Use the Right Schema: Choose the appropriate schema types for your content from
  • Implement the Markup: Add the markup to your HTML. Tools like Google’s Structured Data Markup Helper can assist with this.
  • Test the Markup: Validate your markup using Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool to ensure it’s implemented correctly.

For small business owners, Structured Data Markup can significantly enhance local search visibility by providing users with essential details about your business right in the search results. This can lead to higher click-through rates and make your business stand out among competitors in local search results.

Manage Your Online Directories

Online directories are websites that host business listings, such as Google, Yelp, and Yellow Pages, or industry-specific sites like Psychology Today and Luxury Rehabs. They contain basic information about businesses like the name, address, phone number, website link, and sometimes reviews.

  • Identify Relevant Directories: Find and list your business on popular local directories relevant to your industry.
  • Ensure Consistency: Your business’s name, address, and phone number (NAP) should be consistent across all directories.
  • Complete Your Profile: Add complete and accurate details, including a description, hours of operation, and high-quality images.
  • Encourage Reviews: Ask satisfied customers to leave positive reviews on these platforms.
  • Monitor and Update Regularly: Keep your information up-to-date and respond to reviews, if applicable.

For small businesses, online directories are an essential part of local SEO strategy. Managing them ensures that potential customers find accurate and consistent information about your business across the web. Inconsistent data can confuse both search engines and users, leading to a loss of potential customers. By keeping your online directory information uniform and engaging, small business owners can significantly improve their local search presence, build credibility, and attract more local customers.

Monitor Local Search Rankings

Monitoring local search rankings involves tracking how your website performs in search engine results pages (SERPs) for queries that are specific to your local area. It helps you understand where your site stands in comparison to competitors and provides insights into how users in your locality find your business online.

Here’s how you can optimize this process and why it’s essential for small business owners:

  • Utilize Tracking Tools: Tools like Google Analytics, SEMRush, or Moz allow you to track local rankings for specific keywords and see how they change over time.
  • Identify Target Keywords: Choose the relevant local keywords that your potential customers might use.
  • Analyze Competitor Performance: Look at what your local competitors are doing, learn from their successes and failures.
  • Monitor Changes Over Time: Regularly check how your keywords are ranking and adjust your strategy as needed.
  • Integrate with Other Local SEO Strategies: Use the insights gained to enhance your overall local SEO efforts, such as content creation and link building.

Monitoring local search rankings enables small business owners to:

  • Assess the effectiveness of their local SEO strategies.
  • Understand customer search behavior within their locality.
  • Identify areas of improvement and opportunity.
  • Stay competitive in the local market by reacting promptly to changes in search rankings.

By keeping a close watch on local search rankings, small businesses can ensure they are maximizing their online visibility within their specific geographical area. This proactive approach aids in attracting more local customers and driving more foot traffic to the store.

Partner with a Local SEO Company

A local SEO company, like Sachs Marketing Group, specializes in optimizing a business’s online presence specifically for the local search landscape. This involves tailoring strategies such as Google Business Profile optimization, local keyword targeting, and managing local online directories.

The benefits of partnering with such experts include higher visibility in local search results, attracting more foot traffic, and building local brand awareness.

By understanding the unique dynamics of the local market, a local SEO agency can significantly impact a business’s growth and reputation in its immediate geographical area.

Local SEO FAQs

We hear a lot of questions from small business owners interested in what local SEO is, so we gathered a few of the most frequently asked questions and share our answers below.

Local SEO is a broad and complex subject, and many businesses have questions about how to effectively target their local audience. Here we’ve gathered and answered some of the most common queries regarding local SEO:

How do I create a local SEO strategy?

Creating a local SEO strategy involves understanding your local audience, optimizing your GMB profile, leveraging local keywords, creating local-focused content, encouraging customer reviews, and monitoring your performance to make necessary adjustments.

What is the best local SEO factor?

The best local SEO factor is often considered to be a well-optimized Google My Business profile. It’s a vital connection between your business and local search, playing a significant role in how Google presents your business in local search results.

What are the three pillars of local SEO?

The three pillars of local SEO are Proximity, Relevance, and Prominence. Proximity refers to how close the searcher is to your location, Relevance is how closely your business matches the search query, and Prominence is how well-known your business is in the area.

What is a local SEO checklist?

A local SEO checklist is a comprehensive guide that includes essential steps for optimizing a business for local search. This includes tasks such as claiming and optimizing GMB, consistent NAP information, local keyword optimization, managing reviews, local backlink building, and more.

Need Help with Your Local SEO Strategy?

Are you struggling to navigate the complex landscape of local SEO?

Our team of SEO experts understands the unique challenges of local search optimization and has the tools to propel your business to the top of local search results.

With customized strategies tailored to your business, we offer actionable insights and solutions to increase your local visibility and drive more customers to your door.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and discover how we can help you thrive in your local market.


Optimizing your website for local search is an invaluable strategy for businesses looking to attract nearby customers. From managing your Google My Business profile to creating locally relevant content, these strategies can significantly enhance your local visibility. Whether you’re a small business owner or a large retailer, understanding and implementing these tactics can lead to sustained growth in your local market. If you find this task daunting, professional SEO services like ours are always here to guide you through every step of the way.


10 SEO Tips for Local Business Websites

Want to increase the visibility of your local business website so it appears when people search for keywords from a certain location? 

Local businesses often struggle to make their presence felt in the online space. The competition is fierce, and without an optimized online presence, it’s hard to be noticed by potential customers. The absence of local search engine optimization (SEO) means you are missing out on a huge chunk of the audience that searches for local products or services. This results in lost sales opportunities and diminished brand visibility.

Think about how many times you’ve searched for a service or product near you. The Internet is the go-to place for consumers to find local businesses. Without local SEO, your competitors who have optimized their websites are taking away all the potential customers. Even if your services are superior, the lack of online visibility means potential clients will not even know your business exists. This not only affects your current revenue but over time it can have a drastic effect on your business’s growth and sustainability.

Local SEO is the key to solving these issues. By optimizing your website for local keywords, you can effectively boost your visibility so people who are looking for your services can easily find you. 

To help you get started, we’re exploring what local SEO is, the local ranking factors involved, and ten SEO tips for local business websites.

What is Local SEO?

Local SEO, or Local Search Engine Optimization, is a type of SEO that aims at optimizing a website to be found in local search results. 

Local search results include the search queries that have a local intent, such as “plumber near me” or “coffee shops in [city name]”. By optimizing your website for local SEO, you can connect with potential customers who are looking for the services or products you offer in your area. This is particularly vital for brick-and-mortar stores and businesses that serve a specific locality.

There are many reasons why local SEO is important for small businesses, but perhaps the biggest reason is it helps position your website in front of potential customers.

Local Ranking Factors

For a website to appear in local search results, Google considers several local ranking factors. The three primary ranking factors are Relevance, Proximity, and Prominence.

Relevance: Relevance determines how well your business fits the search query of the user. Ensuring that your website content, Google Business Profile, and other online information accurately reflects your business offerings is key.

Proximity: Proximity is about how close your business is to the searcher’s location. Google uses the user’s location data to show businesses and services nearby. Hence, it’s essential to ensure that your business’s address and location information are correct.

Prominence: Prominence refers to how well-known your business is. Reviews, mentions in local news sources, and other factors contribute to this. A business that is talked about a lot online is likely to be a prominent local business.

Related: How Long Does it Take to Rank on Google?

SEO Tips for Local Business

Navigating the world of local SEO can be a game-changer for your business. 

In this section, we will delve into ten indispensable SEO tips that will put your local business on the map and help you outshine the competition.

1. Create a Google Business Profile

Establishing an online presence is crucial, and creating a Google Business Profile is one of the most effective ways to achieve this for local businesses. This not only increases your visibility on Google Search and Maps but also lets customers find important information about your business quickly.

Here are the steps to create a Google Business Profile:

  • Claim Your Google Business Profile Listing: Open Google Maps and search for your business name or address. Claim your listing if it already exists. If not, create a new one.
  • Fill in Your Information: Provide essential details such as your business name, address, phone number, and category.
  • Verify Your Business: Google will need to verify that your business is legitimate. Typically, this is done through a postcard sent to your business address with a verification code.
  • Add Business Hours: Make sure to add your operating hours, and keep them updated if they change.
  • Add Photos: Upload high-quality photos of your business, products, or services. This helps to attract customers and give them a visual idea of what to expect.
  • Add a Business Description: Write a concise and informative description of what your business offers. Include local keywords naturally to improve SEO.
  • Manage and Respond to Reviews: Actively manage your Google Business Profile by responding to customer reviews and engaging with them. This shows that you value customer feedback.
  • Add Posts and Updates: Regularly add posts about new products, promotions, or events. This will keep your profile active and engaging.
  • Use Insights: Google provides insights on how customers search for your business, and how they interact with your listing. Use this data to optimize your profile.

By creating and optimizing your Google Business Profile, you’ll not only increase your local visibility but also provide potential customers with the information they need to choose your business.

2. Add Your Business to Local Business Directories (NAP)

Adding your business to local business directories, like Yelp, Bing Places, and The BBB, is a powerful way to improve your online presence and, in turn, attract more customers. These directories act as online versions of the yellow pages, where people go to find services or products. Being listed on multiple platforms can amplify your reach and improve your local SEO.

One critical aspect to focus on while listing your business is maintaining consistent NAP – Name, Address, and Phone Number across all directories. Consistent NAP information is crucial for several reasons:

  • Enhances Search Engine Trust: When search engines find the same information about your business across multiple reputable directories, it increases their trust in your business, which can result in higher rankings.
  • Improves Customer Experience: Having consistent NAP ensures that regardless of where potential customers find your business online, they will have the correct information to contact you or visit your physical location.
  • Avoids Confusion: Inconsistent NAP information can lead to confusion, causing potential customers to lose faith in the legitimacy and professionalism of your business.

3. Encourage Your Customers to Write a Review

One of the most effective ways to improve your local SEO and build trust with potential customers is by encouraging your existing customers to write reviews. Online reviews play a crucial role in shaping consumer perception and influencing buying decisions. 

Reviews help build trust, which is one of the most important qualities Google looks for when ranking websites.

So, how can you get customers to post a review about your business? 

Here are a few ideas:

  • Ask in Person: Sometimes, the most straightforward approach is the best. If you have a brick-and-mortar store, ask customers in person as they are completing their purchase.
  • Follow-up Emails: After a purchase, send a follow-up email thanking the customer for their business and kindly ask for a review.
  • Incentives: Provide an incentive such as a discount or entry into a contest in exchange for a review.
  • Leverage Social Media: Encourage your followers to leave reviews, and be sure to thank them when they do.
  • Make it Easy: Provide direct links to your review profiles in your email signatures, newsletters, and on your website.

Remember to always thank customers for their reviews, regardless of whether they are positive or negative, and address any issues raised by customers in a professional manner. Encouraging and managing customer reviews is an ongoing process that can lead to improved customer satisfaction, higher local search rankings, and ultimately more business.

4. Identify Local Keywords

To optimize your local SEO efforts, identifying and using local keywords is paramount. Local keywords are search terms that include location-specific phrases. For example, instead of just targeting “best breakfast burritos,” a local Mexican restaurant would target “best breakfast burritos in Los Angeles.” This allows your business to capture the attention of people searching specifically in your area.

Local keywords are important because they help you reach people in your area – the people who are more likely to contact you and become your customer.

How do you identify local keywords?

  • Brainstorm: Think about what your potential customers might search for. Include your city, neighborhood, or other local identifiers.
  • Use Keyword research tools: Utilize keyword research tools such as Google Keyword Planner, Semrush, or Ahrefs to find popular local search terms.
  • Analyze Competitors: Look at what local keywords your competitors are using.

5. Create Location Pages on Your Website

If your business operates in multiple locations, it’s essential to create distinct pages for each of these locations. This is vital for local SEO as it helps search engines and users find relevant information based on geography.

What to Include on Location Pages:

  • Name, Address, Phone Number (NAP): Ensure that your business information is consistent with what is listed on your Google Business Profile listing and other directories.
  • Business Hours: Clearly state the opening and closing times for each location.
  • Services or Products: Explain what services or products are offered at this specific location.
  • Google Maps: Embed Google Maps with your business location marked.
  • Local Content: Include content specific to the location such as the team members who work at that location, local reviews, etc.

6. Create Content About Local Events and News

Engaging with your local community by creating content about local events and news can significantly boost your local SEO efforts.

Local content is super-important for local SEO, as it demonstrates you’re active in the local community. This is what Google is looking for when ranking local websites – it wants to make sure it’s ranking a company that actually exists in the area.

So, what is local content anyway and how can you create it?

Here are a few ideas to help you get started:

  • Event Coverage: Write blog posts covering local events, whether you are participating or just informing your audience about them.
  • Local Partnerships: Partner with local non-profits or other organizations and create content that highlights your partnership.
  • Community Activities: If your business participates in community service or local meetups, create content that showcases this involvement.
  • Local Guides: Create guides that are valuable to the local community and relevant to your business. For instance, a wedding planner might create a guide titled “Top 10 wedding locations in Westlake Village.”

Remember to promote your local content on social media and other platforms to increase its reach within the local community. Additionally, this kind of content helps in building your brand’s image as a community-focused business, which can foster loyalty among local customers.

7. Optimize for Voice Search

Voice search is a technology that allows users to perform searches on the internet by verbally issuing commands to a smartphone, smart device, or computer. Instead of typing queries into a search bar, users can simply speak their queries and receive spoken or text-based search results.

With the rising popularity of voice assistants, optimizing for voice search is becoming increasingly important. 

  • Long-tail keywords: Focus on long-tail keywords and create content that directly answers common questions.
  • Use Natural Language: Voice searches are typically more conversational. Use natural language and long-tail keywords.
  • Answer Questions: Many voice searches are phrased as questions. Create content that provides direct answers.
  • Improve Site Speed: Voice search users expect quick results. Ensure your site loads quickly.
  • Use Structured Data: Help search engines understand your content better by using schema markup.

8. Build High-quality Backlinks from Local Websites

Building high-quality backlinks from local websites is a strategy that involves obtaining inbound links from reputable sources within your community. 

This not only strengthens your local SEO but also establishes your business as an authority in the local market, which can drive more traffic and improve your online presence.

Here’s how to get started:

  • Engage with Local Bloggers: Reach out to local bloggers and offer to write guest posts.
  • Sponsor Local Events: Often, sponsoring local events can result in a backlink from the event’s website.
  • Join Local Business Associations: These organizations often have directories where you can list your business and gain a backlink.
  • Create Shareable Local Content: Create content that local websites would want to link to.

Related: 10 Benefits of Ongoing SEO Services

9. Optimize Your Website for Mobile

More than half of online traffic comes from mobile devices. Optimizing your website for mobile is a critical component of any local SEO strategy. 

As more people rely on their smartphones to search for products and services, a mobile-friendly website ensures that visitors have a seamless experience, irrespective of the device they use. Google, too, prioritizes mobile-optimized websites in its search rankings, especially after the implementation of mobile-first indexing. 

Having a mobile-responsive site also helps in reducing bounce rates and enhances user engagement, as the content adjusts according to different screen sizes, making navigation and interaction easier and more intuitive for users.

Here’s how to optimize your website for mobile visitors:

  • Responsive Design: Ensure your website scales properly on various screen sizes.
  • Improve Load Times: Optimize images and enable compression to reduce load times.
  • Simplify Navigation: Make it easy for mobile users to navigate your site.

10. Stay Active on Social Media

Staying active on social media is an essential element for local businesses looking to boost their online presence and engage with their community. Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn offer businesses the opportunity to connect with customers on a more personal level. By sharing updates, promotions, and valuable content, you can build relationships that encourage customer loyalty and word-of-mouth referrals.

  • Choose Relevant Social Media Platforms: Focus on platforms where your target audience is most active. Common social media platforms include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. For example, if your business is visually-oriented, like a bakery or clothing store, Instagram is a good choice.
  • Create a Posting Schedule: Consistency is key. Create a social media calendar and schedule your posts in advance. This ensures that your audience receives regular updates and stays engaged with your brand.
  • Engage with Your Audience: Respond to comments and messages, and actively participate in conversations. This can build trust and create a loyal customer base.
  • Share Local Content: Post about local news, events, or anything community-related. This shows your involvement in the community and can attract a local audience.
  • Use Local Hashtags: Utilize hashtags that are popular in your local area. This will help your posts reach a larger local audience who might be interested in your products or services.
  • Encourage Customer Interaction: Encourage your customers to tag your business or use a branded hashtag. Share customer posts (with permission) on your social media.
  • Promote Offers and Deals: Announce special promotions, offers, or events through social media to entice your local customers to visit your store or website.
  • Utilize Social Media Advertising: Use geotargeted ads to reach potential customers in a specific location.
  • Share Testimonials and Reviews: Sharing positive reviews and testimonials can build trust among your local community.

By combining these strategies, staying active on social media can significantly benefit your local business. It’s not just about selling but creating relationships with your customers. Engage genuinely, provide value, and be a part of the community, and you’ll find that social media can be a powerful tool in improving your local reach and building a loyal customer base.


How to do local SEO for small businesses?

Start by claiming your Google Business Profile listing and ensuring that your NAP (Name, Address, Phone number) information is consistent across all platforms. Focus on collecting customer reviews, optimizing for local keywords, creating location-specific pages on your website, and engaging with the local community through social media and content.

Is SEO worth it for local businesses?

Yes, SEO is absolutely worth it for local businesses. By optimizing for local search, businesses can connect with more customers in their area, build brand awareness, and ultimately increase sales and revenue.

How do I optimize local listings?

Optimize local listings by claiming your business on various directories, ensuring NAP consistency, adding relevant categories, including high-quality photos, and encouraging customer reviews. Keep the information updated and engage with customers who leave reviews.

What are the three ranking factors for local SEO?

The three primary ranking factors for local SEO are Relevance, Proximity, and Prominence. Relevance is how well your business matches a search query, Proximity is how close your business is to the searcher, and Prominence refers to how well-known your business is in the area.

How do I get my local business on top of Google?

To get your local business on top of Google, focus on optimizing your Google Business Profile, building local citations, generating positive reviews, using local keywords, creating valuable content, and earning high-quality backlinks from reputable local sources.

What is an example of a local SEO?

An example of local SEO is when a dental clinic optimizes its website and online listings for keywords such as “dentist in [city name]” or “teeth cleaning near me”, and includes the clinic’s address, phone number, and customer reviews to rank in local search results.

Partner with a Local SEO Company

If you are overwhelmed by the idea of handling local SEO on top of everything else, consider partnering with Sachs Marketing Group

Our team of SEO experts handles a variety of SEO services, including local SEO. By partnering with Sachs Marketing Group, you’ll gain access to a wealth of knowledge and tools that can propel your website to the top of local search results. Imagine your business being the first thing potential customers see when they search for the services you offer. 

Think about how your revenue could skyrocket when local customers can easily find you online. No more wasted efforts – only targeted strategies that bring results. With more visibility comes more traffic, and with more traffic, your chances of converting visitors into loyal customers dramatically increase. The growth and sustainability of your business become attainable goals. All of this can be achieved with our cutting-edge Local SEO services tailored specifically for your business.

Take the reins of your business’s online presence today. Contact Sachs Marketing Group to learn how our Local SEO services can be the catalyst for your business’s growth in the local market. Let’s work together to build a strong online foundation for your business.


Local SEO is crucial for businesses looking to tap into the local market. With the proper utilization of Google Business Profile, NAP consistency, local keywords, content creation, and customer engagement, you can enhance your local presence.

Don’t underestimate the power of reviews and backlinks, and remember to optimize your website for mobile and voice search. Partnering with an SEO company can also be a valuable investment to guide you through this process. By employing these SEO tips for local businesses, you’ll be on your way to securing a prominent position in local search results and expanding your customer base.


Why Local SEO is Important for Your Business

Are you a small business owner looking to expand your reach, drive more customers, and ultimately increase your revenue? If so, local SEO may be the key to unlocking that potential.

Local SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is a targeted approach to improving your business’s visibility in search results, specifically focusing on customers in your local area. With most consumers searching online for local services, ensuring your business stands out from the competition is more important than ever.

Imagine having your business appear at the top of search results, attracting a steady stream of customers actively searching for your services. By leveraging the power of local SEO, you can drive more foot traffic and build a strong reputation within your community, fostering long-lasting relationships and loyal customers.

Keep reading to discover why local SEO is important for your business.

What is Local SEO?

Local SEO strives to optimize a business’s online presence to improve its visibility in search results for location-specific queries. It involves targeting users in a specific geographic area by implementing various strategies, such as optimizing local keywords, managing Google Business Profile listings, and encouraging customer reviews, to attract local customers and drive foot traffic to physical locations.

Where Do Local Search Results Show?

Local search results typically show in the following places:

  • Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs): Local search results appear in the organic search results of search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. They are often displayed with a map, business listings, and relevant contact information.
  • Local Pack: In Google search results, the Local Pack (also known as the “map pack” or “3-pack”) is a prominent section that displays the top three local businesses related to a user’s search query, accompanied by a map, business hours, ratings, and other essential details.
  • Google Business Profile Listings: When users search for a specific business or service on Google, the Google Business profile listing may appear in the Knowledge Panel or Google Maps, showing essential business information, reviews, photos, and more.
  • Google Maps: When users search for businesses or services near their location on Google Maps, local search results are displayed with markers on the map, along with business details, reviews, and contact information in the sidebar.
  • Local Directories and Review Sites: Local search results can also be found on popular local directories and review sites like Yelp, TripAdvisor, and Foursquare, where users can search for businesses in their area.
  • Social Media Platforms: Local search results may also appear on social media platforms like Facebook, where users can search for local businesses, see reviews, and engage with the business’s social media content.

In summary, local search results are displayed across various online platforms, including search engines, maps, local directories, and social media, making it essential for businesses to optimize their online presence for local searches.

Now that you know where local SEO appears online, you need to ask why local SEO is important for your business.

Why Local SEO is Important for Your Business

Local SEO is crucial for business owners, enabling them to outperform their competition and reach more local customers. In today’s digital age, consumers often rely on search engines to find products and services in their area. By focusing on local SEO, businesses can effectively target these consumers, making it easier for potential customers to find and choose them over their competitors.

[smgquote author=”Eric Sachs, CEO”]
You need to understand what your competitors are doing in order to rise above them. [/smgquote]

By optimizing for local search, businesses can build brand awareness within search results, ensuring that their name, logo, and information are prominently displayed. This helps attract more customers and establishes the business as a trustworthy and reliable option within the local community.

One of the most significant benefits of local SEO is appearing first in search engines and Google map results. When a business is ranked at the top of local search results, it enjoys higher visibility, increased website traffic, and more foot traffic to its physical location. This prominent positioning can lead to a significant boost in sales and overall business growth.

In essence, local SEO is a vital strategy for business owners who want to stay ahead of the competition, reach a wider local audience, and establish a strong presence within their community. By focusing on Local SEO, businesses can effectively leverage the power of search engines to drive growth and success.

What Types of Businesses Need Local SEO?

Local SEO is essential for businesses that serve customers within a specific geographic area or have a physical location. Various types of businesses can benefit from local SEO, including but not limited to the following:

  • Retail stores: Shops, boutiques, and other retail establishments can use local SEO to attract customers to their physical locations and promote in-store promotions or events.
  • Restaurants, cafes, and bars: Local SEO can help eateries and drinking establishments reach customers searching for dining options in their area and showcase their menu, reviews, and other relevant information.
  • Service-based businesses: Local SEO is crucial for service providers such as plumbers, electricians, hair salons, spas, and repair services that cater to customers within a specific area.
  • Medical practices: Doctors, dentists, chiropractors, and other healthcare providers can use local SEO to connect with patients in their community and provide essential information like hours of operation, services offered, and appointment booking.
  • Professional services: Businesses like law firms, accounting offices, and real estate agencies can benefit from local SEO to reach clients searching for their services in the local area.
  • Local franchises and chains: Franchisees can use local SEO to differentiate their location from others and attract customers within their specific service area.
  • Event venues and attractions: Local SEO can help businesses like theaters, museums, amusement parks, and event spaces attract visitors searching for entertainment and activities in their area.
  • Fitness centers and gyms: Local SEO can help gyms and fitness studios connect with potential members looking for nearby fitness options.
  • Hotels and accommodation providers: Local SEO can help hotels, bed and breakfasts, and other lodging providers attract travelers searching for accommodations in their area.
  • Educational institutions: Schools, universities, and training centers can use local SEO to reach students and parents looking for educational opportunities within their community.

In general, any business with a physical location or that serves customers within a specific geographic area can benefit from implementing a local SEO strategy to improve its online presence, attract more customers, and grow its business.

Benefits of Local SEO

Local SEO offers numerous benefits for business owners interested in reaching local customers, including the following:

  • Enhanced online visibility: Boost your business’s presence in local search results, making it easier for potential customers to find you.
  • Increased foot traffic: Drive more people to your physical location by appearing prominently in local searches, maps, and navigation apps.
  • Targeted audience reach: Attract customers specifically searching for products or services in your area, leading to a higher conversion rate.
  • Stronger brand reputation: Build trust and credibility within your local community by consistently appearing in search results and showcasing positive customer reviews.
  • Competitive edge: Stand out from competitors by optimizing for local search and leveraging customer reviews and local content.
  • Cost-effective marketing: Local SEO is a relatively low-cost strategy compared to traditional advertising, providing a higher return on investment.
  • Improved user experience: Offer local customers a seamless, mobile-friendly browsing experience, increasing the likelihood of conversion.
  • Community engagement: Connect with local customers and influencers through social media and community events, fostering long-lasting relationships and brand advocacy.
  • Enhanced local citations: Accurate and consistent business information across directories and review sites helps build trust and credibility with search engines and users.
  • Valuable insights: Analyze local SEO performance data to identify trends, opportunities, and areas for improvement, allowing for continuous refinement of your strategy.

How to Create a Local SEO Strategy

Creating a local SEO strategy is essential for businesses looking to reach local customers and dominate their niche within a specific geographic area. Optimizing your online presence for local search can attract more targeted traffic, increase foot traffic to your physical location, and improve your overall brand reputation. 

Here’s how to create a local SEO strategy for your business:

  1. Define your goals: Begin by outlining your specific objectives for your local SEO strategy, such as increasing foot traffic, boosting online visibility, or generating more local leads.
  2. Research local keywords: Identify the most relevant and high-traffic keywords related to your business, products, and services, focusing on location-specific terms that your target audience is likely to use when searching for businesses like yours.
  3. Optimize your website for local search: Incorporate local keywords into your website’s content, meta tags, and URLs. Also, ensure your site is mobile-friendly and provides a seamless user experience for visitors.
  4. Claim and optimize your Google My Business listing: Create or claim your Google My Business profile and ensure all information is accurate and up-to-date. Add high-quality images, a detailed business description, and optimize the listing with relevant categories and local keywords.
  5. Encourage and manage customer reviews: Ask satisfied customers to leave reviews on your Google My Business listing and other review platforms, and respond to all reviews, both positive and negative, to demonstrate your commitment to customer satisfaction.
  6. Build local citations: Create and maintain accurate and consistent business listings on local directories and review sites, ensuring your business name, address, and phone number (NAP) are uniform across all platforms.
  7. Develop locally-focused content: Publish relevant and engaging content on your website and blog that caters to your local audience, addressing their unique needs and interests.
  8. Build local links: Establish relationships with local businesses, organizations, and influencers to earn valuable backlinks and improve your website’s authority in the eyes of search engines.
  9. Leverage social media: Engage with your local community on social media platforms, sharing locally-relevant content and participating in local events and discussions.
  10. Monitor and analyze your local SEO performance: Regularly track your local search rankings, website traffic, and other key performance indicators to identify areas for improvement and refine your local SEO strategy accordingly.

How to Optimize Your Local Business Listings

Optimizing your local business listings is crucial to any successful local SEO strategy. You can improve your online visibility and attract more local customers by ensuring your business information is accurate, consistent, and easily discoverable across various platforms. Start by optimizing your Google Business Profile listing, Yelp business listing, and any social media profiles you actively manage.

[smgquote author=”Chris Rice, Senior SEO Strategist”]
Optimizing your Google Business Profile can dramatically boost your brand’s visibility to local customers. [/smgquote]

In this step-by-step tutorial, we’ll guide you through optimizing your local business listings, covering everything from your business name to attracting reviews from local customers.

Here’s how to optimize your local business listings:

  1. Optimize your business name: Ensure your business name is consistent across all listings and accurately reflects your brand. Avoid using keyword stuffing or adding unnecessary information that search engines may consider spammy.
  2. Update your business address: If your company has a physical location, make sure your business address is accurate and consistently formatted across all platforms. Include suite numbers or building numbers where applicable.
  3. Set your service area: For service providers without a physical address, define your service area within your listings. This helps potential customers know if your services are available in their location.
  4. Update hours of operation: Provide accurate and up-to-date hours of operation on all listings to avoid customer confusion and missed opportunities.
  5. Optimize business categories: Select the most relevant and specific categories for your business, as these can impact your visibility in local search results. Be thorough but avoid overstuffing with irrelevant categories.
  6. Describe services available: Clearly outline the products or services your business offers in your listings, using concise and informative descriptions. This helps potential customers understand what your business provides and can improve your chances of being found in local searches.
  7. Add high-quality images: Include professional, high-quality images of your business, products, or services to create a positive impression and help your listings stand out.
  8. Attract reviews from local customers: Encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews on your local business listings, such as Google My Business, Yelp, or other relevant platforms. Respond to all reviews, both positive and negative, to demonstrate your commitment to customer satisfaction and show potential customers that you value their feedback.

By following these steps, you can optimize your local business listings and improve your online presence, making it easier for local customers to find and choose your business over competitors.

Should You Partner with a Local SEO Services

Hiring a professional digital marketing agency that provides local SEO services can be a wise decision for your business, especially if you need more time, resources, or expertise to manage your local SEO efforts in-house effectively. Local SEO can be complex and time-consuming, requiring consistent attention and dedication to stay ahead of the competition and adapt to ever-changing search engine algorithms.

Local SEO takes time and energy, involving many tasks such as keyword research, content creation, on-page optimization, link building, citation management, and performance monitoring. Keeping up with these tasks while running a business can be challenging, and paying attention to every aspect of local SEO may result in missed opportunities for growth and visibility.

Before hiring a local SEO company, you should consider several factors, including your budget, the agency’s track record and expertise, the scope of services offered, and the local SEO provider’s communication and reporting processes. It’s essential to find an agency that understands the unique needs and goals of the business and can develop and implement a tailored local SEO strategy to drive tangible results.

In summary, hiring a professional SEO agency specializing in local SEO can be a valuable investment for businesses looking to improve their online presence and reach local customers. By outsourcing local SEO tasks to experts, you can focus on your core operations and rest assured that your online visibility is in capable hands.

Need Help with Your Local SEO?

As we’ve explored throughout this article, local SEO is a powerful tool for businesses looking to dominate their local market and connect with customers right in their community.

The numerous benefits of local SEO, including increased visibility, targeted audience reach, and enhanced brand reputation, make it an essential strategy for any business that serves a local clientele or has a physical location.

Imagine the impact on your business when you consistently appear at the top of local search results, attracting a steady stream of customers actively seeking your products or services. With the right local SEO strategy in place, you can experience higher conversion rates, a competitive edge, and lasting success in your niche.

If you’re ready to harness the full potential of local SEO for your business, don’t hesitate to contact Sachs Marketing Group. Our team of local SEO experts can help you create and implement a customized strategy tailored to your unique needs and goals. Contact us today and discover how our local SEO services can propel your business to new heights!


What Are SEO Services & What’s Included?

If you’re struggling to attract traffic to your website, you may be interested in hiring a digital marketing agency that offers professional search engine optimization (SEO) services.

A strong online presence is more important than ever in today’s competitive digital landscape. Search engine optimization (SEO) is critical in helping businesses rank higher in search results, attract organic traffic, and build credibility.

However, navigating the ever-evolving world of SEO (and Google’s 200 ranking factors) can be challenging and time-consuming. For this reason, most small businesses opt to invest in professional SEO services.

So, what are SEO services?

What Are SEO Services?

SEO services are search engine optimization services offered by an agency or freelancer that compass a range of strategies and techniques to improve a website’s visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs), increase organic traffic, and ultimately drive conversions. 

Overall, SEO services help businesses enhance their online presence, attract targeted audiences, and achieve higher search rankings, improving brand credibility and increasing revenue.

Related: 10 Benefits of Ongoing SEO Services

Why Do You Need SEO Services?

Companies need SEO services for several reasons, contributing to their overall success in the increasingly competitive online landscape:

  • Improved Visibility: SEO services help companies optimize their websites to rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs). This increased visibility makes it easier for potential customers to find the company’s products or services when searching online.
  • Increased Organic Traffic: By targeting relevant keywords and optimizing on-page and off-page elements, SEO services attract more organic (non-paid) traffic to a website. This leads to a higher return on investment (ROI) than paid advertising campaigns.
  • Enhanced User Experience: SEO professionals focus on search engine rankings and improving user experience. This includes optimizing site speed, mobile-friendliness, and user-friendly navigation, which results in higher user satisfaction and potentially increased conversion rates.
  • Greater Credibility and Trust: Users often perceive high-ranking websites as more credible and trustworthy. SEO services help companies establish a solid online reputation, which is essential for building customer trust and loyalty.
  • Competitive Advantage: A well-optimized website can give a company a competitive edge over its rivals who may need to leverage SEO. Companies that invest in SEO services are more likely to capture a larger market share and sustain long-term success.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: SEO is considered one of the most cost-effective digital marketing strategies. It targets users actively searching for relevant products or services, resulting in higher conversion rates and lower customer acquisition costs.
  • Scalability and Adaptability: SEO services are highly adaptable and can be scaled according to a company’s needs, goals, and budget. As search engine algorithms and user behavior evolve, SEO professionals can modify their strategies to ensure the company’s website remains optimized and competitive.

Companies need SEO services to improve online visibility, attract organic traffic, enhance user experience, build credibility, gain a competitive advantage, and achieve cost-effective, scalable marketing results that drive revenue.


What is an Example of SEO Services?

Gary owns and operates a family-owned garage door service company and wants to increase the visibility of his website so he can attract more customers.

His company offers installation, maintenance, and repair services, so he may use SEO services to increase the visibility of his website for the following keywords that currently promote his competitors:

  • Garage door installation near me
  • Garage door opener maintenance
  • Emergency garage door repair

An SEO services provider will use competitive keyword research and optimization to strategically incorporate these keywords into the website’s content, meta tags, headings, and URLs to improve its ranking on search engine results pages. 

By analyzing the competition first, a professional will reverse-engineer what’s already working instead of starting from scratch. This will help Gary gain the momentum needed to outperform his competitors’ websites.

[smgquote author=”Eric Sachs, CEO”] You need to understand what your competitors are doing in order to rise above them.

Over time, this will help Gary’s website increase its visibility within search engines, attract more organic traffic, and ultimately enhance its chances of converting visitors into customers.

Types of SEO Services Available

Several types of SEO services are available today, each catering to different aspects of search engine optimization. 

These SEO services can be broadly categorized into the following:

  • On-Page SEO: Optimizing individual web pages to rank higher on search engines. This includes keyword optimization, meta tags (title, description, and header tags), URL structure, content optimization, image optimization, and internal linking.
  • Off-Page SEO: Involves activities outside of the website that help improve its search engine ranking. These include link building (acquiring high-quality backlinks from reputable websites), social media marketing, guest blogging, influencer outreach, and content marketing.
  • Technical SEO: Addresses the technical aspects of a website that impact its search engine ranking. This covers website speed optimization, mobile-friendliness, XML sitemaps, site architecture, structured data markup, canonical tags, and fixing crawl errors.
  • Local SEO: Focuses on optimizing a website for a specific geographical area, targeting local customers. This includes creating and optimizing Google My Business listings, local keyword optimization, localized content creation, and managing local business citations and reviews. Some SEO providers offer this type of SEO as a stand-alone service. If you’re interested in attracting more local customers, you may be interested in learning why local SEO is important for your business
  • E-commerce SEO: Optimizing e-commerce websites to rank higher for product-related searches. This includes product page optimization, category page optimization, product keyword research, and schema markup for product details.
  • International SEO: Tailors SEO strategies for websites targeting audiences from different countries or speaking different languages. This includes optimizing content for various languages, implementing hreflang tags, and considering the cultural nuances of the target audience.
  • Mobile SEO: Ensures that a website is optimized for mobile devices, considering factors like responsive design, mobile site speed, and mobile user experience.
  • Video SEO: Optimizes video content for search engines, focusing on video titles, descriptions, tags, and thumbnails, as well as promoting video content through various channels.
  • Voice Search SEO: Optimizes a website for voice search queries by focusing on conversational keywords, long-tail phrases, structured data, website speed, and mobile-friendliness.

These different types of SEO services work together to ensure a comprehensive approach to search engine optimization, catering to various aspects of a website’s online presence and performance.

While these SEO services may be available individually, most business owners opt for a customized full-service SEO plan that includes the basics – on-page SEO, off-page SEO, and technical SEO.

How Much Do SEO Services Cost?

The cost of SEO services varies significantly depending on factors such as the scope of work, the size and complexity of the website, the competitiveness of the target industry, and the experience and reputation of the SEO agency or professional. 

SEO services can range from a few hundred dollars per month for small businesses with limited needs to several thousand dollars monthly for larger enterprises or highly competitive industries. Some agencies offer fixed-rate packages, while others provide custom quotes based on the client’s requirements. It’s essential to consider the potential return on investment when evaluating the cost of SEO services, as a well-executed SEO strategy can lead to substantial long-term benefits for a business’s online visibility and growth.

On average, SEO services cost $2,500 to $5,000 monthly, while freelance SEO services cost $100 to $300 per hour. 


How Do I Budget for Search Engine Optimization Services?

Budgeting for search engine optimization (SEO) services involves carefully considering your business’s specific needs, goals, and resources. Here are some steps to help you budget effectively for SEO services:

  • Define your objectives: Clearly outline what you hope to achieve with SEO, such as increased organic traffic, improved search rankings, or higher conversion rates. These objectives will help guide your decision-making process.
  • Research the market: Investigate the cost of SEO services in your industry and location. Obtain quotes from multiple providers to understand the range of pricing and service offerings. Consider the details of the engagement. For example, will you be locked into a long-term contract, or are the SEO services month-to-month allowing you to cancel anytime? This will help you identify a reasonable budget for your needs.
  • Prioritize tasks: Based on your objectives and current SEO status, prioritize tasks that will significantly impact your goals. Focus on the most critical tasks first to use your budget best.
  • Allocate resources: Determine how much you can spend on SEO services and allocate this budget to the prioritized tasks. Consider one-time and ongoing expenses like technical fixes, content creation, and link building.
  • Choose the right provider: Select an SEO agency or professional that offers the services you need within your budget. Look for providers with a proven track record, positive client reviews, and transparent pricing.

Helpful Tips:

  • Avoid cheap SEO services: Companies that advertise their SEO services as “cheap” often charge under $500 per month. These companies tend to underdeliver what they had promised and, in turn, experience a high churn rate. Sometimes, their entire business model depends on clients canceling within three months.
  • Plan for the long term (3–6 months): SEO is an ongoing process that requires continuous investment. Set aside a portion of your marketing budget for ongoing SEO efforts, and be prepared to adjust your budget as your business grows and your objectives evolve.

10 Things Your SEO Company’s Services Should Include

Now that you have a better understanding of what SEO services are, we can take a look at what SEO services usually include. While every digital marketing agency is different, we recommend you partner with a provider that offers the following:

1. SEO Audit

An SEO audit comprehensively evaluates a website’s current search engine optimization performance to identify improvement areas and develop an actionable strategy to enhance its online visibility. 

This in-depth analysis covers various aspects, including on-page and off-page optimization, technical SEO, and user experience. An SEO audit provides valuable insights into a website’s strengths and weaknesses by examining keyword usage, content quality, backlinks, site architecture, and mobile-friendliness. 

With this information, businesses can prioritize tasks, address issues, and implement effective optimization techniques to improve search rankings, attract organic traffic, and ultimately achieve digital marketing goals.

2. Competitor Analysis

Competitor analysis is a strategic process of examining and evaluating your main competitors’ search engine optimization tactics to identify their strengths, weaknesses, and potential opportunities for improvement. 

This analysis provides valuable insights into the keywords they target, their on-page and off-page optimization techniques, the quality and quantity of backlinks, and their content strategy. By understanding the SEO landscape in your industry and learning from your competitors’ successes and shortcomings, you can develop a more effective and targeted SEO strategy that helps you compete and potentially outperform your rivals in search rankings and online visibility.

[smgquote author=”Eric Sachs, CEO”] Reverse-engineering your competition’s results can help accelerate your own results.

3. Custom Strategy

A custom SEO strategy is a tailored approach to search engine optimization designed to meet a particular business or website’s unique needs, objectives, and challenges. 

Instead of employing a one-size-fits-all approach, a custom SEO strategy considers factors such as the business’s industry, target audience, competition, and website structure. This personalized plan ensures that every aspect of the SEO process, from keyword research to content creation and technical optimization, aligns with the business’s goals and resources, ultimately maximizing the potential for online growth and success.

4. On-page SEO Optimization

On-page SEO refers to optimizing individual web pages on a website to improve its search engine rankings and attract more organic traffic. This optimization focuses on-page content and the HTML source code, ensuring they are easily discoverable, relevant, and valuable to users.

Key aspects of on-page SEO include the following:

  • Keyword research and optimization: Finding the best keywords for SEO and strategically integrating them into the page’s content, title, meta description, headings, and URL.
  • Content quality: Creating valuable, engaging, and informative content that addresses the needs and interests of the target audience.
  • Meta tags: Crafting compelling and keyword-rich meta titles and descriptions that accurately reflect the page’s content and encourage users to click through from search results.
  • Header tags: Using proper heading hierarchy (H1, H2, H3, etc.) to structure content and improve readability.
  • URL structure: Creating descriptive and keyword-optimized URLs that are user-friendly and easy to understand.
  • Internal linking: Establishing a logical and effective internal link structure to help users navigate the website and distribute link equity across the site.
  • Image optimization: Adding relevant alt text, compressing images for faster loading, and using descriptive file names to improve user experience and search engine understanding.

5. Off-page SEO Optimization

Off-page SEO optimization refers to the techniques and activities that take place outside of a website to improve its search engine rankings and visibility. Off-page SEO primarily focuses on building the website’s credibility, authority, and trustworthiness in the eyes of search engines and users, which can lead to higher rankings, more organic traffic, and increased brand recognition.

Key aspects of off-page SEO include the following:

  • Link building: Acquiring high-quality backlinks from reputable and authoritative websites, which gives confidence in your website’s content and credibility.
  • Content marketing: Creating and promoting valuable content, such as blog posts, articles, infographics, and videos, to attract backlinks, engage users, and enhance brand visibility.
  • Social media marketing: Leveraging social media platforms to share content, engage with users, and build a community around your brand, which can indirectly influence search engine rankings.
  • Guest blogging: Contributing content to other websites within your niche, allowing you to showcase your expertise and gain exposure while earning backlinks.
  • Influencer outreach: Partner with influencers and industry experts to share your content or endorse your brand, increasing visibility and potential backlinks.
  • Online reputation management: Monitoring and responding to reviews, comments, and mentions of your brand across various online platforms to maintain a positive brand image.
  • Local SEO: Building citations, managing local business listings, and garnering positive reviews to improve visibility in local search results.

6. Technical SEO Optimization

Technical SEO optimization is the process of enhancing the technical aspects of a website to improve its search engine rankings, visibility, and user experience. This type of optimization focuses on repairing technical SEO issues that hurt rankings and ensuring that search engines can easily crawl, index, and understand the website’s content and structure while providing users with a seamless and efficient experience.

Key aspects of technical SEO include the following:

  • Website speed optimization: Improving the website’s loading time by implementing techniques such as image compression, browser caching, and minification of CSS, JavaScript, and HTML files.
  • Mobile-friendliness: Ensuring the website is responsive and adapts seamlessly to various screen sizes and devices, providing a consistent and user-friendly experience.
  • XML sitemaps: Creating and submitting XML sitemaps that help search engines discover and index the website’s pages more efficiently.
  • Site architecture: Designing a logical and easy-to-navigate site structure that enables users and search engines to find relevant content quickly.
  • Structured data markup: Implementing schema markup to provide search engines with additional context about the website’s content, which can enhance the presentation of search results with rich snippets.
  • Canonical tags: Using canonical tags to inform search engines of the preferred version of a web page when there are duplicate or similar pages, preventing duplicate content issues.
  • Crawl error resolution: Identifying and fixing crawl errors, such as broken links, server errors, and blocked resources, to ensure that search engines can access and index the website’s content effectively.

6. Content Development

SEO content development is the process of creating, optimizing, and organizing high-quality, engaging, and informative content for a website to improve its search engine rankings and attract organic traffic. 

This content is crafted to appeal to both users and search engines, addressing the needs and interests of the target audience while incorporating relevant keywords and following SEO best practices.

Key aspects of SEO content development include the following:

  • Keyword research: Identifying relevant, high-traffic keywords that resonate with the target audience and are related to the website’s products or services.
  • Content strategy: Creating a content strategy that addresses the audience’s needs, aligns with the website’s goals and covers various topics and formats, such as blog posts, articles, infographics, videos, and more.
  • Quality and relevancy: Ensuring that the content is well-written, informative, and provides value to the reader, addressing their pain points, answering their questions, and offering solutions.
  • Readability and structure: Creating content that is easy to read and understand, using clear headings, short paragraphs, bullet points, and appropriate formatting to enhance user experience.
  • Keyword optimization: Strategically incorporating the target keywords in the content, titles, headings, meta descriptions, and URLs without overstuffing or compromising the content’s quality and readability.
  • Internal and external linking: Including relevant internal and external links within the content to provide additional context, enhance user experience, and improve the website’s overall SEO.
  • Content promotion: Sharing and promoting the content across various channels, such as social media, email marketing, and influencer outreach, to increase visibility and attract backlinks.

8. Ongoing Analysis & Adaptation

Ongoing SEO analysis and adaptation refer to the continuous monitoring, evaluating, and adjusting a website’s search engine optimization (SEO) strategy to ensure its effectiveness and alignment with the latest search engine algorithms, industry trends, and user behavior patterns. 

As the digital landscape and search engine algorithms are constantly evolving, it is crucial for businesses to regularly analyze their SEO performance and adapt their tactics accordingly to maintain or improve their search engine rankings and online visibility.

Key aspects of ongoing SEO analysis and adaptation include the following:

  • Performance tracking: Regularly monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics, such as organic traffic, search rankings, bounce rate, and conversion rate, using analytics tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console.
  • Algorithm updates: Keeping up-to-date with the latest search engine algorithm updates, such as Google’s core updates, and adjusting the SEO strategy to comply with the new guidelines and best practices.
  • Competitor analysis: Continuously evaluating the strategies and performance of competitors to identify opportunities for improvement and stay ahead in the market.
  • Technical audits: Periodically conducting technical SEO audits to identify and address any issues or opportunities for optimization, such as broken links, crawl errors, or mobile-friendliness.
  • Content optimization: Regularly reviewing and updating the website’s content to ensure its relevance, quality, and effectiveness, as well as identifying content gaps and opportunities for new, engaging content.
  • Link building: Continuously working on acquiring high-quality backlinks through various tactics, such as content marketing, guest blogging, and influencer outreach, while also monitoring and disavowing any harmful or low-quality links.
  • User experience: Consistently analyzing and enhancing the website’s user experience by improving site navigation, design, and load times, as well as optimizing the site for different devices and browsers.

9. Monthly reports

Monthly SEO reports are comprehensive documents that provide insights into the performance of a website’s search engine optimization (SEO) efforts over a specific month. SEO agencies or professionals typically prepare these reports for you. Monthly SEO reports help monitor progress, evaluate the effectiveness of implemented strategies, identify areas for improvement, and ensure that SEO goals are on track.

Critical elements of monthly SEO reports include the following:

  • Organic traffic: The number of visitors coming to the website through search engine results, highlighting any increases or decreases in traffic compared to the previous month or a specified time frame.
  • Keyword rankings: The website’s position in search engine results pages (SERPs) for targeted keywords, showcasing any changes in rankings and the site’s overall visibility.
  • Top-performing pages: A list of the website’s pages that generated the most organic traffic, engagement, or conversions, providing insights into which types of content are resonating with users.
  • Conversions and goals: The number of conversions, such as sales, leads, or sign-ups, directly attributed to organic traffic and how they relate to the predefined SEO goals.
  • Technical issues and fixes: A summary of any technical issues identified and resolved during the month, such as broken links, crawl errors, or site speed improvements.
  • Link building efforts: An overview of the backlinks acquired during the month, including the number of links, the referring domains, and their domain authority.
  • Content updates and additions: An overview of any new content published or existing content updated during the month, along with a brief performance analysis.
  • Recommendations and next steps: A list of suggested actions or strategies to improve the website’s SEO performance based on the data and insights gathered from the report.

10. Customer Service

SEO service providers prioritize customer service to build a strong working relationship with you and maintain open communication lines. This enables the smooth execution of SEO strategies and helps keep you informed about the progress of your SEO campaign and progress. 

Here’s how SEO service providers offer customer service:

  • Responsive email communication: SEO professionals are committed to promptly responding to client emails and addressing questions, concerns, or feedback. They provide timely updates and information regarding the project’s progress, ensuring you are always in the loop and well-informed about their SEO campaigns.
  • Monthly phone calls to discuss progress: Regularly scheduled phone calls allow SEO service providers to review the project’s performance with you, discuss key findings from monthly reports, and outline plans for upcoming months. These calls ensure you understand your SEO progress and can provide input or ask questions about the implemented strategies.
  • Unscheduled calls for emergency support: In the event of unexpected issues, such as website downtime, algorithm updates, or sudden drops in rankings, SEO service providers are available for unscheduled calls to provide immediate support and guidance. They are prepared to address emergencies, implement necessary actions to mitigate negative impacts and ensure the website’s stability and performance.
  • Online collaboration tools: Many SEO service providers also utilize online project management and collaboration tools, such as Trello, Asana, or Basecamp, to organize tasks, share documents, and keep track of project milestones. These platforms allow you to monitor the project’s progress and facilitate seamless communication easily.
  • Dedicated account manager: Some SEO agencies assign a dedicated account manager to each client, ensuring a single point of contact for all project-related matters. This helps streamline communication, build strong relationships, and provide personalized service tailored to your needs. For example, here at Sachs Marketing Group, our clients enjoy the benefits of direct communication with their dedicated account executive. For campaigns involving multiple marketing channels, such as social media marketing or pay-per-click advertising, clients have direct access to multiple dedicated account executives. This is a bonus benefit added to the long list of benefits of multichannel marketing!

You should expect exceptional customer service from your SEO services provider. A professional will provide responsive email communication, monthly phone calls, unscheduled emergency support, and more.

How to Choose the Best SEO Company

Choosing the best SEO company is a critical decision that can significantly impact your online success. When evaluating potential agencies, consider factors such as their experience in your industry, proven track record, and the quality of their customer service. 

Look for companies that offer a comprehensive range of services, including on-page, off-page, and technical SEO, and prioritize customized strategies tailored to your unique needs and objectives. Take the time to read client testimonials and case studies to gauge the agency’s expertise and the results they’ve achieved for their clients. 

Additionally, ensure that the company is transparent about its pricing, reporting, and communication practices. By carefully evaluating these aspects, you can select an SEO company that aligns with your goals and can help you achieve long-term online growth and success.


Learn More About the Benefits of SEO Services

Sachs Marketing Group offers custom SEO services designed to suit your needs. With our expertise and proven track record, we can help your website rank higher in search results, increase organic traffic, and ultimately boost your business’s revenue.

Imagine your website consistently attracting potential customers who are genuinely interested in your products or services. A well-optimized website’s increased visibility, credibility, and authority can take your business to new heights.

Contact Sachs Marketing Group now to learn more about our SEO services and discover how we can help your website reach its full potential. Request an SEO services proposal today and embark on the journey to a more successful online presence.



Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for Drug Rehabs: Maximizing Your Online Presence

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for drug rehabs involves optimizing a rehabilitation center’s website to improve its visibility in search engine results. This process includes using relevant keywords, enhancing site structure, and creating quality content. Effective SEO strategies help these centers reach individuals seeking addiction treatment, enhancing their online presence and accessibility.

Are you struggling to make your drug rehab center visible online amidst overwhelming competition?

SEO for drug rehabs offers a transformative solution. By optimizing your website, you not only increase visibility but also connect with those in dire need of your services.

In today’s digital age, having an online presence is crucial for any business, and the drug rehab industry is no exception. The competition is fierce, and it can be challenging to stand out and attract potential clients. Imagine your rehab center appearing at the top of search results, instantly accessible to those seeking help. Effective SEO practices make this a reality, drawing in more visitors and potential clients.

However, with the right search engine optimization (SEO) approach, you can increase your visibility and reach a wider audience. In this post, we’ll discuss the critical elements of drug rehab SEO and how to implement them effectively.

1. Understanding Your Target Audience

The first step in optimizing your website for search engines is understanding your target audience. Who are the people you want to reach? What are their needs and pain points? What kind of information are they searching for online? Answering these questions will help you create content that resonates with your audience and addresses their concerns.

2. Keyword Research and Optimization

Once you clearly understand your target audience, the next step is to conduct keyword research. Keywords are the terms and phrases people use to search for information online. By identifying the keywords relevant to your drug rehab business, you can optimize your website and improve your search engine ranking.

When conducting keyword research, focus on long-tail keywords, which are more specific and less competitive than short-tail keywords. For example, instead of targeting the keyword “drug rehab,” you might target “drug rehab in Los Angeles” or “luxury drug rehab facilities.”

3. On-Page Optimization

On-page optimization refers to the elements on your website that you can control and influence to improve your search engine ranking. These elements include:

  • Title tags: The title tag is the text that appears in the search engine results and should accurately describe the page’s content.
  • Meta descriptions: The meta description summarizes the page’s content that appears in the search engine results.
  • Header tags: Header tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.) are used to structure the content on your page and indicate the hierarchy of information.
  • Content: The content on your page should be well-written, informative, and relevant to your target audience.
  • URL structure: The URL structure of your pages should be clear and concise, using keywords where appropriate.

4. Off-Page Optimization

Off-page optimization refers to the elements outside your website that influence your search engine ranking. These elements include:

Backlinks: Backlinks are links from other websites to your website. The more high-quality backlinks you have, the more credible and authoritative your website appears to search engines.
Social media: Social media can help you reach a wider audience and drive traffic to your website. Regularly posting content and engaging with followers can boost your search engine ranking.

5. Tracking and Analytics

Finally, tracking and analyzing your SEO efforts is essential to see what’s working and what’s not. This will allow you to make data-driven decisions and improve your search engine rankings. Tools like Google Analytics and SEMrush can help you track your website traffic, keyword rankings, and other metrics.

In conclusion, SEO for drug rehabs is a crucial aspect of digital marketing that can help you reach a wider audience and attract potential clients. By understanding your target audience, conducting keyword research, optimizing your website, building high-quality backlinks, and tracking your results, you can improve your search engine ranking and maximize your online presence.

[smgquote author=”Eric Sachs, CEO @Sachs Marketing Group”]
The drug and alcohol treatment space is very near and dear to me for reasons I’ll be happy to share with you when you give us a call. [/smgquote]

If you’re a drug rehabilitation center needing search engine optimization and digital marketing services, look no further. Sachs Marketing Group offers comprehensive digital marketing solutions tailored to the mental health and substance abuse treatment industry. Get in touch with us today to learn how we can help boost your online visibility and attract more clients.


2023 SEO Trends (And How to Stay Ahead of Your Competition)

Interested in the latest 2023 SEO trends?

As the year draws to a close, it is time to reflect and consider the progress we’ve made in the last twelve months – and look forward to what is to come and how it might change things up. 

In the field of search engine optimization (SEO), 2023 may become an exciting year – and it may be your chance to not just match the competition, but pull ahead, and declare your business as the definitive leader of the pack. 

In this article, we’re taking a closer look at some of the 2023 SEO trends to consider this year.

The Core Web Vitals

Google’s Core Web Vitals played a big role in 2022, and will continue to remain relevant in the coming years as one part of the greater lesson in the 2020s – user experience is crucial for ranking. A website is judged not just on its content’s quality and relevance, but on its presentation and technical quality. Some key metrics Google looks at for good user experiences include: 

  • Fast loading times. 
  • Lack of disruptive loading changes (which may affect clicking outcomes, e.g., shifting buttons).
  • Font and design consistency.
  • Good color contrast and readability.
  • Onsite accessibility options (such as text readers and easy keyboard navigation).
  • Sensible navigation menu with a competent search function.  
  • A mobile-first design philosophy. 
  • And more. 

Google Wants Relevancy and Authority

Google and other search engines are moving away from a keyword-centric content approach and more towards context and relevance. Content will be ranked based on “helpfulness”, as well as “experience” or authority. 

Backlinks will continue to be an important factor for determining both, but so will the quality and nature of the content, and especially its relevance for any given query or search term. Experiential content – content that places the brand in the narrative center of the story and tells a tale through text, sound, images, or video – will also play a greater role. 

Users Want Privacy

Privacy demands have led to the death of the cookie – well, eventually, at least. Google has announced that it will cease using third-party cookies in Chrome by 2024 as part of a growing list of web browsers abandoning the technology to help appease customer concerns. 

Privacy is a real concern, after all. Consumer behavior data is key to personalized ads and is a hot commodity with certain ethical concerns. Many consumers still remember when Cambridge Analytica used user data to push political ads toward targeted groups to great effect. 

The end of the third-party cookie will massively impact the way marketers and search engines can target certain demographics and specific end users – instead, advertisers will need to shift towards semi-anonymous systems that vaguely aim at tagged groups rather than individual users, hopefully eliminating some of the concerns held as a result of the third-party cookie. While this will massively affect targeted paid advertising, organic search will continue to rely on certain information, such as search history and location info to provide better results. 

Younger Audiences Want Meaning

Younger audiences are interested in spending their money but may be paying more attention to who they give their money to than older generations.

With more information at their disposal, many younger consumers are more conscious of the kind of footprint a business leaves behind, whether it’s a large carbon footprint or in the shape of a sweatshop. 

Businesses that not only commit to ethical labor but make an additional commitment towards a greater cause – such as a more sustainable business model, uplifting disenfranchised youth, or providing greater opportunities to poor communities – may see more traction than their typical competition. 

Makeup brands that avoid animal cruelty and are verifiably eco-friendly are more likely to be shared online. A majority of millennials want companies to “pay it forward”, whether through charity or through public commitments to a cause. 

Your business can leverage this by picking a cause that is relevant to you as a business owner, or to the nature of your industry. Just don’t try to greenwash your product – that will backfire catastrophically

Introducing Google Multisearch

One of the bigger surprises of the year was Google’s introduction of Multisearch. This new feature utilizes Google Lens to analyze online pictures or user photos and provide detailed information or similar products based on a modifying query.

In an example provided, a brown dress of a certain style was highlighted and searched for through Multisearch with the query “green”, producing results for dresses with similar or the same styles but green color palettes.

Another example allowed a user to hypothetically take a picture of an entire aisle of products and use Multisearch to single out items that fit certain criteria without going through each item and reading dozens of labels. 

While Multisearch is still in its infancy, and its earliest features were only rolled out in English in 2022, it will become more relevant in the years to come, making it more important to properly tag your digital assets and provide greater entity data to leverage this new type of search tool, and its ability to recommend your product via Google Shopping or Image Search. 

Track Your Metrics, Make the Right Calls

Getting ahead and staying ahead will continue to be a matter of analyzing the data available and making the right calls in response. 

It’s about selecting the best two ad campaigns aimed at a budding audience on Instagram. It’s about picking the right accounts to send samples to on TikTok. It’s about managing and growing your communities on Twitter and Reddit and producing content that Google finds both informative and authoritative on websites that are pleasant to navigate and contain all crucial information in easy and accessible spaces across all devices and screens. 

And, for the near-to-far future, it will be about leveraging growing AI and machine learning tools to generate content, review data for predictive analysis, and submit your entries into a growing global database of digital assets and entity data to be indexed and utilized in future Multisearch features, as companies like Google continue to digitize the world around us and bring greater convenience into shopping and product discovery. 

2023 will be yet another year where SEO and digital marketing, in general, continue to pivot towards a “less is more” approach while further emphasizing the importance of tailored content, local results, and catering to your niche. Beat the competition by identifying the most lucrative niche and investing heavily in quality over quantity. Work with us this year to make the most out of your 2023. 


How Long Does It Take for SEO to Work?

How long does it take for SEO to work?

This is one of the most common questions we hear from business owners interested in deploying an efficient digital marketing strategy that helps increase website visibility and viable leads.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a long game. While there are many strategies that you can use to improve the visibility of your website and attract more traffic, it can take months or even years before you start seeing results.

One of the main challenges with SEO is that it is constantly changing – search engines are always evolving how they rank content and what factors they consider when determining rankings. This means that you must constantly stay up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices to ensure that your SEO efforts are effective.

That being said, certain strategies can help improve your visibility immediately, such as producing high-quality content optimized for relevant keywords and regularly publishing. Additionally, working with an experienced SEO professional can help you achieve results faster, as they will deeply understand optimizing your website and getting your content in front of the right people.

At the end of the day, achieving success with SEO requires time and patience. But with the right approach, you can start seeing improvements in your rankings and traffic in a relatively short period of time. And the payoff can be huge – higher rankings and more traffic mean more potential customers and sales for your business.

If you want my team at Sachs Marketing Group to help improve your website’s organic visibility through SEO, click here.

How Long Does It Take for SEO to Work?

Frustratingly, the safest way to answer that question is “it depends.” There is no empirically perfect way to optimize a business’ online content, and the timeline between “baseline” and “better” can be weeks or months.

Some companies have done better than others in establishing their brand online and utilize multiple platforms, avenues, and forms of media to improve their ranking in an otherwise competitive field. It may take longer to make improvements in such cases, where more research, time, and data are needed to move the needle. Conversely, a young business operating in a new niche will easily break old benchmarks and gain a following because their bar starts at the floor comparatively. 

Your own personal answer will depend on what you characterize as “working SEO” and what it is you are working with. Once you set a few parameters and get some actionable feedback, you can begin to learn what to expect from any given SEO campaign and how different methods might or might not work for you. 

[smgquote author=”Eric Sachs, CEO”]
SEO takes time; sometimes months, sometimes years and there are many aspects that go into consideration of a campaign.[/smgquote]

Related: 4 Essential Types of SEO (You Need All Four to Succeed)

Why Should I Care About My SEO?

This industry is full of people claiming to work miracles in days. But truly effective results take time – especially in today’s SEO landscape, where it’s harder than ever to inflate numbers or utilize comparatively inefficient black-hat methods to get anywhere

Think of SEO as any skill. Doing almost anything at all will get you results in the beginning. But the longer you’re at it, the more you need to start thinking about specificity, periodization, and proper programming. Milestones take longer to achieve, and progress becomes harder to quantify. 

But objectively speaking, you know that SEO “works” when one of two things are happening: 

  • Your organic traffic is improving. 
  • Your website is rising in rankings for keywords that matter

On the surface, SEO by itself might seem like little more than a method to improve the flow of traffic to your website. But the quality of that traffic matters, too.

Search engines like Google try to take into consideration how much time visitors spend on your site (dwell time), where they’re coming from, where they’re going, and what it is they did. Your ranking might suffer if all that data indicates that your website was enticing to visit but not interesting enough to dwell on. 

That recursive sense of relevance means that SEO can also serve as a metric for your website’s success in attracting and maintaining the right crowd. Ultimately, that should result in more engagement, more following, and more sales, the goal for most businesses online.  

To recap, the numbers that reflect your SEO are a fairly solid and objective measure of your business’ capacity to attract paying customers and clients, alongside your sales numbers and your financial return on investment. If improvements in the metrics that define your SEO continue to correlate with higher sales and better online business, better SEO will continue to be something you should strive for. 

When is My SEO Working?

Rather than set a strict timeline how each and every method of improvement in any given SEO campaign might take to show results, we’ll simply detail how you can determine whether any given change is doing you good. This can be determined through campaign-specific goals and KPIs (key performance indicators). 

Let’s try a simple example. A good goal could be beating last year’s record of online holiday sales with your new Black Friday and Cyber Monday campaigns. An admirable goal, considering the last few years have seen some record-breaking ecommerce numbers due to lockdowns and other contributing factors. If you’re selling and shipping, your products will also need to compete with major players like Amazon. 

A key performance indicator might involve how well your website ranks for your target keywords, how much traffic your website attracts from search engines organically, and the number of phone calls, form submissions, or other conversions your website generates for your business.

You know your SEO is working when your campaign is meeting your goals. Goals can be subjective – it might not be realistic to try and double your numbers from last year, especially if you’re in a very competitive industry to begin with and haven’t seen much growth otherwise. 

On the other hand, some businesses should absolutely expect to double their numbers, especially going from the first year to the next. Progress in your KPIs can be a lot easier to measure and quantify. 

In this given example, we’re comparing one year’s results with those of the next. The improvements made aren’t just a matter of organizing a better campaign, but they reflect the cumulative progress a business has made online – attracting more loyal customers, building up the brand over a number of campaigns and activities, and generating online buzz over the past 12 months. In this given example, we’re trying to measure the progress made in a year. 

A lot of other comparative work might involve shorter timeframes. You might want to see whether your SEO has improved or stagnated over a six-month period or whether measures implemented just two months ago are reflected in your rankings and traffic. 

But be patient, one way or the other. It can take dozens, if not over a hundred, indexed blog posts for a business to start ranking for certain keywords. It can take a year for you to start overtaking your competition. 

Why Isn’t My SEO Working?

Are you falling behind the competition? Losing clients? Dropping in traffic? Then something might be wrong. SEO best practices are never stagnant, and what worked well in 2016 probably doesn’t work quite as well today. 

It can be difficult to keep up with the dizzying speeds at which SEO rules change and develop, and SEO is ultimately just one facet of improving a business’ online presence and taking advantage of the growing benefits of ecommerce. 

If you want to make the most of your brand, or turn around a stagnating web presence, you need to work with the right team. 

Need Help with Your SEO?

SEO is a long game that requires time and attention. At Sachs Marketing Group, we’ve got the experience and expertise to help you see positive results in your business. Our digital marketing team works together to ensure your campaign involves a strategy that adapts to what’s working and isn’t. This attention to detail ensures your website works for your business.

Call us today if you’d like to learn how Sachs Marketing Group can help your website attract more attention organically and increase conversions for your business.


4 Essential Types of SEO (You Need All Four to Succeed)

Search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the most important aspects of online marketing, and there are four types of SEO that you need to be aware of to succeed.

SEO is about increasing your website’s organic visibility for the keywords your target customers use to find solutions. This approach to digital marketing is an investment in the future of your website – it takes time to build visibility. Still, the visibility you develop will persist into the future, even if you pause your SEO efforts for a few months.

The key to developing organic visibility involves different types of SEO simultaneously.

In this article, you will discover the four essential types of SEO needed for your website to increase organic rankings and traffic.

If you want my team at Sachs Marketing Group to help improve your website’s organic visibility through SEO, click here.

The Different Types of SEO

SEO involves more than keyword research these days. Today, SEO involves local, on-page, off-page, and technical optimization. These are the four corners of successful modern SEO.

If you focus on one and ignore the other three, you will not achieve the best results for your website.

For the best results, it’s best to approach all four corners of SEO together. This ensures you’re making progress in all directions and don’t have to backtrack later. This is one of the most common reasons business owners trust a professional digital marketing team to handle their SEO campaign, as it requires ongoing time and attention.

SEO is more than just telling Google and Bing about yourself and why your website is better than the competition. It’s a little more complicated than that – search engines rely on hundreds of rankings factors to determine how to index your website. Search engines often make changes to their algorithm, which alters the weight of each ranking factor, to improve the quality of their index for the searcher. The key is to keep your finger on the pulse of these changes and adapt.

Let’s look at the four types of SEO you need to explore, develop, and maintain to develop your organic visibility.

1. Local SEO

Let’s start with local SEO because it’s the easiest to understand and explain. Search engines can determine a user’s location during a search and use that information to provide contextual results that might better apply to the user’s question.

For example, if you specifically search for “best restaurants,” Google is unlikely to try and offer results on the best restaurants in the world immediately. Instead, it will assume that you’re out on a night in town, looking for a place to eat. As such, the first result is a list of locations provided via Google Maps and Google Business, sorted by ratings and proximity to your location.

This cursory insight into how Google creates most brick-and-mortar local results gives us two major insights into improving your local SEO:

  • You need to establish and optimize your Google Business Profile
  • You need to establish your place of business on Google Maps, with a gallery of images, contact information, and opening and closing hours.

In addition to improving your presence on Google’s local results themselves, you can also improve your local SEO in other ways to increase the likelihood of showing up under top results for terms like “best shoe store Rotterdam” or “best sneaker shop near me” – use your website and content to clarify your location!

[smgquote author=”Chris Rice, Senior SEO Specialist”]
Optimizing your Google Business Profile can dramatically boost your brand’s visibility to local customers.[/smgquote]

It’s not enough to explain to customers that you’re a one-stop shop for their favorite brands at great prices. You’ll want them to know that you’re the one-stop shop in the city or region of your choice.

Search engines pick up on this information, even if it’s tangentially mentioned a few times on your landing page or About Us copy. Contact information and adding a footer with the company’s physical address help a lot.

2. On-Page SEO

We’ve briefly touched on it by mentioning the on-site copy, such as the About Us page or your landing pages, but on-site or on-page SEO is where the meat of the legwork is.

Google and other search engines use robots to crawl the web and collect information on the contents of different websites. This helps Google index new websites on the accessible World Wide Web and begin to display them in search results.

We mentioned that there are thousands of ranking factors. It’s unrealistic for any person or team to invest in every single one of them, so it helps to focus on what matters most. In general, this includes the following:

  • Make sure your website is user-friendly.
  • Make sure your website contains the proofread copy.
  • Ensure you utilize key phrases relevant to your products or services in your content strategy.
  • Make sure you are utilizing the right metadata to feed information to the web robots.
  • Make sure your content is properly utilizing internal links.
  • And so on.

On-page SEO refers to anything to do with the optimization of your web content, from the contact page to your product descriptions or blog section.

3. Off-Page SEO

On-page SEO is straightforward enough. But what about off-page SEO?

As the name implies, it’s everything else outside your web content. That means developing high-quality backlinks, exploring guest post opportunities, researching your competitor’s keyword tactics, working with journalists, and more.

[smgquote author=”Eric Sachs, CEO”]
Create content that others can use and link to as a resource for their audience.[/smgquote]

Where on-page SEO proves your website’s relevance and know-how, off-page SEO is all about improving your authority.

Remember, it’s not about how many backlinks point to your website; it’s about the quality of the backlinks that point to your website. This is one of the most challenging aspects of SEO, as it requires the collaboration of 3rd-party websites. Most people are busy and not interested in creating a backlink for free. This is why it’s important to utilize a seasoned team of SEO professionals who have relationships with bloggers, publications, and other 3rd-parties that might be able to create a link.

One backlink from a high-quality website in your niche will often outperform 100 backlinks from low-quality websites. It’s all about authority and relevance.

The outcome?

A single backlink from a high-quality website can help increase your organic rankings across the board, thus increasing traffic and even sales.

4. Technical SEO

Where on-page SEO is all about the quality and relevance of the content, technical SEO is about the experience, both behind the scenes and in the front end. In general, this means:

  • Make sure your website is secure (SSL certification).
  • Ensure your website loads quickly and has no hostile or annoying layout or design.
  • Ensure your website is functional across all devices reasonably used to browse the modern web (i.e., desktops, mobile devices, and a suite of popular browsers).
  • Layout optimization.
  • Making sure your site structure and URLs are optimized for ranking and shareability.
  • And so on.

Technical SEO is just as important as on-page SEO, even if it feels more or less invisible. It’s the kind of thing most people might not notice when it’s there but notice when it isn’t.

[smgquote author=”Chris Rice, Senior SEO Strategist”]
Nurturing the health of your technical SEO is just as important as keyword research, content development, and backlink development.[/smgquote]

Related: 7 Technical SEO Issues that Sink Rankings

Why Are All Four Important?

SEO as a whole is constantly synergistic. Your off-page SEO efforts are wasted if your on-page SEO efforts don’t match.

There’s no point in having great content if your website takes years to load or performs so severely that people click off in frustration after just a few seconds. And suppose your website is beautiful and a joy to navigate and use but offers no information about your products or services and doesn’t have anything worth backlinking to. In that case, you’ll have difficulty being referenced and found throughout the web.

A balanced approach to all four elements of SEO is necessary to make your SEO plans work.

Deploying SEO strategies and techniques to improve a website’s visibility and attract more organic traffic takes time and energy. For this reason, most companies opt to work with an SEO agency that offers tailored SEO services.  While some agencies may offer on-page, off-page, technical, and local SEO services individually, combining all four is best. If you’re interested in working with a professional SEO service provider, be sure you have the answers to the following questions: what are SEO services, and what’s included?

Where Should You Start?

With an audit. If you have any existing online content and a website, your first option should be to work with a professional team to decide where your priorities should lay. Ideally, a total SEO overhaul is always a good idea – provided a unified plan in the overhaul, coordinating changes across all four types of SEO.

If you’re unsure where to start, it’s always a good idea to get help. We can assist you in developing a tailored SEO strategy for your niche and business and pull ahead of the competition.

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