Social Media

These YouTube Tools Will Boost Your Video Rankings

Video content is pulling more and more weight in the field of digital marketing, as it becomes easier than ever to post, host, and consume.

Between the astronomical rise of TikTok and the success of YouTube Shorts, not to mention other popular forms of short-form video content, it’s become clearer over time that at least a portion of your budget should be dedicated towards producing good quality video, especially if most of your audience and customer base is online, and social media-savvy.

But simply posting content on platforms like YouTube isn’t enough anymore to profit from your effort. You want content that ranks well and is relevant to people’s searches, bringing you traffic from potential customers, and generating leads.

YouTube Optimization 101

Yes, YouTube videos and community posts require as much optimization as anything else under the Alphabet umbrella. Much of your incoming traffic on YouTube will come from people browsing their Home tab, clicking on related videos with interesting or relevant titles and thumbnails, or through YouTube searches.

Optimizing for these avenues requires you to understand how YouTube ranks videos, what goes into improving your rankings, and how you can translate the data that YouTube provides you itself into actionable advice for future content.

First, it’s important to note that the overall tenets of relevance and authority are still important. YouTube will value content from channels with an established audience, a title that is close to or matches the search term(s), tags that match both the content in the video and the user’s search or search history and view history, and metrics like views and bounce rates.

However, timeliness matters too. YouTube is generally more likely to recommend newer content over older content, even if that older content has a better view count. If you log out of your account and go look up how to install a dishwasher, for example, the first three results will be from within the last 24 months, with less than a million views. Scrolling down reveals older tutorials of over a million, to nearly two million views, dated between seven and nine years ago.

Users can further filter their searches based on duration, certain video features (resolution, VR, location-based videos, subtitles, livestreams), type (video, playlist, channel, film), upload date, view count, and rating. But using the default settings brings you what YouTube considers the most relevant content.

So how do you improve the relevance and ranking potential of your content? Let’s go over a few ideas.

Keep An Eye on Your Metrics

The first and most important tool to use is your own YouTube analytics. Hop onto your own channel studio and head on down to the Analytics tab to reveal a whole slew of information.

You can get an overview of your channel, which provides you with your subscriber count and recent views, as well as overall watch time over time.

YouTube Analytics Reach

Your reach explains how many impressions you content gets (i.e. how often YouTube shows it to users), and what your click through rate is (the rate at which your content is actually clicked on after being shown to a user).

These stats are critical. They are a good metric of how eye-catching your thumbnails and titles are and can be a metric of how relevant your content is to the searches that it is being ranked for. For example, by tightening up your titles, tags, and keywords, you can push YouTube to focus on providing your content to users who are much more likely to be interested in it, and greatly improve your impressions click-through rate.

YouTube Analytics Engagement

Your engagement takes your total watch time (in hours over the last few days), as well as your average view duration. The latter helps you identify if the content you’re producing is being viewed.

Most people don’t finish the videos they start watching on YouTube, and it’s generally rare to have content where people get all the way to the end. But if the majority of people coming to your content are clicking away after a few seconds, that may be a red flag for how you’re targeting viewers. Furthermore, this metric might help you understand what the ideal watch time (and video time) is for your audience.

YouTube Analytics Audience

Finally, the audience tab helps you distinguish returning from unique viewers, and track your channel’s growth and capacity to hold onto an audience. If you see your returning viewers plummet drastically, it’s clear that the content you’ve been producing lately is veering away from what people are interested in.

On the other hand, if that nets you more unique viewers who then turn into a greater number of returning viewers, then it might have been a good idea to shift towards a different niche or angle. Other useful statistics provided by the audience tab include peak user viewing hours (the time period during which most of your viewers are online), your top geographies, viewer age and gender, and other videos and channels they tend to watch.

These are very important data points. The first few hours of a video’s life matter immensely for YouTube, and the better your video does right out the gate, the longer YouTube will recommend it and pass it around.

Encourage Viewers to Subscribe, Like, and Turn on Notifications

While it’s a tad bit annoying, there’s plenty of data to suggest that even just mentioning the like and subscribe buttons helps remind viewers to like a video they actually do like and subscribe to a channel they may have been binging without subscribing.

People do forget to click those buttons and reminding your audience to do so is a small but effective optimization hack to retain an audience, and help YouTube understand that your content is interesting to people. Of course, turning it into a tasteful call-to-action rather than an obnoxious ad helps a lot.

Follow the Trend

Now that you know the basics about navigating YouTube Analytics, let’s take a look at a number of other tools that can help you optimize your video content, starting with keyword and trend research:

YouTube autocomplete – Stumped on what to cover next? Use YouTube’s own autocomplete to figure out the current trend for your niche or channel focus.

Keywords Everywhere – This is a useful browser extension that serves as a keyword research tool by letting you find effective long-tail phrases for your niche.

Doing Adjacent Keyword Research

In addition to researching seed keywords or search terms, you can figure out adjacent keywords through these useful tools:

Keyword Planner – Google Keyword Planner is another effective way to figure out related topics and search terms.

AnswerThePublic – input a certain keyword or phrase to discover a whole network of related terms and adjacent search phrases, or search questions.

Pick the Right Tags

YouTube tags help YouTube’s search engine better sort content and figure out what users might be interested in, outside of other metrics of quality, authority, and relevance. While not as weighty as your overall audience retention and other trends, tags can still help out. These tools help you identify and generate tags for your content:

vidIQ – Provides a slew of growth tools for channels, including tag generation.

RapidTags – A powerful tag generator, among other useful functions.

YouTube Tags – This browser extension helps you view the tags on any video, useful for competition research.

Most of the effort behind making successful video content like that goes into the production, the script, the direction of the video. But a good portion also relies on proper optimization.

If you’re having trouble getting your YouTube content off the floor, some of these tools might help you a lot. Working with the right professionals, of course, will bring you the best results. Give us a call to find out how we can help you grow your YouTube channel, and turn it into a major boon for your business.

Digital Marketing

The Fool-Proof Guide to YouTube Marketing

Did you know, YouTube on mobile alone reaches more 18 to 49 year olds than any cable network in the United States? That’s pretty impressive, and incredibly telling about our media consumption habits. If you’re marketing to anyone in that age group and you’re not engaging in YouTube marketing, you’re missing out.

Just as with anything else in online marketing, you shouldn’t start without a plan. Randomly grabbing your cell phone and recording a video from your living room could work, but it won’t necessarily. Save that kind of thing for Facebook Live or Periscope.

Ready to dig in your heels and get started? Great.


Do Your Research

When you started your blog, you did research. When you started your content marketing strategy, you did research. Now, you’ve got to do more so you know how to fit your YouTube channel into the rest of your content marketing.

Is your competition already marketing on YouTube? If so, what are they doing in terms of content? How is the audience responding? What could you do differently? What could you do better?

If they’re not – you’re moving into uncharted territory. Is it because there’s not really a market for your audience there? Is it because they just haven’t thought to make it part of their strategy yet? Being a step or two ahead of the competition isn’t always a bad thing, you know.

Bonus points for taking notes throughout your research.


Decide on Your Angle

What approach will you take with your videos? Base your decision on what you see the competition doing. You don’t want to copy them exactly, because you need to put your own spin on the content – so you stand out from them. But you don’t want to deviate too far from what they’re doing, because you may not be able to pull the audience from them over to you.

For example, take a look at the Tampax YouTube channel, and the Bodyform YouTube Channel. I chose these because feminine hygiene products are a necessary part of life, but they’re not exactly glamorous to market.

Both channels focus on living an active and healthy life even during a cycle, and education about the cycle and proper use of products. But, a few years ago, Bodyform had a video go viral, in response to a Facebook comment from a man. Called, “Bodyform Responds: The Truth,” it injected a bit of humor into how and why the products are presented the way they are. This humor sets them apart from the competition.

As you work on this aspect of your strategy, you’ll also want to consider whether or not you’ll appear in front of the camera. If you’re camera shy, or don’t like public speaking, it may be a better idea to have someone else appear for you. The person in the Bodyform video above, isn’t actually the CEO, but you have to decide if you’re okay with having someone else be the “face” of your company, so it’s not a decision you should take lightly. In Bodyform’s case, it was a one-off video – so it made sense to keep the real CEO off camera. In yours, it may not.

But, there is one way around that – if your niche allows for this sort of thing. Screencasts and slideshow presentations. Instead of showing your face and surrounding environment, you simply record your computer screen, and narrate it along the way.

Take a look at WPBeginner channel. It’s full of nothing but screencasts because it’s a WordPress tutorial channel. It works well for the niche. You wouldn’t expect to see someone sitting in front of you talking about how to do something on WordPress, without actually showing you, would you?


Make a List of Video Topics

Now that you’ve got an idea of what you’re going to cover and how you’re going to do it, it’s time to start planning things with a bit more detail. Start with a list of broad topics you’ll cover on the channel.

These can be similar to your blog categories. If I were creating a channel to begin YouTube marketing – I’d start with the topics I’m covering on my blog: Digital Marketing, Content Marketing, SEO, Social Media, and Outreach. I’d let these core topics be the basis for all the content that comes from my channel, just like they are the basis for everything posted on the blog.

When you approach things this way, you’ll find it easier to come up with the quality content you need to complement the rest of your strategy.


Build Your Content Calendar and Decide Posting Frequency

At this point, you know roughly what you’ll be creating, but you’re reaching the point where you’ve got to answer the tough question that stops many people from being successful with YouTube.

What resources do you have available to make this work? Not just in terms of budget and equipment, but in terms of time. Two of the pillars of YouTube success are volume and consistency.

Use a spreadsheet or editorial calendar planning tool to help you figure out what videos you are going to post and when. It’s okay if you start slow and post only once a week, but the more often you post, the faster you’ll be able to build momentum. However, if you commit to more than that, stick to it. If you can’t consistently deliver the content, you’ll have a harder time building audience loyalty.

Set the tone and audience expectations from the beginning. Your first video should be an introduction to your channel. Let your viewers know what kind of content you’re planning on publishing, and how often they can expect to see it. Whatever you set for yourself, stick to it. Don’t promise your audience you’ll post a new video every day, and then fall back to posting once a month.


Invest in the Right Video Equipment

You don’t need to spend thousands of dollars on studio quality equipment, but at the least, you may want to invest in a tripod. This way you can put your cell phone or other camera on it and keep the video steady during recording.

Other than a cell phone, you can use a handheld video camera, a web cam, or a DSLR camera. While a DSLR camera will require a more expensive investment, the resulting video will be near professional quality.

If this is the minimum equipment you’ll be using, you should pay extra attention to the recording environment, to make sure the lighting is appropriate and your voice is audible.

It’s possible to invest in a number of cheap microphones, and the right one for you will depend on whether or not you’ll be recording with others in person, or over the phone.

If you’ll be interviewing other people in the same room with you, you’ll want to invest in an omnidirectional mic so it can pick up the sound from you and the guest with relative ease.

If you’re interviewing people over the phone – you’ll need to invest in call recording software to use with Skype.

You’ll also need to make sure you have something to edit your videos with – like Movie Maker for Windows or iMovie for Mac – both free. These are necessary if you want to add intros, transitions, and outros, or music to your videos.


Market Your Channel on Your Website and Social Media Platforms

Once you’ve got your introduction video up, start promoting your channel on Facebook, Twitter, and any other network you’re already established on. Let your followers there know they can find you on YouTube, according to whatever schedule you’ve set up for yourself. Link back to your videos on your website – embedding them in your blog posts when possible.


Optimize Titles and Descriptions

Your video titles should be written to get people to click on your videos, to tell the YouTube algorithm that your videos are related to one another, and to attempt to get higher ranks for a keyword.

You should always use descriptions and tags on your videos, too. The description should be at least three sentences, and placed before anything else. The description and tags should focus on one keyword. Use no more than 10 to 12 tags that are related to the keyword, but also include four to six generic tags that are related to your show and channel.


Add Subtitles to All Your Videos

Though it hasn’t always been possible, YouTube (and Facebook, too!) now make it easy for you to include subtitles to all your videos. I know you’re thinking, “Big deal. I hate subtitles.” But really, think about how many times you’ve been sitting around, in public, bored – waiting on the doctor to come in for your appointment, waiting on your friend to get to the restaurant so you can eat lunch, and so on… A lot of people turn to video to keep themselves occupied, without the sound on, so they don’t disrupt the people near them.  If you can’t hear what someone’s saying in the video, why bother watching, right?

Adding subtitles to your videos allows people to watch without the sound on, which bypasses that barrier to entry, allowing people to enjoy your videos with or without sound. Plus, it’s an awesome feature you should be including for the deaf and hard of hearing, anyway.

And, subtitles can help bring traffic, because they make it easier for people to search for your videos. If you’re targeting a wider audience that speaks more than one language, subtitle it in more than just English. You should also use subtitles if you have an accent that makes it hard to clearly understand what you’re saying.

Use YouTube’s auto-captioning feature at your own risk because of inaccuracies. Try training a program like Dragon Naturally Speaking to transcribe your content, or hire someone to transcribe videos for you. And to show you just how awesome adding your content to YouTube can be – I found this video of a demo of video transcription with Dragon, when I was searching for a source to include in this paragraph. Why tell when you can show? Granted the video is from 2012, but the basics should be the same.


Create Custom Thumbnails

Custom thumbnails can help encourage people to click on your videos. You must keep the thumbnail and title match the video closely. Because if they’re misleading or irrelevant, people will click away from the video, which harms your average view duration and the chances of showing up in the suggested videos. You can use Canva to create high quality images even if you’re not a graphic design pro.


Collaborate with Other YouTubers

If you’re just starting out on social media and don’t have a fan base you can bring over to YouTube, one of the best things you can do to build your audience is through collaboration with other YouTubers.

Not only is this a good alternative to buying ads, the organic nature of collaborations can help you build your own credibility. Don’t be afraid to reach out to the bigger and more well-known channels, because many of them are open to working with other channels. Just reach out to them with an idea and let them know what you would need from then to make it happen – then make it happen, together.


Rinse and Repeat

Though it may take some time to gain traction, keep at it. Each video you create adds a content asset to your library – a new pathway to connect and engage with potential customers. GoPro – which you may want to invest in if you need to have videos with a lot of action – is one of the brands that rose to fame thanks to YouTube. Once customers got the camera in their hands, they began uploading content to YouTube, featuring GoPro in the title – which lead to the creation of the GoPro Network. With persistence, your brand could be the next one to rise to fame courtesy of the video sharing platform.

Are you on YouTube? Drop your channel below – I’d love to check it out!

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