SMG News

Clutch Spotlights CEO Eric Sachs

Clutch, a leading reviewer of professional services firms, took the time to sit down with our CEO and Director of Business Development, Eric Sachs, to discuss how Sachs Marketing Group began, what differentiates us, and what is in store for the coming years. Five key questions that Eric answers in the dialogue include:

  • Can you describe the history and evolution of Sachs Marketing?
  • When you sit down with a potential client, how do you define goals in a reasonable way, without overpromising, but also establishing benchmarks?
  • Do you have any specific requirements for a potential client? Are you looking for any kind of time commitment, or minimum budget?
  • What makes Sachs Marketing stand out?
  • What will Sachs Marketing look like in 2020?

Interested in hearing the answers and learning more on what Sachs Marketing Group is all about? You can read the full interview here. We are grateful to the Clutch team for taking the time to spotlight Eric and what we do here at SMG. Thanks, Clutch!

By Eric Sachs

SEO virtuoso, CEO @Sachs Marketing Group. Focused on being of service to business owners - helping to better position them in the eyes of their audiences.

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