
How to Handle Negative Customer Reviews

If you own a business, online reviews are part of the territory. Unfortunately, no matter how you conduct your business, some of those reviews will be negative. After all, it’s impossible to keep 100% of your customers happy 100% of the time. Because online reviews are such an important part of local SEO, it’s important to know how to handle the negative when it comes along, as it’s an essential part of online reputation management.

Years ago, an episode of Kitchen Nightmares aired on TV and created a social media frenzy. The owners of Amy’s Baking Company did exactly what you shouldn’t do. They became defensive, accusatory, and even called people names. After a failed attempt to clean up their image, the bakery remained open for a short time before closing its doors.

The Power of Customer Reviews

If you think reviews are no big deal, I’ve got some news for you – they affect your business more than you realize. Nearly 95% of shoppers read online reviews before making purchases. The majority of buyers (88%) are influenced in their buying decisions by reviews. Reviews produce an 18% increase in sales.

Unfortunately for you and all other businesses, people are much more willing to share a negative experience with their peers than they are a positive one. That means working hard to provide quality products and customer service and going above and beyond when and where possible to ensure everyone has a great experience with your company.

Part of handling negative customer reviews means you must distance yourself emotionally, working hard not to take things personally – even if you know what the reviewer says isn’t the full story. Ignoring negative customer reviews can also backfire, because there’s nothing you can do to remove them from your profiles. That means potential customers will see the bad reviews and take note of the fact that you’ve done nothing to respond. Here’s what to do.

Reply to All Reviews

You should be taking the time to reply to all reviews, both positive and negative. When someone leaves a positive review, at least thank them for the time it took to leave the review. When it comes to a negative review, you’ll have to spend more time crafting the appropriate response. Replying to all reviews is better than only acknowledging the positive ones, only acknowledging the negative ones, or worse, never acknowledging any review.

This means monitoring all your review profiles online – not just the ones you’re most familiar with, or your favorite. You’ll want to spend some time looking for any profiles you may have on review sites and directories, claiming the listings when you find them, so you have more control over the information that’s presented.

Listen Carefully

Pay close attention to what the reviewer is saying. This type of feedback can help you see ways to improve your business operations, whether it be through improved customer service, additional products and services, or another strategy. If you notice a pattern in the complaints, then you know you have a much larger issue at hand to fix. Ignore the quality of its presentation – as many people are quick to vent anger from behind a keyboard, and focus on what’s actually being said. The reality is few people are able to articulate criticism in such a manner that makes you comfortable accepting it and learning from it.

Even if you know the person is wrong, don’t try to prove it to be so. That approach isn’t helpful for anyone, even if you can prove it. You must listen to the other person without planning your reply in advance.

Listening can help you determine the root cause so you can prevent it from being an issue for other customers. For example, if you have a client who is refusing to pay for the promotional flyers you produced for them, look at why:

Why? The delivery was late, so the flyers couldn’t be used.

Why? The job took longer than it was supposed to.

Why? Because the printer ran out of ink.

Why? Because we used all the ink on a large, last minute order.

Why? We didn’t have any left in stock, and we couldn’t order it fast enough.

Solution: Work to find an ink supplier who can deliver on short notice.

Apologize for the Issue

After you’ve read the review and understand the key issues the reviewer mentions, take time to apologize for their experience. Let them know you heard them, and you’re taking the necessary steps to prevent the issue from happening again in the future (then make you sure you have a way to do so.)

Most of the time when someone leaves you a poor review, they want to be heard and acknowledged. Taking the time to understand where they are coming from and apologize can go a long way in repairing the relationship.

Put yourself in the customer’s shoes and imagine how they feel. Even if you can’t deliver a solution, you can deliver empathy. Even if you didn’t do whatever it was that upset them to the point where they left the review, you can still genuinely apologize for the way the customer feels.

Direct the Conversation Offsite for Resolution

To keep your review profile as clean as possible, in your response you should provide contact information. Encourage the reviewer to reach out to you via email or by phone so you can discuss the particulars of the situation in more detail and come to an acceptable resolution. This way, the reviewer knows you’re willing to work with them but want to protect any sensitive data such as account numbers, payment methods, and personally identifying information. And most importantly, the people who will be reading your customer reviews in the future see that you are making every effort to rectify the situation, regardless of whether the reviewer actually responds to you or not.

When the person contacts you to resolve the issue, ask questions. This can help clear up communication so you understand the core message better.

Customer experiences have a lasting impact on whether or not someone is willing to continue doing business with your company. By being willing to accept that no one is perfect and take responsibility for your mistakes while also looking for a way to resolve them and prevent them in the future, you have a much greater chance at salvaging the relationship.

Social Media

Mastering Reputation Management on Social Media Platforms

Social signals – how many collective shares, mentions, likes, and follows your business’s social media profiles have on an ongoing basis – are a big deal right now. They hold significant weight in determining rank because Google sees a high degree of positive interactions as indicating that you’re reliable, trustworthy, and ultimately, sharing content your fans and followers find useful.

That’s exactly why so many businesses now consider Social Media Marketing (SMM) an absolute must for staying competitive in SEO. Without social signals pointing to your business, you’re left trailing behind everyone else who manages to get it right, but that doesn’t mean SMM is without risk.

The Risk of a Negative Rep

The problem is that Google considers social signals so important for overall rank and reach. Negative reputations on social media sites have the potential to harm not just your social media presence, but your entire rank and reach right across the board.

Complicating matters even further is the fact that negative reputations can be warranted or unwarranted. On the business side, you may share a joke or post something that seems innocuous, yet has stereotypical, racial, or political overtones, leading to an avalanche of outrage in response to your well-intentioned content.

Or, maybe you really did manage to mess up with a customer or guest. Maybe you went out of your way to repair that relationship, offering refunds or fixes, but they refused them and prefer to complain on your wall instead.

On the other side of the coin is malicious reputation attacks. These are the instances where someone, either a customer or even a competitor, drops by your social media accounts with a well-fabricated story, drops it on your wall, and attracts attention from your fans and followers. Within hours, you’re getting slammed with negative reviews and calls for boycotts. It doesn’t even necessarily matter whether or not you actually completed whatever atrocity they’re claiming; it only matters how loud and visible they are.

Then you have the true public relations disasters – like this post where Adidas congratulated people on surviving the Boston Marathon, or this post from  McDonald’s that slammed Donald Trump. Your thoughts on Trump or the Boston Marathon aside, these posts both obviously needed more consideration before they went live.

Proactive Prevention is Best

Obviously, preventing problems from occurring in the first place is the best way to prevent yourself from developing a negative reputation. Serve your customers well, strive for greatness, and carefully review posts before they go live. It seems like common sense, but there are enough businesses breaking these three critical rules that it bears repeating again and again.

But what about when you’re already struggling? What if you’re being maliciously attacked by a follower? If you’re in the midst of a scandal, prevention isn’t going to fix the slide downward. Instead, you need to address the issue with negative reputation recovery strategies to restore your good name.

Truthfully, negative reputation recovery can be immensely frustrating. It’s time-consuming, complicated, delicate, and often, expensive, but it’s a must if you’re already embroiled in a scandal or negative viral campaign.

In the rest of this article, I’ll outline the steps you should take to avoid making it worse. The goal? Pulling your profiles back into neutral territory without being eaten alive on the way.

Step Away from the Keyboard

Yes, this sounds counter-intuitive, especially when you have a scandal unfolding right in front of your eyes. But rapid responses filled with emotion, especially anger and indignant frustration, won’t do you any favors. They’ll just make your business look unprofessional and convince people there’s a good reason for your negative rep.

Whether your situation is unfolding slowly, or you just woke up to a massive PR disaster, the first (and only) first step is to take stock and figure out what happened. This means deep analysis of the situation – how it started, how it’s unfolding, what people are saying, and who is affected.

It is extremely important that you don’t jump in when you see “dog-piling” – negative conversations that tend to build on themselves. Although it may be hard, set aside your desire to break it up and let it be for now until you have a plan. No matter how logical your argument, you won’t win.

Respond to the Right People

Who you respond to (or where you respond) makes almost as much difference as how you respond. If the issue started with a single customer, and mostly expanded with supporters dog-piling on and sending the issue viral, address the customer directly and publicly by apologizing.

It’s best to invite customers to speak with you privately while also treating them like a human publicly. Encourage private communication, but don’t be surprised of they refuse or if you’re accused of attempting to “hide” the problem. This is immensely common in today’s social media world.

Let’s say the issue is bigger than just one person. Maybe you inadvertently re-shared something with subtle racial overtones or a sexual innuendo you completely missed before you shared it. In cases like these, a public post with an apology and an outline of how you intend to fix the problem in the future is better. ‘

If the situation has already exploded, it may be better to release an all-points press release or apology on all channels. Save this type of response for when all other measures have failed.

Start with an Apology

Let me be clear: apologies are an absolute must. Without them, you have virtually no chance of coming back from a disaster.

Apologies should feel genuine, should be empathetic, and should never use cut-and-paste standard responses. Followers see through copy-pastes in seconds, and will usually just point out your lack of effort.

Make it honest, transparent, and genuine, and speak like you were speaking to a colleague or friend. Never include phrases like “didn’t really mean it that way” “sorry you were offended” or any form of sarcasm; this is social media suicide.

Think of your apology as the beginning of your recovery story; your plan for the future is how you reach your happy ending. Don’t just say you’re “taking steps” to resolve a problem – so long as it doesn’t further jeopardize your reputation, tell your followers that those steps are and how you plan to implement them.

Fix the Problem and Move Forward

The next step is to identify whether you can take action to fix the problem. There are no magic solutions here; the best “fix” depends on variables like your business, your niche, your following, and even the scope and category of PR disaster you’re experiencing.

Ultimately, “fixing the problem” generally involves correcting a process or changing your business’s policies to prevent further irresponsibility or issues. And that starts with acknowledging your role or responsibility; then, you need to showcase how you will evolve and grow from it.

In the final section, I’m going to highlight two instances where brands overcame social media reputation disasters to bounce back.

Brand Examples

Sometimes, it’s easier to understand just how good (or bad) things can go based on a single reaction. Let’s review a few major social media disasters and see where past brands got it right.

Entenmann’s Hashtag Snafu

During the culmination of the Casey Anthony trial, when #notguilty was trending on Twitter in reference to the case, Entenmann’s made a major blunder. The company, who sells baked goods, tweeted “”Who’s #notguilty about eating all the tasty treats they want?!”

Of course, what ended up happening is that Entenmann’s appeared as if they had taken advantage of the currently-trending #notguilty tweet to drive home more sales. Naturally, the public reacted swiftly and angrily, accusing them of everything from greed to irresponsibility to making light of the verdict. Sure, that wasn’t their intention…but it didn’t really matter at that point.

Entenmann’s took responsibility of the scenario quickly. They deleted the initial tweet and reposted another:

“Sorry everyone, we weren’t trying to reference the trial in our tweet! We should have checked the trending hashtag first” and added “Our #notguilty tweet was insensitive, albeit completely unintentional. We are sincerely sorry.”

What worked so well here wasn’t just the apology – it was the fact that Entenmann’s addressed their failure directly, acknowledged their role, and identified exactly how they would prevent if from ever happening again (checking trending tags first).

Chrysler’s Media Company Debacle

This issue with Chrysler several years ago is a great example. The company contracted a media agency to handle their posts. Someone from the media company ended up firing out an f-bomb through what he thought was his own account, but was really Chrysler’s account. It slammed Detroit drivers for being unable to drive.

“I find it ironic that Detroit is known as #motorcity and yet no one here knows how to f#*!ing drive.”

What made this scenario especially difficult is that Chrysler is an iconic Detroit car manufacturer; they’re deeply tied to the area and the immense struggle it’s experienced over the last 50 years.

Which is exactly why Chrysler didn’t just apologize; they took action by breaking their contract with the media company:

“Chrysler Group LLC will not renew its contract with New Media Strategies (NMS) for the remainder of 2011. NMS has agreed to support us with an orderly transition until a new agency has been named. We thank them for the work they have provided to us and wish them the best as they move forward.”

New Media, the company responsible, also took action by firing the individual and aligning themselves with Chrysler’s innocence by taking responsibility. In short, they did the right thing.

Can’t seem to get on top of your reputation issues? We use advanced strategies to address reputation and PR concerns from a holistic perspective. Let’s come up with a plan to get you back on track and positively regarded by the public.

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