How To Use Instagram Carousels to Drive Engagement

How To Use Instagram Carousels to Drive Engagement - Sachs Marketing

Instagram carousels are not a new feature, and were first introduced to Instagram in 2017. So why bring them up now? They’ve regained relevance in 2022 because of engagement trends, signaling a change in how users on Instagram are behaving and consuming content. While the rule of social media marketing is often that content is … Read more

Instagram Announces Plan to Develop Influencer Marketplace

Instagram Announces Plan to Develop Influencer Marketplace

Instagram has seen a surge in daily use because of the pandemic, along with the rest of the social media landscape. It has also affected the dynamic and culture of Instagram influencers – and the rise of influence activism and community outreach through social media. Many of these brand-influencer relationships were formed through platforms like … Read more

Facebook Confirms: Instagram For Kids Is Coming

Facebook Confirms: Instagram For Kids Is Coming

According to an internal post obtained by BuzzFeed News and a statement from Mark Zuckerberg given at a Congressional hearing earlier in March, Facebook is currently prioritizing the development of an Instagram for Kids, specifically targeting audiences below the age of 13. Instagram’s vice president of product, Vishal Shah, wrote to employees on the company … Read more

Instagram Guides Now Available to All Users

Instagram Guides Now Available to All Users - Sachs Marketing Group

In May, most of the country was used to the idea of working from home, with the understanding that this isolation would be indefinite. Instagram used this to launch its Guides feature, focusing on mental health. Initially, Guides were only available to certain content creators, organizations, publishers, and public figures. It allowed those accounts to … Read more

Hack Your Way to New Instagram Filters

Hack Your Way to New Instagram Filters - Sachs Marketing Group

Did you know that Instagram is hiding a large selection of filters from you? Did you know there’s a way for you to quickly and easily access your favorites? Let’s go beyond using filters in your feed posts, to discovering filters in your reels and stories, as well as different filters for each image within … Read more

Instagram Saves are the New Super Like

Instagram Saves are the New Super Like - Sachs Marketing Group

Likes are a thing of the past. Saves are where it’s at – and brands like yours need to pay attention. Instagram has been testing the removal of likes for a while now, which left brands scrambling, at first, to find a replacement success metric. That success metric is here – the private “saves” metric. … Read more

Are Sponsored Giveaway Contests on Instagram Worth the Investment?

Are Sponsored Giveaway Contests on Instagram Worth the Investment? - Sachs Marketing Group

If you want to expand your Instagram presence and grow your following, you may be wondering if a sponsored Instagram contest is a good idea. While you can host it on your own account, it can be harder to gain traction if you’re just starting out. That’s why many people opt to use an influencer’s … Read more

Ads for IGTV Are Coming

IGTV Ads Are Coming

IGTV ads are a monetization feature on Instagram, allowing creators to earn revenue by including short advertisements in their IGTV (Instagram TV) videos. These ads, typically lasting up to 15 seconds, are inserted at natural breaks in content, offering brands a new avenue to reach audiences. This feature not only benefits advertisers with increased visibility … Read more

How to Get Approved for Instagram Shopping and Product Tags

How to Get Approved for Instagram Shopping and Product Tags - Sachs Marketing Group

If you are in the e-commerce space and want to take full advantage of Instagram, you must apply for Instagram shopping and product tagging. However, if you don’t do things correctly, you could find your application has been denied. If you have been denied for Instagram Shopping and product tagging in the past, follow these … Read more

Study: What 100 Social Media Followers are Worth

Study: What 100 Social Media Followers are Worth - Sachs Marketing Group

While a recent study set out to answer what 100 social media followers are worth, it’s difficult to measure the ROI. The value of social media followers lies beyond mere numbers – it’s about engagement and conversion potential. Followers who actively interact with content and align with the brand’s target audience are more valuable. They … Read more

6 Ways to Engage Your Audience on Social Media

6 Ways to Engage Your Audience on Social Media - Sachs Marketing Group

There are several ways to engage your audience on social media, some of which are more effective than others. Effective ways to engage audiences on social media include creating interactive content like polls and quizzes, hosting live sessions or Q&As, responding promptly to comments and messages, sharing user-generated content, personalizing content to audience preferences, and … Read more

Preparing for Instagram’s New Local Business Profile Pages

Preparing for Instagram's New Local Business Profile Pages - Sachs Marketing Group

In March, word of Business Pages rolling out on Instagram started making its way around the internet. Though we’re nowhere near an official release, if you want to be among the first businesses on Instagram to take advantage of this feature once it’s fully available to the public, it’s time to do some prep work. … Read more

Ultimate Guide to Choosing Instagram Hashtags for High Engagement

Ultimate Guide to Choosing Instagram Hashtags for High Engagement - Sachs Marketing Group

Instagram has more than one billion monthly active users, with more than 500 million of them using the platform every day. In terms of social networks, only Facebook and YouTube have more logging in. What’s more important for businesses, however, is the fact that 60% of those users turn to Instagram to find new products. … Read more

IGTV or Instagram Live? Here’s How to Pick

IGTV or Instagram Live? Here's How to Pick - Sachs Marketing Group

Video is the lifeblood of the Internet. It fuels our entertainment, lets us advertise products, and even has the potential to teach, inspire, and change the world. Now, even Instagram is getting into the game and letting people record longer clips. Instagram actually has one of the most robust video platforms on the market (aside … Read more

Here’s How Instagram’s New Algorithms Functions

How Instagram’s New Algorithms Functions - Sachs Marketing Group

Instagram is changing – okay, that’s not really a new phenomenon, really. The platform evolves every few months much like Facebook, changing back end coding here and there to hopefully produce better results for users and advertisers. The most recent changes, however, are a bit more involved. Essentially, Instagram is changing how their feed works. … Read more

How to Create Instagram-Worthy Photos to Grow Your Account

Instagram-Worthy Photos to Grow Your Account - Sachs Marketing Group

Creating Instagram-worthy photos involves understanding good lighting, composition, and the use of color. Utilizing the rule of thirds, experimenting with different angles, and ensuring high image quality are key. Editing photos for a consistent aesthetic and using filters judiciously enhance appeal. Capturing unique, authentic moments and storytelling through imagery resonates with Instagram audiences. Taking fantastic … Read more

13 Ways to Improve Instagram Advertising

13 Ways to Improve Instagram Advertising - Sachs Marketing Group

Instagram is one of the most popular social networks, reaching more than 400 million users in less than five years after the launch. That’s more than Twitter and Snapchat. Now that the Instagram  advertising platform is available for everyone, it’s a particularly useful way to connect with potential customers – especially Millennials – and grow … Read more

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