Digital Marketing

Are Micro Niche Websites a Good Idea?

Micro niche websites – or those that cover a small topic in only a few pages – still remain fairly popular online today. Why? Because when executed correctly, you can turn them into money-making websites pretty quickly. However, as Google seeks to provide its users with high-quality results, it can be harder to get those micro niche sites the traffic they need to produce conversions…, are they really still a good idea?

What is a Microniche Website?

A microniche website is a super small website made of just a few pages. Generally speaking, it’s anywhere from one to 10 pages. It’s a niche because it focuses on a specific keyword. There are a lot of profitable ideas out there, and in most cases, a micro niche site is an exact match domain. For instance, if you’re targeting the keyword, “discount watches online” your domain would be (or .org, .net, etc.). You’d fill the site with content that’s about discount watches, all targeted at that main keyword, and use advertising or affiliate marketing to generate income.

There’s Power in Volume

You won’t be able to quit your day time anytime soon if you only have one or two of these micro niche sites. In other words, the more you build, and the better the keywords you target, the higher your income potential. Marketers who began building these small sites in 2008 or so were easily able to quit their jobs by early 2011 because their AdSense income provided more than their corporate job.

The primary benefit of these kinds of small sites is that you can quickly target keywords and having an exact match domain usually provides a benefit for ringing in Google. By targeting such specific terms, you’re often able to write articles about exactly what the searchers are looking for whereas sometimes the competition only generally discusses the topic.

Times Have Changed

Though many marketers have built hundreds of small niche sites, times have changed. With the Panda and Penguin Google updates, there are now hurdles to how easily sites used to rank. You can still rank micro-niche sites but it really isn’t the best strategy anymore. It’s often easier to switch your focus to fewer sites with more content. Using a strategy of building larger more authoritative sites is better in the long run. Instead of having 30 micro niche websites, focus your attention on two or three authoritative sites in different niches to keep your income stream varied.

You can use small sites to test the market, make some quick money, or in general, test your skills. but, for the amount of time it takes to rank today, it’s better to build something more significant that can bring in even more money. A better long-term strategy is building up your small niche websites with more content, and higher quality to attract natural links.

Defining Your Micro Niche

Most people in business know what a niche is. Health, fitness, business, finance, those are all niches. But a quick search reveals millions of people blogging about those topics. If you want to set yourself apart from your it makes sense to start with a micro-niche. Rather than focusing your brand on general fitness, you can opt to specialize in fitness for those with disabilities, fitness for teen girls, or fitness for seniors. Those are micro-niches.

Some other micro niches are:

  • Tiny houses: Micro-niche in real estate
  • Disney Cruises: Micro-niche in the travel/cruise industry
  • All-natural makeup: Micro-niche in the skincare industry
  • Curly hair care: Micro-niche in the beauty industry
  • Drones
  • Home automation
  • Air purifiers
  • Beard oil
  • Yoga
  • Virtual Private Network (VPN)

When choosing your niche, it needs to be popular in the United States and have a high commercial value or a high CPC, cost per click. Choose a topic that you are comfortable with and related to your business. Look for something that has a good search rate.

Benefits of a Micro Niche

As a small business, when you consider streamlining your services to a more specific area, it’s natural to worry about the loss of potential clients. However, the opposite is quite true. Developing a micro niche for your brand helps to increase your client numbers because you are targeting those who are most likely to be interested in what you have to offer.

Benefits of micro-niches include:

  • Easier Marketability: Standing out from the crowd is the key to getting attention for your brand and increasing sales. Micro niches make this possible and lead to business growth.
  • Increased Profitability: Because of the low competition, you’ll naturally experience greater profits. You have access to more clients who share your desires, passions, and interest.
  • Low Competition: Since the niche is highly specialized, there are fewer businesses to compete against.
  • Easier to Gain Traction:  All small businesses need momentum to get started and continue growing. Using a micro-niche can help you gain the traction you need to make progress.

Gone are the days where you could do a little keyword research, buy an exact match keyword domain, and build a basic website within 10 minutes or less on WordPress. However, using the micro-niche approach to create an authoritative quality website with lots of content targeted at the right audience can be just as beneficial as the old-school microsites used to be.

By Eric Sachs

SEO virtuoso, CEO @Sachs Marketing Group. Focused on being of service to business owners - helping to better position them in the eyes of their audiences.

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