Social Media

How to Make Your Content Go Viral in 2017

Understanding how to make your content go viral is an ongoing, uphill challenge. To make content go viral in 2017, it was essential to understand audience preferences, leverage trending topics, and create shareable, engaging content. Utilizing visual elements like videos and infographics, crafting compelling headlines, and optimizing for social sharing was crucial. Collaborating with influencers and timely promotion also played significant roles in viral content success.

Have you ever wondered what makes content go viral? While sometimes it is just the luck of the draw, there’s been research to show what makes some types of content do better than others online.

This infographic breaks down the key things you need to create viral content: sharability, emotion, readership, imagery, and usefulness.


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Creating content that goes viral involves a deep understanding of what resonates with your audience and triggers sharing. The first step is to tap into the emotions and interests of your target audience. Content that elicits strong emotional responses, be it laughter, awe, inspiration, or even outrage, is more likely to be shared. Incorporating storytelling can amplify this effect, as stories are naturally engaging and memorable. It’s important to create content that feels authentic and relatable, as this fosters a deeper connection with the audience. Additionally, staying abreast of current trends and cultural moments can help create relevant and timely content that captures the collective interest.

The format and presentation of content are equally critical for virality. Visual elements like images, infographics, and videos tend to engage more effectively than text-only content. Videos, especially, have the power to go viral if they are short, captivating, and have a strong hook in the first few seconds. The content should be easily shareable; this means considering the platforms on which it will be shared and optimizing the content accordingly. For instance, content for Instagram should be visually appealing, while Twitter content should be concise and witty. Making content interactive, such as through polls, quizzes, or contests, can also increase engagement and shareability. Moreover, crafting catchy, intriguing headlines and descriptions can encourage clicks and shares.

Finally, the dissemination strategy is vital in determining a piece of content’s viral potential. Leveraging influencers and brand advocates to share your content can significantly increase its reach. Social media platforms are key in this regard; understanding the nuances of each platform and tailoring the content to fit can make a big difference. Timing also plays a crucial role – releasing content when your audience is most active online increases visibility. Continuous engagement with the audience post-release through comments, shares, and follow-up posts can sustain the momentum. However, it’s important to note that virality often involves an element of unpredictability and luck. While these strategies can increase the chances of content going viral, they do not guarantee it, and it’s crucial to maintain consistent quality and authenticity in all content creation efforts.

By Eric Sachs

SEO virtuoso, CEO @Sachs Marketing Group. Focused on being of service to business owners - helping to better position them in the eyes of their audiences.

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