Digital Marketing

Keyword Research for SEO

The first step in any comprehensive SEO campaign is good, thorough keyword research.  You need to identify specific keywords for your industry.  At Sachs Marketing Group we evaluate keywords using several different metrics:

How many times is that keyword searched locally and globally?

Of the number of times that keyword was searched, how many people searching did so with a credit card in their hand and actually bought something when they found what they were searching for?

How much competition exists for each keyword (this will help determine the amount of time it will take us to rank on Google’s page-1 for a specific keyword)

Are the keywords good in terms of conversions?


Ex:  If you are selling tickets to a Dodger game, the keyword “Dodgers Tickets” would be MUCH better for conversions than “Dodgers” or “Dodgers Schedule.”


Once the keywords are chosen, we do all the on-site and off-site SEO necessary to rank your website for those same specific keywords in the top pages of Google, Yahoo and Bing.


Contact us today for a free, SEO analytic review of your website and web presence!

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By Eric Sachs

SEO virtuoso, CEO @Sachs Marketing Group. Focused on being of service to business owners - helping to better position them in the eyes of their audiences.

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