Content Marketing

10 Reasons You Need an Editorial Calendar

It doesn’t matter if you’re planning social media posts or planning to roll out new website content; no marketing strategy can be successful without a plan. You always need an organized set of goals dictating what your brand’s online message will be, how those messages will evolve throughout the year, and how they will be communicated.

Enter the editorial calendar. You know you need one, and you’ve probably been avoiding the project altogether – but holding off in its creation could be doing you more harm than good. We want to help you get back on track and get this year really rockin’ with great results. So let’s make it happen, shall we?

Time Savings

One of the reasons business owners avoid editorial calendars is because they take time to set up. The reality is that this is true of all new projects. Once you have it up and running, it begins to function like a well-oiled machine.

Sure, it takes time to find a great format, figure out workflows, and make adjustments to the process. Once that’s done, though, your biggest (and how easier) project will be to load up content titles and ideas for each of your projects. You’ll also find you’re no longer wasting time scrambling to come up with last-minute content for items that were missed because they weren’t on a visual calendar to start with.


A quick look at your editorial calendar will help you figure out where you’re falling flat. When you create your initial calendar, it sometimes helps to look back a month and plug in what types of content you published. Did you randomly publish a couple of blogs, ten Twitter posts one day and then none for a week, or one YouTube video in what was supposed to be a two-part series? Having a strong editorial calendar in place will help you to establish a consistent publishing pace.

Sticking to the 4-1-1 Rule

Nope, we’re not dialing “information” for help. We’re talking about the 4-1-1 rule of marketing. This rule states that out of every six posts, there should be four pieces of entertaining or informational material for each one “soft” promotion (like an event) or “hard” promotion (like a sale). It keeps your audience interested and engaged without overwhelming them with advertisements and hard sells. Your calendar will help you to keep your ratio in check.

Ease of Planning Themed Content

Do you usually plan big promotions around specific holidays or events? An editorial calendar will allow you to target the big day and then map out the content you want to run in the days, weeks, or even months beforehand. Some promotions are fast-hitting while others require a slow build with increased levels of content as you hit the peak. Editorial calendars offer the visual space you need to map things out.

Ease of Planning Evergreen Content

Evergreen content isn’t tied to a specific time of year; it’s always relevant, no matter what season you’re in. Search engines love this type of content as it works well with keywords and doesn’t become outdated quickly. It’s important to make sure you’re adding evergreen content to your content marketing strategies, sprinkling it in between your themed content.

Diverse Content Scheduling

Having an editorial calendar makes it easy to see what type of content you have scheduled at any given time. You get to see content type, subject matter, categories, associated clients, and just about anything else you need to list, too. You’ll never end up posting two infographics in a row again, and you won’t spend too many days in a row on the same niche subject.

Worried about having a stroke of genius and not being able to fit it in? Using a calendar doesn’t mean you have to trash your title ideas; it means you can drag and drop them to different dates so your readers don’t get bored.

Quick Adjustments

Another benefit of the content calendar is that it’s easy to pick something up and move it to a different date. Let’s say there’s breaking news in your industry and you want to fit in a new blog post on the subject. You merely have to browse your editorial calendar, find the day you want to publish, and maybe reschedule the original piece for a different day; a task that will be easy because you can simply pop the original piece into an empty spot on the calendar. You won’t have to pull your hair out wondering how to rearrange your scribbled post-it notes.

Budget Considerations

Marketing costs money. Most companies have a very specific dollar amount budgeted per month, quarter, or year. Content types may vary in price, which can make it difficult to know what to budget when you’re first starting out.

Think about the contingencies involved with creating each content type on your calendar. Maybe you can create videos in-house but need an outside graphic designer to do your infographics. Knowing your budget – and having it openly displayed on an easy-to-read calendar – will ensure you’re spreading your marketing dollars out wisely. Your goal (and result) will be that important campaigns get what they need each quarter.

More Traffic and Engagement

Having an editorial calendar isn’t just about mapping out a better content strategy. The entire process has a trickle-down effect, bringing more traffic to your website and social media platforms. Regular, consistent efforts result in ongoing increases in traffic as well as engagement. You’ll end up with more email sign-ups, more targeted leads, and a better overall ROI.

Planning Ahead, Looking Back

While it’s great to know what you’re going to publish in advance, it’s also incredibly helpful to be able to look back at what you’ve already done. Your marketing team should be tracking the metrics associated with every blog, newsletter, and social media post you put out in the universe. You’ll be able to look back at the reach, open rates, clicks, and engagement levels to determine which subjects were more popular with your audience. Creating more content around those same topics will help you to skyrocket your results.

Look, it would be false to say it isn’t a bit of work to set up an editorial calendar. But once you have it in place, we really think you’ll be amazed at how easy your content marketing strategies are to plan. Give it a shot and let us know how it goes!

Digital Marketing

Step-By-Step Guide to Building an Editorial Calendar for Your Blog

An editorial calendar for your blog helps you keep up with what needs to be written and published and when. It’s a good idea to put one together for the month, if not for the year, at the beginning of the year. It helps you plan your blog’s content around marketing campaigns, holidays, and other events, too. Knowing what you’ve got coming up ensures your content and other assets are always ready to go ahead of time off and sick days. Plus, if you’ve got a team of people working on the blog, the editorial calendar keeps everyone working from the same page – saving time and potential frustration from duplicated efforts.


Step One: Determine Your Categories

If you’re working with a brand new blog, you’ll need to determine the categories you’ll use. If you have an existing blog, it’s a good time to do an audit. What are the broad topics you cover on your blog? Those are good places to start with your categories.

If you’ve already got categories, take a look at where you placed posts in the past year. Are there any categories you’re not using? Are there any categories you could combine into one? Are there any new categories you should add based on a new direction you’re taking with your blog this year?


Step Two: Post Frequency

How often are you going to post on your blog? Nothing says you have to post every day, but whatever schedule you’re going to follow, it’s a good idea to keep it consistently, for the sake of your audience.

If you’re not sure what you can commit to, start small with one to three posts a week. As you get more comfortable with it, you can decide whether or not you want to increase it, or add another writer or two to your team.


Step Three: Spreadsheet or in Your Blog?

For most people, the spreadsheet seems to be the easy answer. But, the older your blog gets, or the more people you have involved in the topic selection and post approval process, the harder it can be to manage.


If You Opt for a Spreadsheet:

If the spreadsheet seems to be the easiest thing for you to do, make sure you have columns for the following information.

  • Post Date
  • Author – if you’re part of a multi-author blog
  • Working Title – at least just the topic you want to cover
  • Post Description – this can be something to remind you what you want to cover, or it can be a meta description, if you want. If it’s a basic description of what you want to cover, it can help you when it comes time to write the meta description for SEO purposes.
  • Status – draft, written, scheduled, published, hold
  • Category
  • Tags and Keywords
  • Calls to Action
  • Notes/Resources

This will help you keep track of what you need to write and publish and when. If you need to share it with others, use something like Google Sheets or add it to a shared folder in Dropbox or OneDrive.


WordPress Plugins to Help You

If a spreadsheet seems like it will be too much work to keep up with as things scale, you can keep an editorial calendar right within your blog, using a plugin.

  • Editorial CalendarThis is a free, no-frills option, which works wonderfully for a single blogger. It presents a calendar format where you can create a new post, which automatically places one in draft on that date. If you change your mind and want to move it, simply click and drag it over to the new date. As your blog grows, this one will continue to do you well. However, you may find it becomes less effective if you bring on additional authors to contribute.
  • CoScheduleThis is a premium plugin that will run you $10/month. But, for many, it’s worth it simply because of the additional features it offers compares to free plugins. It’s a great option for people who are working as part of a team, because it makes it easy for everyone to leave notes and comments for each other. Plus, you can add tasks to each post, and assign those tasks and posts to anyone on the team. You can make the tasks anything you want – so it can be as simple as “research for X post” or “image creation” or something completely different and unrelated. One reason people like CoSchedule is the fact that you can manage your social media promotion from the calendar, crafting and scheduling social media updates to go along with each post. And, your blog posts aren’t the only thing you can add to the social media calendar.
  • EditFlowThis is a free plugin that works well for teams. It’s a lot like the Editorial Calendar plugin, but has additional features like editorial comments, custom post statuses, and user groups, so you as the blog owner can more easily collaborate with your writing team, and even on a post-by-post basis. The idea is to reduce the number of emails that go back and forth between the writer and editor, and by keeping the notes for each post in a central place, you save time and effort. Custom statuses make it easier for you to create the workflow that works best for you, and allows you to focus solely on posts in each status group. For instance, if you have “needs edits” you can sit down and work with all the writers on posts that need editing before they can move to “ready for scheduling”. Then, you can look at all the posts in that category and schedule them out as needed to fit with your posting frequency.


Step Four: Plan for Guest Posts and Roundups

You don’t have to have something to fill every single part of the calendar on the days you intend to publish. You can leave room for curated link round ups, and guest posts from other bloggers, too. And until you gain enough traction to get people submitting guest posts to you, you can use networks to help you.

  • My Blog GuestThis is a free website for guest bloggers. You can sign up and offer guest blog content to other bloggers, and also let bloggers know you’re open to receiving and publishing guest posts from them. You can use the platform to network with other bloggers and build relationships, too.
  • Blogger LinkUpThis website is a list of resources for bloggers, but part of the website is dedicated to connecting bloggers and guest posters. You can submit requests for the type of posts you’re looking for, and other people can reach out to submit posts that fit those guidelines.

Becoming a part of these two sites can help you fill your editorial calendar with quality content without having to write every single thing yourself. As far as roundups go, you can host your own, or use them to promote your content on other blogs.

There’s some debate as to whether guest posts are a viable part of an SEO strategy anymore. In fact, Matt Cutts, a Google employee, said himself that guest blogging is no longer effective for SEO in January 2014. He says it’s gotten too spammy, and just doesn’t carry the same weight as it used to.

Others argue the practice isn’t dead – the statement from Cutts just meant the low quality fluff wasn’t going to pass anymore. Focus on quality, and the rest will fall into place. That’s why we’re still talking about guest blogging/posting years later. If you’re a good writer (or hire a good one to ghost for you) and can provide quality and value with each of your posts – whether they’re going on your blog, another blog, or a major publishing platform – then that’s all that really matters.


Step Five: Start Filling Everything In

The beauty of an editorial calendar is the flexibility that’s built into it. As ideas start coming to you, start filling in as many details as much as possible. You’ll only be locked in to certain topics for certain times of the year – such as holiday topics around those days – but everything else you can move around as you see fit.

It’s up to you how much work you want to do at this stage – simply coming up with basic topic ideas could be enough, or, you may want to go more in-depth here, to make the actual writing stage simpler when the time comes.

What I like to do is come up with as many ideas as possible, place them on my calendar, and then when I’m finished there, I focus on the week at hand with more detail – finding keywords, images, and some basic links for research. Once I write a couple posts for the week, I’ll go back add more details to the topics for the rest of the month, so I can sit down and just write, for the most part.

That’s what works for me, but I realize that workflow won’t work for everyone. The beauty of the calendar is you can setup a workflow that works well for you. You may choose to batch your topics, batch your images… or write full post outlines, working only one week at a time for the whole year. Play around with it until you find the most efficient workflow that makes sense for you.


Step Six: Write and Schedule

Even if you don’t get the whole thing filled in right away, start writing and scheduling the first posts you have on tap for at least the first week, if not the first week or two. You don’t want to get too far ahead if your topics rely on timeliness, but you want to be far enough ahead to where you can take an unexpected day off without throwing off your entire blogging schedule.

I like to sit down once a week and write the posts for the week, going back to my editorial calendar to see what’s on tap. Some weeks, when I know I have more going on than usual, I will write less. But, the weeks when I know I have time, I will write a few more, just to make sure I have a steady flow of content ready to be published.


Step Seven: Consider What and How You Can Repurpose

Just because you’ve written a blog post on a topic doesn’t mean you can’t use that post or topic again. I’ve written about all the ways you can repurpose content, to help you get those creative juices flowing.


Keep Yourself On Track with Your Calendar

Blogging is hard work, and since consistency is the key to making it work for your business, your editorial calendar is a critical tool for your success. It should keep you from running out of things to blog about, and give you what you need to write ahead of time when you have extra time to devote to your blog.

What kind of editorial calendar do you use? Do you keep it with your social media calendar, or separate from it? Tell me in the comments below.

Photo credit: iStock

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