How to Get Your Fans Actively Involved in Your SMM Campaign

Get Your Fans Involved in Your SMM Campaign - Sachs Marketing Group

Creating and executing a social media marketing (SMM) campaign is complex business – with a number of variants along the way. You have to think about what networks you’re wanting to include, what your end goals are, and how you think current and prospective fans will respond. Nothing really ever guarantees campaign success, but one … Read more

Building a Facebook Audience for Your Brand Page – Top Do’s and Don’ts

Build a Facebook Audience for Your Brand - Sachs Marketing Group

When first starting to build a social media presence for your brand, it’s important to avoid certain activities, while focusing your efforts on attracting followers. Not just any followers will do, however. Without targeted fans, you won’t get the results you’re looking for. But, building a Facebook audience isn’t just about what you post on … Read more

The Ultimate Social Media Launch Guide

ultimate social media launch guide

The ultimate social media launch involves defining clear goals, understanding the target audience, and choosing the right platforms. Creating a content calendar, engaging with the audience, and consistent branding are crucial. Utilizing analytics for insights and adapting strategy based on performance is key. Integrating paid ads can also boost visibility during the launch. When you’re … Read more

Crafting a Social Media Policy That Works

Crafting a Social Media Policy That Works - Sachs Marketing Group

We’ve all heard stories about people getting fired after their employer discovered something on social media. Sometimes, it’s because of something the employee said about the company or a customer; other times, it was because of something unrelated to their work, but a result of their online activity in their personal life. Do you want … Read more

How to Make Your Content Go Viral in 2017

viral content

Understanding how to make your content go viral is an ongoing, uphill challenge. To make content go viral in 2017, it was essential to understand audience preferences, leverage trending topics, and create shareable, engaging content. Utilizing visual elements like videos and infographics, crafting compelling headlines, and optimizing for social sharing was crucial. Collaborating with influencers … Read more

7 Mistakes You’re Making on LinkedIn That Kill Your Brand Image

Mistakes Could Kill Your LinkedIn Brand Image - Sachs Marketing Group

Regardless of where LinkedIn falls in your company social strategy, it’s a good idea to maintain a presence there. When used correctly, it can be a powerful tool for your business, going beyond recruiting to help engage customers, share internal information with your employees, and even generate sales leads. If you’re already using a LinkedIn … Read more

15 Tools for Stellar Social Media Images That’ll Get You Followers

Get Followers with Social Media Images Tools - Sachs Marketing Group

Creating social media images that stand out from the crowd is incredibly important. If the image isn’t clear, captivating, and chosen to fit within the company brand it can have a negative impact on the viewer’s impression of the company. Alternatively, a well-chosen image that has been carefully cultivated to impart a message that resonates … Read more

13 Ways to Improve Instagram Advertising

13 Ways to Improve Instagram Advertising - Sachs Marketing Group

Instagram is one of the most popular social networks, reaching more than 400 million users in less than five years after the launch. That’s more than Twitter and Snapchat. Now that the Instagram  advertising platform is available for everyone, it’s a particularly useful way to connect with potential customers – especially Millennials – and grow … Read more

8 Reasons Why Snapchat is Awesome

8 Reasons Snapchat Is Awesome

Snapchat, the social network built on sending photos and videos to friends, that will self-destruct within 10 seconds of the time they are viewed. It also includes a chat function, much like Facebook messenger. Users also have the option to create a Snapchat “story”, which is nothing more than a 24-hour collection of photos and … Read more

Top Annoying Social Media Habits to Avoid

Social Media Habits to Avoid

  These days, having a stellar social presence is essential for online business growth, but simply creating profiles, getting followers, and posting whatever you want, whenever you want, isn’t enough to get there. There must be strategy, of course, but even when you operate within a strategy, there are a few things you can still … Read more

The Changing Community Management Industry

The Changing Community Management Industry | Sachs Marketing Group

Community management positions are routinely extended to recent graduates and “social media natives,” meaning those who routinely use various social media tools for personal or professional use. Christie Fidura poses an intriguing question..If community managers are recent graduates (and therefore new to the company or brand), do they understand how the business runs? What the community goals and … Read more

The Intersection of Social and Search

The Intersection of Social and Search | Sachs Marketing Group

In our ever-connected and digitally-based society, it’s become increasingly clear just how important an online presence can be to the success of a business, an organization, or a movement. But if faced with limited resources, time, or budget, many question what the most important aspect of online marketing to focus on really is. We hear … Read more

Organic Search and Social Networking – The Great Crossover

Not long ago, there was a clear separation between organic search results and social media channels. Recently, that has changed dramatically. The line that used to separate these two online elements has become blurred. Google’s very advanced algorithms are picking up on what we call “Social Signals” and those signals are impacting organic search results … Read more

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